

Meanwhile, the government-controlled, staged Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse that excluded investigations into the police, public services, and anything that didn’t involve a sexual component (and even excused ‘familial’ violence inflicted on children by step-parents or live-in friends of parents) made 400 recommendations… but only 189 of them were new: the others had already been ignored to allow the abuse to continue. Like many of the new ones. The same systemic failures and entrenched culture of corruption forces victims to suffer in silence. Even the Royal Commission did that. When I contacted them they made it very clear that they were only interested in the abuse that happened in Churches (and even then, only that with a sexual component), that they would not be looking at failures in the police and public services, and that what happened t...


The vindictive workplace harassment and bullying in the public services by management who have the system rigged so they investigate themselves… and then inflict greater harm including unemployment and blacklisting victims so they can never get work again. The ATO refusing to investigate claims from minimum wage workers for unpaid Super, but then the very same scumbags raiding bank accounts to withdraw money illegally in what was referred to as a ‘toxic culture’. And it’s not just in government. The culture of corruption is entrenched in every aspect of our society. It is rampant. There is nowhere for victims to go to get justice. Predators in every agency protect one another. They do as they please with casual or complete disregard for the rights or lives of others because they can, and nobody will ...


The news about police corruption has moved off the front pages, buried by the media’s sick interest in what can only be considered the extreme depravity of people who should be exterminated for the good of society. The ‘Cole’ family and their incestuous acts of unrelenting paedophilia became a commodity simply because of the sensationalism of the horrific story. As one reporter mentioned, there are many, many other stories of similar child abuse that will never be told. And that, right there, appears to be part of the problem. Not just authorities claiming they only have a limited funding to investigate and act on all the complaints they receive, but that authorities, and people in the general public, have adopted some kind of perverse grading system. They decide, too often without even botheri...


How many times have we read or heard ‘stories’ of victims of domestic violence, child and elder abuse, suspicious deaths and other crimes, even the most extreme, where the authorities have not only done nothing to help, but actively refused to look at evidence and even discouraged the victims from speaking of it again, ever. This is the kind of behaviour we can expect from lawyers, whose only interest is making money from the suffering of others, and other freelance trolls who get off on causing harm to vulnerable people for no other reason than they can. I n one particular case involving the custody of three children, the ruling of Magistrate Joe Harman was disturbing for a number of reasons. Not only did Mr Harman only rely upon the findings of a single person who had only had brief encount...