
Showing posts from September, 2016


Have you ever wondered how society got to the place where we find ourselves today? Have you ever wondered how women and children who flee terror and seek asylum can be incarcerated in detention centres for years at a time, places where they suffer child abuse, rape, domestic violence, and the very same kinds of physical and psychological torture they tried to flee? Have you ever wondered how children can be left in homes where there is domestic violence and child abuse, or taken from their parents and siblings and placed into a foster care home. Where they are subjected to domestic violence and child abuse, suffering decades of brutal, sadistic torment or even death? Have you ever wondered how the Roman Catholic Church, Church of England, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and so many other religious cults were able to get away with rampant child abuse and paedophilia for decades, or how the police and public services have been responsible for the same kind of abuses and cover-ups,...


The brutal murder of twelve year old Tiahleigh Palmer shocked our Nation. So did the torture and murder of two year old Mason Lee. As did the cowardly murder of Tara Brown before that. And the rape and murder of Jill Meagher before that. And the gutless murder of Luke Batty before that. And all the other hundreds of victims of child abuse and domestic violence that have made the news whose names we don’t remember. And all the names of the victims we will never know. Far too many victims have their identities supressed to protect the rights of their abusers and murderers. The little girl whose mother beat her to death with a metal vacuum cleaner pipe - despite concerns being made to authorities long before - comes to mind. But far too many are not even recorded in reports because they were never allowed to speak of what they suffered. It is a list...