
Showing posts from 2016


Last year I wrote a little something about Back to the Future Day. People here in Australia were all very excited about it and celebrating Marty’s arrival from 1985, even though time-zones mean we're a day ahead or behind. But for most of us in Australia and the US, it was like he was arriving from the future because we have governments that seem hell-bent on returning us to the 1950's with all the economic mess and bad attitudes of 1985 to 2015 just too really make things even more unpleasant. More so for the US in the last year of their most recent 'Presidential' election.     It really makes no difference. Marty would arrive regardless of our timezone, but if you applied the logic used in that movie… well, things get hinky pretty quick. The flawed political and social attitudes and behaviours aside, there were so many things wrong with that movie it wasn’t funny, and yet the interaction between the characters was hilarious and the whole premise inspired an ...


When I was a kid,  Star Wars  hit the screens. I was four. I didn't see it until I was eight, but it captured my imagination and from that moment on my life was focused on science-fiction. Most lads my age were fans, but for me it was something that provided escape from the reality of an absent, indifferent, self-centered father, and the physical and psychological abuse inflicted by an alcoholic, psychotic mother and her lunatic second husband. As an adult, well, the abuse never stops and never goes away, and the  New Hope Star Wars  offered has turned out to as disappointing as almost everything else.  The reasons have been encapsulated in this gem on the Internet (see link below). It was posted under  Alternate Ending to The Empire Strikes Back . Sadly, and with a collective wince of what most of us would call embarrassment and shame, some people might find it rather amusing. To those who are a little less morally and ethically stunted, howeve...


Albert Einstein spent his life looking into space and atoms trying to prove what is now referred to as M-theory and the existence of multiple-realities. If he had payed closer attention to how people see the world and behave, he would have found his answers. People appear to exist in their own realities, observing and interpreting the world in different - often deluded - ways. Fortunately, he provided us with some great words of wisdom to help us function and co-exist. A while ago I came across this little gem (see link below). This idiotic rant was posted by someone who claims to have been a moderator for Facebook’s Administration team. It reveals some important points. First, Facebook is understaffed when it comes to administration duties. Second, meritocracy appears to play no part in employment of individuals for that role, Lyn herself being evidence. ...


It is no longer the final frontier where no-one has gone before. It is a vast region filled with stupidity. Anybody who visits a social media site like Facebook and news feeds will quickly discover an over-abundance of idiotic comments and posts that appear in response. There is a wealth of foolishness out there behind the screens, barely literate fingers poised over the keyboard, many of which have been set to Caps-lock and have a permanently depressed ‘!’ key. We’ve all see those ranting diatribes.  What  kind of person responds in such a politically incorrect manner, unleashing anti-social remarks that reveal moral and ethical bankruptcy, narcissism, projection, disassociation, and unhinged comments which demonstrate sociopathy on a scale that needs serious medication? How is it possible that folks so off their axle can be allowed to continue without censure, moving from one post to the next, trolling and inflicting themselves to cause as much misery as they can whe...