The US election has polarised a lot of people. The so-called ‘silent majority’ that support Trump (extreme right) have managed to demonstrate the disconnection from reality that afflicts a very loud and offensive (in every sense of the word) minority, while the actual silent majority (the left) continue to protest that very epitome of corruption and incompetence in the political swamp. The swamp Trump promised to drain but then filled with his KKKabinet, the very worst human beings that should never, ever be given that kind of power, creating the reality from his fictional rhetoric.

People seem to forget that all the productive nutrients in a swamp that maintain the ecology are found at the bottom, while all the scum that rises to float about on the top sucks the light, oxygen and life from that ecology and causes it to become stagnant and dead. Trump was elected because he targeted an entrenched culture of corruption yoked to racism and bigotry, a massive disconnect with reality in the electorates that was fertilised by Putin’s trolls and used electoral borders to undermine democracy. 

Trump’s sycophants are insisting the majority bend knee to them, just one-quarter of the population, and remain silent as the ideologies of the United States are violated. Freedom, equality, justice, liberty, meritocracy, accountability, and democracy, all replaced with the very opposite under the Putin-Trump dictatorship of Plutocratic Fascism. Did the RWNJs remain silent during Obama’s administration? No. They spent the entire eight years constructing lies, insulting the man, his wife, children and supporters, bullying and intimidating anyone that dared disagree or challenged them. If Trump had won by three million votes but lost the election, would his half-wits remain silent? Have they ever? No.

And in the face of the evidence, the lies these fools perpetuate continue to be spread, wedged into the psyche of the morally and ethically bankrupt, like the ill-educated and intellectually deficient head of a Trump supporter into the backside of a bloated, orange hypocrite with tiny hands and a bad comb-over. They have the utmost faith in what one of the KKKabinet referred to as the “alternative facts”, what others are smart enough to know are lies. Many of those lunatics also believe they are Christians, though it seems they are so disconnected from reality they are incapable of comprehending that their behaviour violates the very teachings of Christ.

If you sit down and read the Holy Bible, you will quickly realise that the rules (not laws) Christ set down for Christians to follow were for Christians, not non-Christians, yet right-wingnuts insist upon imposing those rules as laws, inflicting them upon those outside whatever hypocritical cult they have constructed for themselves even as they themselves violate the teachings of Christ. They hate Islam (actually, they hate anyone that isn’t them) and insist all Muslims are terrorists, but those so-called ‘Christians’ have far more in common with the very worst elements of Islam than the majority of Muslims.

Even as Trump’s supporters dismissed all the evidence that exposed him as a vile human being and one of the false prophets of which they had been warned, they attacked Hillary Clinton over her observation that half of them were a basket of deplorables. A lot of us thought she was being generous by saying only half. Read just some of the comments on social media sites that are made by those horrible people and naming them deplorable is being polite. Words like disgusting, vile and reprehensible are more apt.

A great many fools claimed that Trump’s behaviour was all show, designed to get him elected, that he would change the tone when he got into office. He hasn’t changed in sixty years, so why would he change if that ever happened? He got into office despite there being a multitude of reasons to invalidate his election or even have him locked away with other criminals. He hasn’t changed. He won’t change. He will only get worse. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The evidence to disprove the claims of this over-privileged lunatic are there for all to see and yet his fanatics refuse to accept reality, preferring the mass delusional psychosis he and his KKKabinet are maintaining.

The very first press conference was called after the inauguration. Trump’s yapping little lap-dog Spicer unleashed on the media, snapping, snarling and gnashing his teeth about their “fake news” and claims that the crowd that attended the Trump’s inauguration were smaller than Obama’s from eight years earlier. In defiance of all the evidence, including photographs, Spicer told a blatant lie so monumental in scale that it threatened to eclipse a great many Trump had made in many of his own tirades.

The very notion that the crowd attending Trump’s inauguration “was the largest ever, period” was just so fantastic many people thought it was a joke. It wasn’t. Spicer refused to take questions. Under threats to select only pro-Trump media for access to the White House, Trump had just set the tone for the next four years of his Presidency: lies. Nothing that comes from Trump, his KKKabinet or the White House can be trusted. It got worse when Conway justified Spicer’s lies by calling them “alternative facts”.

It got even worse when Trump carried out his threat to tear-up the Free Trade Agreement and effectively isolated the US. His threat to impose massive tariffs on imports into the US has ensured tariffs on US goods will be raised in kind while other countries form trade agreements that exclude the US. The US may start to produce its own commodities, but selling them outside the US will mean they need to lower their prices to compete, which means it needs to reduce wages to maintain profits or even sell their products at all. Combined with increased production costs for US food and clothing, the cost of living will skyrocket. And in the months to come, the repeal of Obamacare for Trump-don't-care will see millions of citizens priced out of the market and, even after selling their meagre possessions, left to die in gutters. The people who voted against Trump already saw this coming.

Despite all his rhetoric, all his barely literate, shockingly ill-informed and uneducated ranting, Trump has not united the Unite States and never will. Intimidation, mockery, insults and being insulated from reality by idiocy, wealth and circumstances simply cannot translate into good government. Obama was a success because he was the very opposite of Trump. All Trump has done is polarise people and divided entire nations even better than their own local politics, and if you’ve been following the insanity of the LNP in Australia, that says a lot.

Still, some people are unclear as to which political side they support, so here’s a simple test. Do you believe in: Equality? Justice? Freedom? Liberty? Meritocracy? Accountability? Democracy? 

Here’s a hint: if you think one group of people deserves to be treated any differently (other than denying freedom, equality, and democracy to those who commit crimes that deny these ideologies to others), then you don’t believe in them.

If your answer to all of these is ‘yes’, congratulations! You are on the left. You support the very concepts that are supposed to form the foundation of modern Western society. You could even rub shoulders with some of the greatest US citizens and patriots who have fought for those very things. You have discovered the importance of education, empathy, humility, tolerance, respect, and dignity.

You fight against things like: racism; misogyny; marriage inequality, so-called pro-life movements that oppose pro-choice yet deny assistance to disadvantaged mothers, and other hypocritical extremism posing as ‘righteousness’; illegal detention of legitimate refugees (women and children) for years on end; welfare and social service austerity inflicted by incompetent governments that refuse to tax the wealthy and big-business; debt-recovery scams run by corrupt governments to extort money from the disadvantaged that don't actually have a debt; Work-for-the-Dole programs that violate workplace agreements including minimum wage, Superannuation, Workplace Health and Safety, and Workplace Harassment laws; hypocritical political ‘entitlements’ that misappropriate tax-payer funded revenue.

If your answer to any of these is ‘no’, well done! You are on the right. You support the same concepts that fascist dictators and their sycophants have inflicted on the less fortunate and those who do not agree with them, the kind of people you refer to as ‘enemies’ as you seek to blame ‘others’ for all the incompetence and corruption of people just like you. You are a self-centered hypocrite that demands respect from the very people to whom you refuse to respect, when you refuse to accept the facts and demand others ignore the evidence you call 'fake news', the perfect example of what happens when there is a lack of funding for good quality education and mental health services. 

If you are on the right, you have managed to insulate yourself from reality by a combination of factors that include ignorance, arrogance, fiscal wealth, and wilful stupidity (better known as idiocy) despite the evidence. Your absolute faith in ‘alternative facts’ ensures that you are incapable of learning. The very worst of you will happily inflict your hypocrisy on ‘others’ and accuse them of being selfish when they defend people to whom you deny the rights you demand, but you will bitch and whine loudest when you suffer even a fraction of that same hardship, discrimination, anxiety and terror. 

You will do all this while claiming to be a victim, usually from the anonymity of social media (and from a fake profile) as you troll news feeds to mock, insult, and intimidate the less fortunate and victims of crime or misfortune. In far too many cases, you will then report anyone that dares to challenge you, responds in kind, or reveals the uncomfortable truth about what you are. When problems arise relating to these issues, you claim that you are part of the solution. In reality, you are part of the problem. You are a bigot.


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