The vindictive workplace harassment and bullying in the public services by management who have the system rigged so they investigate themselves… and then inflict greater harm including unemployment and blacklisting victims so they can never get work again. The ATO refusing to investigate claims from minimum wage workers for unpaid Super, but then the very same scumbags raiding bank accounts to withdraw money illegally in what was referred to as a ‘toxic culture’. And it’s not just in government.    

The culture of corruption is entrenched in every aspect of our society. It is rampant. There is nowhere for victims to go to get justice. Predators in every agency protect one another. They do as they please with casual or complete disregard for the rights or lives of others because they can, and nobody will stop them. A reporter stated, during a report on the ball tampering incident that “without a serious deterrent to discourage this kind of bad behaviour, it will be repeated”. Duh.

So why has nothing ever been done to discourage the bad behaviour? You only have to look at all our so-called political representatives. All the left-wing pro-Union ones claiming they care about us, but despite all their Union activity… they don’t give a damn about individuals who need their help. Neither do the Unions which took ‘fees’ from them. And the right-wing ones? What a bunch of fucking useless narcissistic arseholes whose only contribution to society is to parasitically feed off us and then say and do things so incredibly stupid we wait in hopeful anticipation for karma to kick them in the balls.

But because of all that empty, opportunistic rhetoric, you’d think the majority of people in society would be so angry they would force politicians to do the right thing. How can they though? Despite numberin in the millions, the general population, the (forced to be) silent majority (not to be confused with the very loud and obnoxious minority that claims they are the silent majority but are, in fact, part of the problem) have no real power, and the predators and parasites know it.

Consider my own efforts to alert the authorities to systemic failures of the years. Every attempt has gone unheeded, in some cases for decades. And yet, in every case, soon thereafter, the media latches onto similar situations are publishes a story about it. Other times, though, they publish bullshit stories about people suffering insignificant complaints about insignificant things, and how that person is suing and making a small fortune from their ‘pain and suffering’.

Meanwhile, people like me are being silenced by the authorities and the media is disinterested in what we could tell them. We suffer real physical, psychological, and financial harm as a result of what has been done to us. While one report is based on hearsay, they refuse to even listen to people like me let alone look at the evidence we have. They make an assumption that we have nothing, and dismiss us, and even make astonishing suggestions that translate as ‘get over it’ while, at the same time, expressing insincere sympathy and asking us to contact them again if there is anything else we’d like help with.

Have a read of The Tip of the Brimstone. Consider what happened there, how this shaped the victims, how many others also suffer in silence because they have been subjected to the same brutalities and indignities at the hands of predators and the authorities, what has been exposed and what has changed in how the authorities respond to victims, how this has affected society in general, and whether any of this means anything at all given victims like me are still being forced to suffer in silence.

It’s been almost 35 years since I first tried to report it, and multiple times since. Over 45 years of relentless abuse and suffering. Still, not even an investigation. Countless victims, many of them being brutalised during those last 35 years. At least three people dead under suspicious circumstances, and possibly more. The offenders have continued to do the same things, even escalated as their twisted desires evolved to accomplish other goals. And their victims are still forced to remain silent... by them... and by the authorities.

A former police officer with a history of violence and sexual assaults against women and children that is even recorded in a letter from another victim. And the police knew about it 45 years ago. Hell, they covered it all up. A nurse who used her training to cover-up the crimes she committed. The son of a former town mayor. All of them friends with a former Chief Prosecutor in the town where the Timeline of Abuse detailing the crimes had to be reported. And a former Politician in the Gippsland region who has also financially benefited by his efforts to cover-up the abuse and at least one suspicious death.

The victims, like me, have to live with the horrors. We are forced to be complicit as IBAC and other agencies inflict acts designed to intimidate us into silence, legal services refuse to even listen to us let alone look at any evidence, because we do not have enough money to engage their ‘help’, and the media ignores our requests to tell our ‘stories’. And all the while, there are other victims, children now, who will face the same shit when they try to come forward and are told ‘nobody else has ever complained about that person’… followed by instructions to remain silent for the rest of their lives. 

And, as people like me are ignored and struggle with the psychological damage, the anxiety, depression, the headaches, PTSD, and darker thoughts, others ‘cope’ by simply assimilating what was done to them in order to try and ‘survive’, and then inflict it on their own victims. A vicious cycle created, concealed, maintained and enabled by the very authorities that claim they are there to ‘help’ the victims and stop the predators but, instead, do the very opposite.

And it’s not just child abuse, elder abuse and domestic violence victims that suffer this vile treatment. It’s victims of employers who bully their staff and refuse to pay wages and Super, and of the so-called public services and political representatives who claim they are there to ‘help’ the victims and stop the predators but, again, do the very opposite instead. On occasion, a sound bite will be played telling the public that victims should come forward, report it, that they are what helps fix the problems…

…but that’s bullshit. How can anyone fix a problem they won’t acknowledge is there, or learn anything when they refuse to listen? How is it helping when the victims are told to “piss off”? What has changed when the victim is still forced to suffer in silence? What kind of fuckknuckle thinks a victim has ‘closure’ and can ‘let it go’, ‘get over it’ or ‘move forward’ when they have not even been allowed to speak? They, clearly, have not suffered as a victim has, so what would they know? To victims, there is little difference between the predator that abused them, and the predators that force them to suffer in silence.

My grandfather lies dead, cold and rotting, restless in his grave. The evidence of the brutality and death he suffered at the hands of our abusers is lost with every passing year. He died six years ago now, and the people that put him there, and made sure nobody investigated, continue to benefit from his death while his legacy is corrupted and the other victims join him, one after the other, while the predators that murdered us, one way or another, continue to get away with it.

The Australian recently published a story about ‘the Australian crisis we can’t ignore’, boasting that if it had not been for the media, the horrors being inflicted on children in that Northern Territory town would never have become public knowledge because there was a conspiracy by locals and Government departments to cover it all up. The quoted a nurse who suggested that speaking out against sexual abuse was the place to start “to change a culture that tolerates sexual abuse”.

That’s the line? Maybe a better place to start would be to speak out against all forms of abuse. Maybe it would be better if the media exposed the real Australian crisis that affects every Australian – the failure of Government departments to help all victims (children, women, and the elderly) of abuse instead of forcing them to remain silent. Report on how the police and protection agencies are refusing to even listen to the victims, look at the evidence, investigate the allegations. The media is just as guilty of placing a dollar value on the lives of victims, choosing to report only on the most sensational.


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