Why is it that this kind of wilful stupidity and over-privileged sense of entitlement can be allowed to cause so much discrimination, injustice, and economic, social and psychological harm in our communities? Why do our so-called political representatives fail to take positive action to correct these systemic failures? The how and why questions can be answered by considering the behaviour of those who claim to be our political representatives, and big businesses like Unite and American Airlines.

We have come to expect the very worst behaviour from politicians. Greed. Dishonesty. Hypocrisy. Their fundamental inability to even understand the needs, frustrations and injustices suffered by the less fortunate they claim to represent. The fact that they are so insulated from reality by wealth, affluence, circumstance, and any form of penalty to deter their worst personality traits or activities that they could never understand even if they had any real desire to do so. There is nothing we can do to censure them.

Even when a conflict of interest or evidence of corruption is so blatantly obvious to the public, politicians are able to evade the same requirements that apply to average citizens. They use ‘internal investigation’ or government controlled inquests to clear themselves and continue with their rotten behaviour, be it a vote on maintaining the negative gearing that has brutalised and crippled the lives of millions of average citizens even as politicians make fortunes from the housing market, or their involvement in the cover-up of abuse and systemic failure within various police and public service agencies.

It’s been going on for generations and, like all abusers that are not exposed and held accountable through appropriate deterrents, it has escalated. There’s a reason why the systemic child abuse within the Churches was able to continue for decades on end, why the police never investigated, why politicians never acted. It cannot be explained away with blame attributed to the Churches alone: it took the combined efforts of the Churches, police, child protection agencies and politicians to cover-up all the rumours and reports.

There’s a reason why political entitlements cost the tax-payers almost half-a-billion dollars a year, why the politicians who rort the system express anger and resentment at the public for expressing disgust rather than the offenders accepting they are at fault. There’s a reason why house prices average around $650K while minimum wages are less than $50K a year and unemployment benefits are just $35.5K a year, two-thirds the official poverty rate. There’s a reason why most Australians can barely afford rent and mortgages, why most will never own their own home because they have no way of even saving a deposit let alone pay it off, and why politicians have property worth around $370M between them.

Our politicians set the standard, and that bar is pretty damn low. It would have to move up from the sewer to even get to the gutter. That corruption and unwillingness to see it end is how big business is able to get away with the worst moral and ethical bankruptcy our society has ever seen: politicians maintaining a way of life that benefits them at the expense of the disadvantaged. And yet, as a society we were shocked by the excessive and sickening abuses of American and United Airlines after the media ran the stories of just two incidents in an unknown number of similar (and probably worse), but why?

We have allowed governments to deregulate big business for decades. We have watched customer service plummet to all-time lows in a directly proportional rate to the lack of action to curtail and deter such vile behaviour. Predators, unchecked, will not only continue, but escalate in their abuses. We saw an outcome that was inevitable. A customer who had purchased a product-service assaulted, brutalised, humiliated and left bloodied and injured to deny him what he’d purchased, for the convenience of United Airlines staff. It was followed by a staff member from American Airlines, not long after, assaulting a woman with a baby, then threatening another customer who tried to defend her.

But the two companies are hardly alone in this type of reprehensible behaviour. Telecommunications and utilities services, as well as insurance companies, have been mistreating customers for decades too. We seem willing to express outrage when it happens to us, but what about the less fortunate. Centerlink and so-called Employment Agencies have been circumventing Due Process and Human Rights for decades too, and yet society seems reluctant to demand positive change. Indeed, a sick element in our society seems to think it’s not only acceptable, but that the victims deserve the abuse.

How many victims are out there? Do you think we hear about all of them? Why is it we never hear from the rest? How is it that predators like the one in the Generation Grey article can get that kind of free publicity to bait their traps and mock their victims? How can they be so willingly concealed and enabled, but their victims are isolated and silenced? How do politicians, police and public servants can get away with what they do, saying one thing and doing another as their words dissipate like so much hot-air?

How is it that we tolerate a political system and media that warp and rot our children, reducing them to broken victims and sociopathic, psychotic and violent predators? What can we do to change this sick, vile entrenched culture of corruption that causes so much harm that never ends? One person, especially a victim, cannot make a difference on their own. Even together we will struggle. But inside most of us is a child not so different to the ones we see brutalised, their little lights snuffed out, forever, before they get that chance to shine.

The survivors, if that is what we can call them, for who they were and could have been are murdered, are forced to struggle with PTSD, depression and worse as they attempt to piece together the wreckage of their lives. Their abusers defamed them with impunity, to discredit anything they might say, and threaten them with legal action for “defamation” if they refuse to remain silent. The legal system circumvents justice. It refuses to investigate crimes. It makes every effort to protect the presumption of innocence of a predator but not that of a victim. It does not require predators to wear a ‘Beware of Dog’ sign, and they are not put down to protect the public if they attack someone. It colludes and participates in this unrelenting evil. But what are we going to do?

Well, so long as we are forced to remain silent, threatened under rotten laws with prosecution for daring to speak the truth and ask for the help we are encouraged to seek, we are also forced to collaborate in every crime a predator and their support network commits. We are forced by the agencies that are supposed to help us, supposed to investigate and prosecute predators. We are forced by the media who refuse to share our accounts. We are forced by a system that isolates and silences victims while concealing and enabling predators, crime, systemic failure and injustice.

In years to come, will Charlotte be another little light snuffed out, forced to remain silent as the police and public service cover-up the rot, the corruption that forced the victims of the predator in that Generation Grey article to remain silent for decades? The abusers will die without ever knowing justice, having stolen the lives and futures of their victims, but their crimes will continue to inflict harm as so many of those victims flitter, disenfranchised, through time, fringe dwellers never part of normal society and too often lashing out, repeating what happened to them because their personalities have been so callously, catastrophically warped.

But again, when the agencies that are supposed to help refuse and only add to the problem, what can we do when we are told to remain silent by predators and the authorities that are supposed to help us? When we see something and are instructed by the authorities, too often those inflicting the injustice, to “stay out of it”? Too many politicians, police, public servants, and lawyers tasked with investigating and prosecuting domestic violence, child protection, and workplace bullying issues, and protecting the victims from further harm, are as unproductive and disgusting as the notion of Malcom Turnbull, Tony Abbott, Peter Dutton and Christopher Pine fornicating with Joe Hockey: a bunch of idiots that are fucking useless (ie, Joe).

Those who are silent may be said to condone, but those who force others to remain silent are complicit. We should have the right to demand real change. Demand real action. Demand all the complaints actually be investigated. Demand victims are protected. Demand all those at fault be prosecuted. Demand justice. The only way to affect positive change is to force authorities to adopt it, because until they are forced to do so, they will continue to behave badly and, usually, escalate.

But we don’t have these rights. We don’t even have the right to remain silent. We are expected to do so. We are obligated to assist in an unremitting, merciless evil under the intimidation, terror and penalty of persecution at the hands of predators and the authorities that conceal and enable them.

Master Yoda once said “Do, or do not. There is no try.” A hard father figure to please, but one who has contributed to raising me far better than my own and far too many others in positions of authority. Yoda and Kermit the Frog have been my constant Jiminy Cricket, perched upon my shoulders along with the burdens placed there by my abusers and the authorities that refuse to help and who inflict the same kind of hardship and misery. Kermit and Yoda have been there from childhood, when life gets darkest because nobody else walks with me to help share my burden. 

To give in, to suffer the brutalities of scum, or allow others to suffer the same, is to not only do nothing, but to be complicit in that vile behaviour. Nothing I have ever tried to do to help others seems to have made a difference. At all. I can't even help myself. But I must try. We all must try. That's why I write this blog. Tell the 'stories' others won't, or others try to conceal. Hoping, one day, that someone who can make a difference reads something I've written, gets angry, and uses their ability to force positive change for those denied a voice. Who knows, maybe it's you, or someone with whom you share what I've written.

May the Fourth be with you... Because all we have at the moment from the Dark Side is too many so-called police, public servants, lawyers, and politicians joining the ranks of every other freelance idiot inflicting the farth.


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