The wife and I were going to have bacon for breakfast on our anniversary. We don’t have it that often on account of we don’t have much money. Three girls. A mortgage. Costs to run and maintain our one car. Electricity. Health, Car, House and Contents Insurance. Driver’s licences. Public transport. Out-of-pocket school expenses. Rates. It all adds up. After taxes and bills, we live on $35 a day between all of us. That has to cover food, clothes, shoes, dental, and any unforeseen expenses.

If we have anything left, savings for a rainy day or special event. Like anniversary bacon. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. The Muslim bloke up the road doesn’t approve it. Most of the Muslim folks don’t care what we do. They figure it’s none of their business and treat others with the same kind of respect they would like to get in return. But in every mob, there’s always a couple of nutters off their axel. And that one doesn’t think anybody should eat bacon because it conflicts with the rules of his religion.

Not sure what his wife thinks. Her husband and the worst of his mates are a bunch of narcissitic, idiotic, self-centred misogynists who use a warped interpretation of their religion to impose their self-righteous bigotry on everyone they can, to compensate for some serious mental health issues including sociopathy and inferiority issues. On the plus side, they hypocritically project their worst personality traits onto any poor sod unfortunate enough to cross their path, and often go out of their way to find one.

Normally, those wives are a bunch of beaten-down domestics with no real will or personality of their own. But some are as mad as a cut snake. Some are just as unhinged as the lunatic males. The kind of people who decide they may as well use what small measure of power they can carve out to inflict themselves on others out of some perverse pleasure in causing harm and misery. And here we are, unable to enjoy a nice breakfast with bacon because those wack-jobs have decided us eating bacon is evil.

Never mind the fact that they are the kind of religious extremists who happily turn a blind eye to those in their cult who are alcoholics, beat their wives and kids, steal from others, are aggressive, won’t pay their employees, are sexually immoral, foul-mouthed and violate a whole slew of their other rules. The whole point of religion, for those people, is that it can be used to give them some kind of power over others by interpreting religious documents in a way that coincides with, most fortuitously, what they want.

No, for some reason, all can be forgiven for the members of their little cult. They don’t even need to ask. The members of their group just ignore it and silence anybody who dares to speak out about hypocrisy.  But that bacon thing is just unacceptable. I swear, they’re almost as bad as the bloody ACL and other far right zealots that claim they are Christians despite, well, not following the rules to actually be a Christian - the very same rules by which they insist (despite the rules stating otherwise) non-Christians must live.

And, like those so-called Christians, this very loud, very offensive band of bacon-haters claim to hold the moral high-ground on all things, including bacon... despite decades of evidence of widespread child abuse and paedophilia inflicted by predators lurking in the congregation and leadership that has tarnished their reputation. Even as they still refuse to acknowledge the systemic failures and affect real positive change. You have to admire the sheer arrogance. And their opposition to people who want to eat bacon.

But they aren’t alone. Every half-wit and his dog have also weighed-in, insisting they have a right to tell my wife and me what we can and can’t eat. The extremist elements of the vegan community. Obviously. Animal rights groups banging on about organic pigs, hormones, and GM foods. The anti-vaxxers, for some reason, although they weren’t actually protesting about bacon. They used the opportunity to have their say to screen an alternative fact based propaganda piece about ‘the evils’ of vaccines. Nongs.

When did stupidity become a religion? A small but growing collective of disenfranchised, psychologically deficient people, unwilling to learn or accept their limitations, get together, go bowling and suddenly get the idea that smarter people are the enemy, and have to be destroyed through the use of alternative facts to insulate the less competent from reality. And into the vacuum the most belligerent dimwits rise, happily sacrificing their children to prove their faith in whatever insanity they rant in their delusional tirades.

So we’ve been on hold. Married seventeen years and waiting for the Australian Federal government to approve the addition of bacon to our anniversary breakfast. They’ve stuffed us around for years. So much for my so-called ‘white male privilege’. Others have been waiting decades. Now the rest of the Australian population is going to have an anonymous, voluntary postal vote in a $122 million plebiscite. And even if the majority say ‘yes’, the LNP will then have a conscience vote to make it ‘no’.

Not sure why they just don’t vote themselves and forget about the postal vote. Save the money. Spend it on something useful. Not sure why anyone gets to have a say on who can eat bacon at all. Just an excuse to have a ‘discussion’ and ‘debate’ that turns into a vindictive, malicious, slander-fest that vilifies people that want to eat bacon. It allows arseholes to bully and terrorise those families, raising their own children to make the same vile, defamatory and psychologically damaging allegations. Now that’s abuse.

They don’t need evidence to prove their claims. They don’t even need a logical point to argue the case against those they vilify. And they happily ignore allegations and supporting evidence that far too many non-bacon-eaters abuse children. That non-bacon-eaters are just as likely to have relationship problems that end in divorce and domestic violence. Instead, they spread malicious lies to demonise people who eat bacon. The vote, we are told, will make society more ‘inclusive’. Load of crap. It’s divisive.

Seriously, it’s nobody’s damn business what two consenting people want to eat on their anniversary, as long as they aren’t harming anybody else. Around our place, we adopt a variant of the old US military attitude: ‘don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t care.’ You want bacon, have bacon. You don’t, then don’t. So now we have a postal vote with Prime minister Abbott using it as an anti-political-correctness platform to oppress people, and Turnbull desperately trying to claim he’s actually the Prime minister.

When did bacon become so problematic? Why don’t these idiots just pass a law that says “if you want bacon, have at it” and tell baconophobes to stay the frag out of other people’s lives? Don’t these wingnuts have anything better to do? Can’t politicians focus on more important things like homelessness, housing affordability, electricity prices, cost of living, unemployment, childcare, systemic failures in aged and disabled care, abuses in Youth Detention, domestic violence, child abuse, and so much more?

When did we get to have a $122 million anonymous, voluntary postal vote (that is open to fraudulent vote casting) on those issues? We never got a say on: how refugees or the unemployed are denied basic Human Rights; penalty rate cuts; pay-rises for politicians; the privatization of public assets; big mining projects that shaft famers and the Great Barrier Reef; or a whole slew of other things. Politicians just did what they wanted while claiming they represented us, their under- and working- class subjects.

Now we have to put up with the extreme-pro-bacon faction from the ACL and other RWNJ organisations foaming at the mouth as they scream about Halal Certification, how Muslims are trying to take over the country, and how religion and the rules of those religions have no place in our lives. Well, Islam at any rate. And, yes, most of their vitriol is inaccurate and designed to stir up hate and bigotry. A couple of years ago it was the Asians, then the PC crowd, and ‘Feminists’, and now the people wanting equality.

Admittedly, it would be discriminatory to ignore other cultures, but the fact that the RWNJ community is treating everyone (other than themselves) with equal contempt is ironic. So they happily foam at the mouth, unleashing and inflicting their ranting tirades of unhinged, unfounded, and offensive propaganda at others, through any means possible, and then whine about their victims using the same public arena to ask for equality and an end to the hateful bigotry.

I mean, what the fuck is wrong with people?! Would these bigots be happy if some barely literate, ill-educated, ignorant, bigoted boxhead showed up at the door and started telling you how evil you were, how you’re going to hell unless you get down on bended knee and follow their rules? Wouldn’t they be like, “bra, this is Australia, we don’t do that shit here. You want that, go find a cave in the Middle-friggin-East, go bother goats, heckle ISIS and see how that works out for ya.”

But noooo. Instead of getting a clue, these arrogant twats just won’t bugger off. They just keep at it. Quicker than you can say, “look! There’s a kid with special needs who had the audacity to be born to a woman whose husband just died and now she’s lost her job and needs welfare and a good dose of your patented brand of stoopid”, they’re in your face, in your home, telling you that you eating bacon somehow delegitimises their breakfast and is offensive to them. That they are the victims.

Yeah, that’s right. That you wanting to eat bacon is an attack on their way of life. That this, somehow, is the cause of their breakfast problems. That some outside agencies that otherwise have nothing to do with them, people they don’t know, are causing their breakfast to be less satisfying or fall apart. That you not having bacon will, somehow, magically solve all their problems, make them feel better, and prop-up their own misguided, self-destructive, breakfast and personality problems.

They insist this is the way the world has always been. Even though their socio-cultural ‘norms’ have only been around for a few hundred years, and even then the community is divided into factions that interpret the writings of their religion to suit their wants, and even individuals within those happily violate these on a daily basis to satisfy their own self-centred desires. In complete defiance of the evidence, the puritanical zealots will inflict hypocritical persecution and then blame their victims.

But ultimately, what isn’t normal is obsessing over what other consenting people do with one another to the point you think you have a right to use ‘free speech’ to preach hate and bigotry, force your way into their home, into their lives, and tell them what to do. And use that to isolate and silence the victims while concealing and enabling predators, crime, systemic failure, and injustice. Make no mistake, that’s what this is: one group of people using 'religion' and hate to vilify and inflict oppression and terror on another.

This is how the festering canker that is the entrenched culture of corruption takes hold and is normalised. Vicious, self-centred, ignorant, bigoted, vindictive people and authorities inflicting indifference, apathy, incompetence, negligence, idleness, insensitivity, mockery, insults, unfounded and defamatory accusations, and intimidation. It’s just bacon. Get over it. It isn’t about you. It’s about equality and justice. Still. Could be worse. Look at the crap the LGBT community has to put up with 24-7, 365(6) days a year.


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