Have you ever wondered how society got to the place where we find ourselves today? Have you ever wondered how women and children who flee terror and seek asylum can be incarcerated in detention centres for years at a time, places where they suffer child abuse, rape, domestic violence, and the very same kinds of physical and psychological torture they tried to flee?

Have you ever wondered how children can be left in homes where there is domestic violence and child abuse, or taken from their parents and siblings and placed into a foster care home. Where they are subjected to domestic violence and child abuse, suffering decades of brutal, sadistic torment or even death? Have you ever wondered how the Roman Catholic Church, Church of England, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and so many other religious cults were able to get away with rampant child abuse and paedophilia for decades, or how the police and public services have been responsible for the same kind of abuses and cover-ups, yet never held to account?

How did we get to this place? How is it possible that nobody, at any point, said ‘enough’? How is it that nobody took a stand, drew a line and said “no further”? All those inquests, Royal Commissions, stooges placed in positions of authority, and recommendations over the decades, and yet few are implemented, and nothing has really changed. What will we see when we look back? That line that we made when we said “this is what we will not cross”, way back there, in the distance.

The road to hell is not paved with good intentions, it is a series of small steps, little compromises made by people claiming to protect the rights of someone else, usually a victim, but all the while protecting their own self-centred interests. When Edmund Burke said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”, he was wrong. The reality is, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for bad people to force good people to remain silent so that those good people may do nothing.

This is how the entrenched culture of corruption that infects our society started. While moral and ethical bankruptcy knows no class boundaries, it will remain as long as those in positions of authority make the rules, set the example, and maintain the power to eliminate any threats to their ability to get what they want. The authorities are well aware of the systemic failures that have led to the brutal indignities and murder inflicted on far too many women and children, and yet have done nothing in the decades they have known.

As a kid, I was brutalised by my parents and step-father. My grandparents were indifferent to what was happening, and the police and public servants who knew what was going on instructed me to remain silent. Those authorities still do. My siblings and I suffered horribly, and still do. Some of them are now abusers themselves. I’ve written to dozens of politicians and the stooges they have given positions of power to deal with their own personal concerns, and yet none of them have ever done anything to address these systemic failures.

There is a serious problem in our society. Anti-social behaviours are encouraged and enabled by a lack of real action to re-educate flawed attitudes or remove dangerous people from our community. The evidence for just what kind of threat this imposes can be seen in comments like those of the Domestic Violence Against Men Facebook profile. Two years ago it claimed no more than 1,500 like-minded predators, but today it boasts over 15,000, sick, angry creatures that are influencing others, too often children.

They lash out with their ignorance and bigotry, they project their own flaws on others, imposing their own narcissistic rules on those who do not meet their own hypocritical standards, and justify what they do with disassociation to dehumanise their victims. They happily inflict injustice on others, but only ever consider it to be unfair if someone does the same to them. Indeed, they believe ‘others’ deserve it, and anybody who disagrees with them is evil.

The rape and murder of Tiahleigh Palmer was an incident that shocked the Nation, but one of only a few that has forced the authorities to launch an investigation into what went wrong, albeit only a token one to distract and deceive the public, and one in which those authorities claim no prior knowledge. They are liars. They have known of these failures for decades, and now those at fault investigate themselves to find solutions to something of which they claim they were unaware. How did we get to this point, where victims are isolated and silenced so that abusers can be concealed and enabled?

That attitude certainly explains why Tialeigh Palmer and far too many others have suffered as we did, and why she and far too many others like us have been murdered. Predators forcing their victims to remain silent is to be expected, but how is it that the authorities that are supposed to defend those in need are just as rotten? They set the example. They draw the line. If the politicians, police and public servants are not part of the solution, they are part of the problem.

Social media has allowed us to communicate ideas, important issues, and information better than ever before. But again, we find the insidious canker that is the culture of corruption. It is entrenched. Rampant. We find predators and freelance idiots at large spreading their lies, trolling good people, bullying them into silence with hypocrisy, projection, disassociation, and every other tell-tale sign of any unhinged individual desperate to force their narcissistic, sociopathic desires on others.

Why do they do this? Well, the answer is obvious. They are sick. They are demented. They are evidence of failure, where good public health and education is lacking. But why are trolls like them able to do this? Now that is a far better question. The answer is obvious. They are supported by a network of their ilk, infesting the very agencies that are supposed to identify and address the vile things they do. The absence of meritocracy and accountability in those agencies is reflected in the behaviour of unhinged people in the general populace.

The only way to stop this reprehensible culture of corruption is to impose serious deterrents on those at fault, to discourage repetition. But how is this possible when the rights of the ‘accused’ are given greater value than those of the victim? How is possible that the identity and crimes of those offenders – even if they are found guilty – can be suppressed to protect their rights? How is it that they can be protected by the very authorities that are supposed to investigate them and protect their victims?

If you own a dog, you are supposed to keep it leashed in public, display a ‘beware of dog’ sign on your gate, and if it bites anyone, it will be put down. But if a predator stalks someone, steals from them, harms them physically, psychologically, or financially, defames them, rapes them, tortures them, even kills them, their punishment is too often little to nothing of real detriment. There is not even a warning sign for potential victims. How did we reach the point where the rights of predators are of more value than the victim? Why is the price of a victims suffering and life worth so little, yet a predator's is worth so much? 

It costs over one-hundred-thousand dollars a year to incarcerate someone. The victim is often left with nothing but a lifetime sentence of psychological and physical injuries. A victim gets no parole. A victim who has been murdered does not come back from the dead. Why are we conditioned to assume that no crime deserves the death penalty? Maybe, if we were able to see and hear what horrors the victim endured, we would change our minds, and spend some of the money saved on helping them recover.

We are all told by politicians on a remuneration package (wage and ‘entitlements’) of a quarter-to-half a million dollars a year that the unemployed are parasites, and that at thirteen-and-a-half thousand dollars a year (two thirds the official poverty rate) to support, they are driving our society into debt. A politician costs society the same as it does for between twenty-and-forty unemployed people for the same period of time, and only politicians have the power to influence employment opportunities or, better yet, find a way for everyone they claim to represent to live with a basic income and standard of living.

This isn’t the place for that discussion. It is far too complex. It is the place to consider this attitude, however, in regards to the culture of corruption, have a look at the examples presented here, and ask ourselves why we continue to walk down that dark path to hell. We have the power to change this. We live in a society where Capitalist Democracy exists, an oxy-moron to be sure, and more aptly Plutocratic Fascism, but one in which we have the opportunity to provide good public education and mental health services, and justice, for everyone.

Throughout this post you will notice excerpts from Facebook pages, comments on news feeds what others have said. There are several mentally deranged people in these examples who inflict their flawed personalities on anyone that does not appear to agree with them - they do their best to cause harm no matter how unfounded their allegations. The two examples above and below demonstrate just how bad this situation has become. 

Oh, and for the record, Fascism is, by its very nature, Right-wing, but since when have the facts, literacy, education, or even basic comprehension ever prevented a fool from making an idiotic comment? The evidence speaks for itself. Weller, Moir, Lanham, and Thompson display all the hall-marks of the mentally unbalanced, sociopaths clearly living in their own deluded realities, projecting and inflicting their own serious personality flaws on others. 

The insane comments made by Sandra Louise Weller and Patricia Moir (above) were in response to a news feed on on Doug Cameron’s 2016 video link where he repeated his challenge to every Liberal MP and Senator to open all donations received over $1000 to public scrutiny. It followed the LNP’s claim that Union corruption was rampant. You will notice they got a lot of support from those who had not bothered to read what I’d written, or were also trolls. I had said the evidence suggested that there was no ‘rampant’ Union corruption and there was a far greater need to address the entrenched culture of corruption in the police and public services.

Their responses demonstrate the opposition good people face in their efforts to expose and purge the systemic failure. You will also notice they were not only quick to make an assumption about what I’d written – without actually bothering to read it – but were also very quick to unleash insulting language. Weller would then go on to hypocritically accuse me of being at fault and unworthy of an apology for their vile behaviour because I had responded in kind. She did not acknowledge that she had begun this.

It may also amuse you to learn that my continued efforts to alert them to their complete failure to comprehend even basic reality resulted in notification from Facebook that Weller and Moir had reported my comment and it was removed under claims it violated so-called ‘Community Standards’. It did nothing of the sort. My response suggested they actually read what I had written and pointed out that their responses to me and others (yes, they attacked others in exactly the same way) were defamatory.

After posting a comment about how the pair had reported me and had my comment removed, others posted comments saying the same. Facebook removed all those comments and blocked me for twenty-four hours. They blocked all of the people who responded to Weller and Moir, and when we were allowed back on, we all made complaints about those two trolls. 

Facebook said the comments the two had made did not violate ‘Community Standards’ and warned us that if we complained again our Facebook profile pages would be removed. Facebook would later remove Moir's comment for 'violating Community Standards', but not Weller's despite them both being pretty much the same comment. But why did they enable those two trolls at all?   

But it's not just freelance trolls on Facebook making these kind of idiotic comments. Far too many of them are police, public servants, and politicians - bobble-heads incapable of engaging their brain, easily or willingly led by those elevated to positions of power and authority through nepotism or the ineptitude of those who should have known better. Rosie Batty was promoted based on political opportunism because she became a figure-head for the fight to address the systemic failure in how domestic violence is dealt with, but quickly became part of the problem.

She fought a war on two fronts. She was too focused on her own concerns, and her position insulated her from reality - she was inaccessible to people like her. Aside from a little following of sycophants, she does not respond to those who need her help. To make matters worse, she was up against the predators like Mark Latham who were determined to tear her down for fear she might actually do something to expose and purge systemic failures. They needed have bothered. Like Hetty Johnston and Megan Mitchell, there is an appearance that Rosie only serves to give the illusion of affecting positive change while the status quo is maintained. Their inability, or unwillingness, to engage with (and actually help) victims reinforces this image.

There is no way this systemic failure will ever be exposed and purged while the predators maintain positions of authority. Good people cannot affect positive change while the victims are isolated and silenced using laws, policies and procedures that downplay the problems as isolated incidents, or conceal them altogether. Those actions enable the predators and ensure systemic failure will continue unabated. The price of little lives like Tialeigh Palmer, Chloe Valentine, Mason Lee, and far too many others is considered negligible compared to that of the freedom of predators, and those that shelter them, to continue doing what they want.

And Facebook is part of the problem. Why is it that Facebook punishes the victims of trolls but not the trolls themselves? Why are so many vile comments posted on Facebook considered acceptable? Why are those that express legitimate concerns punished and threatened for speaking out? Why is the very same practice inflicted on whistle-blowers? What effect does this have on society? How does this influence and shape the most limited intellects? How does this expose and correct systemic failures? Facebook has no duty of care toward its users. No responsibility. No accountability. It is not there to protect them, or recommend some kind of psychological help for sociopaths. It is there to make money for the people that own it, foremost being its creator, someone who is considered a sociopath himself. 

Many of us are all too well aware of this entrenched culture of corruption, and yet nothing ever changes. Why? I’ve written this post for those with enough intellect to think, expand their view of the world, place themselves in the shoes of another, and become a better person for it. It is a call to attention for those who are unaware of the problem. It is a cry for help for those who have been forced to remain silent. It is your opportunity to become part of the solution.

If you have not asked yourself the same questions as those presented here, now is your chance. Behaviours of politicians, police, public servants and Facebook that are contrary to the policies they claim to uphold are an indication of systemic failure. They are a warning sign. So too is any claim it will be addressed by ‘internal investigation’. That is a conflict of interest. They are working against basic human rights, dignity, and justice. I did not write this for the likes of them and those you will see trolling on Facebook and other social media, for there is no point - they are beyond help. You cannot reason with unreasonable people. They are part of the problem.


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