The wife and I were going to have bacon for breakfast on our anniversary. We don’t have it that often on account of we don’t have much money. Three girls. A mortgage. Costs to run and maintain our one car. Electricity. Health, Car, House and Contents Insurance. Driver’s licences. Public transport. Out-of-pocket school expenses. Rates. It all adds up. After taxes and bills, we live on $35 a day between all of us. That has to cover food, clothes, shoes, dental, and any unforeseen expenses. If we have anything left, savings for a rainy day or special event. Like anniversary bacon. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. The Muslim bloke up the road doesn’t approve it. Most of the Muslim folks don’t care what we do. They figure it’s none of their business and treat others with the same kind of respect they would like to get in return. But in every mob, there’s always a couple of nutters off their axel. And that one doesn’t think anybody should eat bacon because it conflicts with the ru...