How did that happen? How can they be united against the rest of the world in the quest to impose their hypocrisy on others when they can’t even agree with one another? Well, it all started back at the time Christ really set his religion in motion. A lot of his disciples were desperate to be seen as the favourite, and then claim power after the Romans stood by and let the Pharisees murder him for preaching about actually following the intent of God’s rules instead corrupt men using them to gain power.

Then, about 500 years ago, a German monk called Martin Luther did to the Catholic Church pretty much the same thing as Saint Paul had done to Saint Peter, and called them out for their hypocrisy. They made every effort to burn him at the stake for pointing out that the Church had degenerated into the very same thing as what the Pharisees did at the time of Christ. What happened next started the Protestant movement and led to the Reformation. It also triggered divisions within the Church on an epic scale.

The hypocrisy of Catholicism led to the evolution of splinter-cults, but soon they, too, were as rotten and corrupt as the Catholic Church had been. Problem was each new cult interpreted the Bible to satisfy the desires of its leaders, reducing Christianity to commodities and allowing the ‘faithful’ to shop about until they found one they liked. And now, two-thousand years after he was nailed to a cross for trying to make the world a better place through love, peace, tolerance, and personal improvement…

… we have every puritanical heretic and his rock claiming they do the work of god by persecuting almost every minority in a manner reminiscent of how the Romans treated the early Christians. Back then, early Christians preached at each other not to partake in the vices the Romans did, and for that they were branded ‘freaks’ and ‘evil’. Christians were not ‘normal’ because they were a minority that didn’t do what the majority of the population did, which was participate in a socially acceptable LGBT lifestyle.

Remember how the ‘no’ faction has been screaming at us that what the LGBT community does isn’t ‘normal’ and never has been? Turns out they didn’t bother to study Roman history. Or Greek history before that. ‘Traditional’ marriage and family is just a modern social-construct of a modified religious belief system passed down for hundreds of generations. In the face of all the overwhelming evidence discrediting all their excuses, the ‘no’ camp doubled down on dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Not content with projecting their own worst personality flaws onto every ‘yes’ supporter by accusing them of being evil bigots trying to force others to live under their rules, the loud and offensive folk embedded in the ‘no’ faction began cherry-picking news reports of bad behaviour, focussing on what the worst elements of the ‘yes’ campaign were doing while completely ignoring even worse behaviour from those demanding everyone vote ‘no’.

Tony Abbott was allegedly head-butted by a ‘yes’ supporter. It played well. The ‘no’ extremists used it to defame every other ‘yes’ voter. But it wasn’t actually true. Astro Labe, the idiot who made and admitted to the attack, claimed his actions had nothing to do with Marriage Equality but were motivated by the fact he believed Tony Abbott deserved it for years of behaving like an arsehole. Tony admits there was no proof it was motivated by the Marriage Equality debate. Only he and said nutter were there.

Andrew Bolt, however, has a very different take on the situation. He wasn’t there, and has no proof of any of his claims, but when has that ever stopped him from twisting reality to suit his own purpose? He used the actions of this head-nutter-butter to brand and demonise everyone who dared to support the ‘yes’ campaign. In the very same spray of hypocritical rhetoric linking the very worst allegations of crimes committed by the entire ‘yes’ faction, Bolt failed to even mention the same kind of violence and nasty behaviour committed by extremist elements of the ‘no’ faction.

That’s right. Bolt decided to dismiss and ridicule anybody who even gave Labe’s claims the benefit of the doubt even as he insisted Labe couldn’t be trusted because he was a violent hypocrite. You could trust the confession, but not the claim for the attack. Bolt, somehow, knew exactly what Labe thinking. Well, given his own history of being a convicted racist, bigot, and blow-hard hypocrite, he does have the credentials to know how one might think, but it’s the lack of actual evidence to support his claim that undermines Bolt’s allegations.

Among other things. The ranting, bullshit tirades he unleashes almost every time he opens his mouth is the other. “But for them,” Bolt raved, reducing everyone who dared disagree with his unhinged slander, “the real cause seems to be the freedom to bully, not the freedom of gays to marry. Isn’t the easiest way to feel superior just to drag someone down? And isn’t dragging them down fun? That explains something that puzzles even some Yes campaigners I respect: why all this bullying, when it just discredits their cause? Why are so many Yes supporters exactly the haters they claim to hate?”

It’s hard not to laugh at the disassociation and projection from this lunatic. His words echo the very same ones people have been asking about the extremists on the right, like Bolt himself, and with far more justification. Andrew Bolt of nutjobs incorporated, Sam Duncan of The Daily Mail, Sam Newman of the… I want to say Footy Show, but according to Newman it’s no place for commentary on Marriage Equality so since he used it for that… and Tony Abbott the self-appointed eternal PM, are experts in dealing with any who dare criticise their Nineteenth Century approach to equality and justice.

It echoes the entrenched culture of corruption in the police and public services because it is the same entrenched culture of corruption in the general public. After all, where do you think those police and public servants come from? If a problem, crime, systemic failure or injustice is bought to the attention of the authorities so that it can be reported, investigated and corrected, in response, too often, the victim is subjected to indifference, apathy, incompetence, negligence, idleness, ineptitude, insensitivity, mockery, insults, unfounded and defamatory accusations, and intimidation.

The laws, policies and procedures are used to isolate and silence the victim while concealing and enabling predators, crime, systemic failure and injustice. The most disadvantaged are unable to access, let alone afford, a legal outcome in a Legal System that reduces such things to commodities. Have a look at the Marriage Equality ‘debate’ and really think about it. Why are we even having this debate when it’s a simple matter for politicians to correct a failure to apply Article 16 of the Human Rights Charter?

Apparently, it is a matter of interpretation of that Article and so important the public has to have a direct say that the politicians can overrule if they want. The ‘no’ campaign uses the tired-old “slippery slope” argument: if we allow this then suddenly all manner of immoral laws will be automatically passed to destroy society. You want a slippery slope, consider what will happen if we decide it’s okay to start interpreting other Human Rights Articles to circumvent their intent and social justice. Given what the LNP does to the unemployed and refugees, you’ll quickly realise it’s already too late.

And there’s Tony and the other ‘no’ faction hypocrites, spewing hate, insults, mockery, unfounded and defamatory accusations, and intimidation as they use the platforms of public spaces and businesses to demand the ‘yes’ campaign stay out of public spaces and businesses. Consider the irony of Sam Newman close to foaming at the mouth as he used his position on The Footy Show to attack the AFL for declaring support for a ‘yes’ vote, and then applauded by ‘no’ extremists for his latest hypocritical, fascist tirade.

But wait… hasn’t the AFL been making a concerted effort to address social issues over the last decade or so, to help build a better community? Imagine where society would be if the AFL had remained silent on the culture of sex and drugs in the teams, child abuse and domestic violence, depression and suicide, brawling and one-punch attacks, racism, and other acts that undermine inclusivity. And the same people claiming the moral high-ground to push the ‘no’ vote on Marriage Equality are some of the very same bullies who opposed the efforts of the AFL on those other issues.

It wasn’t unexpected. The AFL, just like Qantas, are private businesses. They have a right to comment, just like Tony Abbott , Sam Newman, Bolt and other nutjobs who insist that ‘yes’ supporters should remain silent in the same breath as whining about ‘yes’ voters trying to shove their opinions down the throats of the ‘no’ faction, claiming they are being “attacked” by people who publicly support ‘yes’. It is a process that requires people to ignore logic and decades of the ‘no’ faction doing that to the LGBT community, and the real violence, insults, bullying, and injustice the LGBT community has suffered.

Besides, the AFL, Qantas and other smart businesses follow the money. They do market research and predict trends to maximise profit and make sure their business does not fail. They cater to the majority in their target demographic which, in this case, is the entire community. They did the math and found the majority of people are in favour of equality, so promoted themselves as being an inclusive part of the community that doesn’t discriminate on this issue.

Again, the ‘no’ extremists insist that’s not even their choice, and that they should not have publicly commented on the issue because they have no right to make public comment. The ‘no’ extremists do not have a problem with Churches publicly declaring support for the ‘no’ campaign, or decades of promoting their views on the LGBT community in the public arena, or of bakeries refusing to supply gay couples with wedding cakes. Yet they did have a problem with one very clever pizza business.

Discovering a giant “it’s okay to say ‘no’” billboard had been erected beside their shop, they used the white space on their own building to add “to pineapple on pizza”. Most people saw the humour in the news report, adding satirical responses reflecting the idiocy of the Marriage Equality debate with things like “pineapple is never okay”. The ‘no’ extremists never even bothered to read or listen to the report and simply launched in with accusations of “typical vandalism and bad behaviour of the lefties!”


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