Paul has some serious personality problems and attacked someone from another generation (with no evidence or reason whatsoever) by claiming I thought I was better than him even as he claimed he was better than me. His supporters and Bradley did the same. Worse, they all just confirmed for a lot of others that people of Y-generation are idle, bigoted, self-centred and stupid when the reality is Paul and his mates represent a sad little minority of intellectually stunted people who know no generational boundaries. Well done. Bravo. *slow hand clap* Not to be outdone, another two contenders for half-wit of the week arrived on the scene. Justin, a real champ depicting himself as someone fighting for peace, love, equality and respect for the LGBTI community posted a variant of the standard ‘Blah blah’ response of idiots with nothing of value to contribute. Not as impressive as our poor, “struggling” and “oppressed” little Y-gen, Paul, who lives in Sydney, studies Engineering at ...