
Showing posts from May, 2017


Everything a lesser ranking employee does they can be scrutinised for, even the tiniest infraction, a constant, brutal act of terror designed to break their spirit and threaten their job unless they reveal themselves to be just as vindictive, and their loyalties as a sycophant unquestionable. In an environment where victims are blamed for what is inflicted on them, discouraged from reporting offences, and complaints are ignored, this results in tragedy, too often fatal. The predators are in charge of ‘helping’ the victims. Those who attempt to alert a more senior and external authority of problems including systemic failure, the entrenched culture of corruption, and worse, quickly discover that laws prohibiting workplace harassment and protecting whistle-blowers are, in reality, a cruel fiction. They, like most anything a politician says, are merely another i...


The very notion of informing a victim of ‘alleged’ perpetrators being released from prison is farcical for three reasons. One, if the ‘allegations’ are not proven, then the ‘alleged’ perpetrator would not be in prison in the first place. Two, informing the victim is no guarantee they will be safe, only that their life sentence of terror has taken a whole new, horrifying turn where they must uproot their lives, break contact with friends and relatives, and go into hiding, forever looking over their shoulder. And three, the most telling of all, this only applies to ‘alleged’ perpetrators that are actually investigated, arrested, and charged, and in some cases prosecuted, found guilty and incarcerated. The vast majority of offenders manage to avoid repercussions altogether, by using the law, policies and procedures to circumvent justice, to use financial advantage to pur...


Three years ago the news media began reporting an incident of such barbaric behaviour it left communities stunned. It was a ‘story’ about a little boy, a baby just seven months old, brutally beaten and permanently crippled by an unknown intruder while in the care of an aunt’s partner. The incident occurred in the midst of a news media focus on domestic violence and murders of women by their partners, yet was so shocking, so confronting, it managed to surface and continue to draw enough attention to be profitable. Bobby Webber was not the only child subjected to such callous, vicious treatment that year, even that month or week. Bobby Webber was just one of countless thousands who would have otherwise remained unknown, he, his parents, relatives and friends isolated and forced to remain as silent as most ev...


Why is it that this kind of wilful stupidity and over-privileged sense of entitlement can be allowed to cause so much discrimination, injustice, and economic, social and psychological harm in our communities? Why do our so-called political representatives fail to take positive action to correct these systemic failures? The how and why questions can be answered by considering the behaviour of those who claim to be our political representatives, and big businesses like Unite and American Airlines. We have come to expect the very worst behaviour from politicians. Greed. Dishonesty. Hypocrisy. Their fundamental inability to even understand the needs, frustrations and injustices suffered by the less fortunate they claim to represent. The fact that they are so insulated from reality by wealth, affluence, circumstance, and any form of penalty to deter their worst personality traits or activities that they could never understand even if they had any real desire to do so. There is nothing ...