The US election has polarised a lot of people. The so-called ‘silent majority’ that support Trump (extreme right) have managed to demonstrate the disconnection from reality that afflicts a very loud and offensive (in every sense of the word) minority, while the actual silent majority (the left) continue to protest that very epitome of corruption and incompetence in the political swamp. The swamp Trump promised to drain but then filled with his KKKabinet, the very worst human beings that should never, ever be given that kind of power, creating the reality from his fictional rhetoric. People seem to forget that all the productive nutrients in a swamp that maintain the ecology are found at the bottom, while all the scum that rises to float about on the top sucks the light, oxygen and life from that ecology and causes it to become stagnant and dead. Trump was elected because he targeted an entrenched culture of corruption yoked to racism and bigotry, a massive disconnect with reality...