
Showing posts from January, 2018


Judge Aquilina was wrong about Larry Nassar when she said his apology was insincere. Well, not the apology. That was a lie. Predators are never sorry for what they have done, only for getting caught. If they were sorry, they’d never have committed the offences. Nassar was bragging when he said “I will carry your words with me for the rest of my days.” He wanted to hear how they suffered, and what they said and wrote gave him exactly what he wanted. She was wrong about that moment in history being a turning point too. We’ve known about these kinds of offences for decades, yet nothing has changed. This one court case is an aberration in the sense that the victims actually got (at least a small measure of) justice. The vast majority of victims never come forward or, if they do, are forced to remain silent by the very authorities that are supposed to help and protect them. ...


There will be no sweeping reforms. There will be no change of policy or prosecution of those who refuse to help those seeking to make an official complaint, who slander, intimidate, isolate and silence victims and witnesses to conceal and enable predators. There will be no changes to the laws, policies and procedures that reduce legal outcomes to commodities that the most disadvantaged cannot access let alone afford. There will be no justice or dignity for the vast majority of victims, and their abusers will continue to inflict themselves against others without fear of exposure let alone prosecution. What happened to me includes so many elements detailed in those three stories, but those three stories are just a brief glimpse of the hell far too many others must suffer every day. Read what I posted in The Tip of the Brimstone, and you’ll see those same elements echoed in wha...


Me too. Time’s up. Two sentences. Four words. Decades in the making. Millions of victims too late. The movement has really started to take hold as celebrities in the movie and theatre industry begin to speak out about the vile, entrenched culture of corruption in those industries. They have access to the media. They have a means to share their experiences so that their voices will be heard. Their allegations have spread across the world and forced authorities to listen to demands for positive change. There are now women coming forward to add their support, many of them the victims of the very same predators. They’ve been forced to remain silent for decades, individuals isolated and silenced by those who are meant to protect and help them, but who instead helped conceal and enable predators, crime, systemic failure and injustice. They’ve been denied access to legal outcomes they cannot access let alone afford because laws, policies and procedures circumvent justice. http://ww...