The impact of these issues casts a shadow over the entire life of a victim, from childhood and education to adulthood and employment. Some remain tidally locked in the role of victim, easily identified and targeted by those who were raised as bullies or otherwise transition to the role of predators. And in too many cases, those predators move into the police or public services where they are supposed to help victims… but instead misuse their authority to inflict further harm.

And at the heart of this, too often, is financial stress, made all the worse if that person or their parent is accused of fraudulently claiming welfare. Even if an accusation isn’t true, they are sent a robo-debt letter demanding repayment and threatening legal penalties. The majority of these alleged debts have been proven false but victims must pay-up before the investigation has been completed. The LNP is demanding money with menace and committing extortion and theft. But Barnaby and his mistress? They get off on technicalities and keep hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars for their efforts.

The mistress wasn’t listed as his partner, so he didn’t technically violate the nepotism laws. “Suck it!” Barnaby may as well say. “She’s my mistress, not my wife!” As if this is somehow a good thing, that it isn’t immoral. Sure, they share a house together, fornicate and are having a baby, but the mistress is not officially listed as his partner. Then there’s the rent-free palace. The “he asked”, “he offered” claims don’t pass the pub test, and the technicality excuse there is just as unhinged.

The owner says Barnaby asked to stay there. Barnaby says it was offered to him. When he was not a sitting member. During the New England By Election. He was only, technically, endorsed to run for the seat, not actually an elected Member of Parliament. So he was living, rent free, in a palatial property owned by a multi-millionaire LNP donner who was trying to get government approval on projects to make more money, and the LNP still endorsed this idiot?!

But, as day ten passed, and the news cycle stubbornly refused to move on an enable Barnaby and his ilk, rhetoric from other politicians began to shift. Barnaby was no longer driving the bus over his wife and kids, the voters, Christian and LNP Conservative ideologies, but was under it, with a great many of his former supporters now taking turns at the wheel, their colours no longer on the outside of their coats but on the inside as self-preservation began to kick in while morality continued to remain absent.

Now, after their ferocious efforts to back him, Turnbull has found the backers to conduct an awesome act of political gymnastics - multiple back-flip-flopping with one foot in his mouth and his head in his arse while shaking a fist at all Barnaby critics and offering Barnaby an open hand that also bitch slaps him... and all without a spine. Barnaby was a canary. The LNP was trying to determine if the voters would allow them to get away with the kind of twisted behaviour of right-wing politicians in the US.

Turnbull and his faction never really hitched their wagon to Barnaby at all. They did the math. The cost in votes could see them lose power in the next election, but the empty, impotent threats of the National Party to end the coalition would see the Nationals reduced to a small faction under an ALP government contending with One Nation and the Liberal Democrats whose ranks would swell with disaffected LNP voters. It was an act of political bastardry that almost eclipsed, well, what Barnaby has spawned.

And, now, the public awaits in this oh so very real pregnant pause. Barnaby, unwilling or incapable of seeing just how poorly he has behaved, has leashed his entire Party to serving his cause to retain his rank and privileges. The Nationals, so-called champions of Country, Conservative and Christian values, had (at that time) decided to back this hypocrite and allow him to continue leading them in a very clear obvious demonstration of what happens when people lose their way.

Barnaby claims to be a Catholic. As does Tony Abbott, who also supports Barnaby. George Christiansen, another so-called Christian, then revealed just how idiotic some of these simpletons can get by posting a picture of himself firing a pistol with a caption clearly threatening political rivals… during the news focus on Barnaby’s immoral and possibly illegal activities… in the wake of the latest school shooting in the US that claimed seventeen lives, including that of a fourteen-year-old girl.

Christensen, never the brightest marsh-light in the swamp, defended his post, claiming it was based on a reference to a Dirty Harry movie, as if that excused his most recent act of idiotic behaviour. If he had bothered to watch the movie, he would have realised Eastwood’s character was someone who enforced the law to protect people from self-centred predators that adopted an attitude of ‘might makes right’ to justify inflicting themselves on others to get what they want. The irony would be lost on him.

Meanwhile, Barnaby was still lashing out, dividing the LNP against itself to serve his own twisted agenda, incapable of understanding what he had done, and continued to do, was wrong. His public ‘apology’ to his family, Party, and everyone else, went from being insincere and motivated by a desire to push the narrative that everything he did in the office of political representative, champion of Conservative Christian ideologies, leader of the National Party, and Deputy PM, was a private matter and no business of the media, public or anyone else… to something even more unhinged.

Following Turnbull’s sudden realisation that the public, including (no surprises here) LNP supporters, would not simply accept this vile behaviour, but respond by voting for other political parties, he gave Barnaby a public dressing down. Even Pauline Hanson had suggested it was his only course of action. When Hanson is the voice of reason, you really know you’ve lost your way. Nothing Turnbull said in that public address was inaccurate. The majority of the public were in complete agreement.

But Barnaby… well, he decided that it was all lies, all wrong, stated (in a very clear act of projection) that Turnbull was inept, and that he – Barnaby – was the clear victim in the whole sorry situation. Soon after, on the advice of a media advisor (most likely his mistress) by all appearances, Barnaby tried to change the focus again, claiming people were now attacking the unborn baby, treating it as if it were something less than other children. It was a particularly vile act… on the part of Barnaby and his mistress.

As if their behaviour wasn’t reprehensible enough, they used their unborn child as a shield against media and public criticism, and a weapon to get what they wanted. And evidence of ineptitude could be observed, by anyone willing to look, throughout Barnaby’s political career. Turnbull had only ever demonstrated self-absorbed ambition and complete contempt for those who got in his way or complained about the Human Rights violations he happily inflicted in the pursuit of getting what he wanted. Morally bankrupt, incompetent, and maybe corrupt, yes, but not inept.

And now we are all in limbo. Barnaby has been convinced to take leave. If only someone could get him to shut-up. One can only hope that Federal politics includes good quality, professional mental services staff on the payroll, and that both Barnaby and his mistress have been referred to these people for help with the problems both have demonstrated – and not just unflinching devotion to right-wing extremism. On the plus side, Barnaby will not be serving as acting PM while Turnbull is out of the country…

… That job will now fall to Mathius Cormann. Loyal to Turnbull. With an accent that reminds us of Germany during the Second World War. Not a good look given the perception of the LNP being a bunch of jack-booted, racist thugs violating the Human Rights of refugees, the unemployed, the disabled, the gay community, and anybody else not them or their sycophants. Regardless of the efforts to make him appear to be a decent human being, and despite being a welcome change from Barnaby, Cormann is still unable to grasp the simple reality that the LNP’s twisted ideologies inflict on the less fortunate.

But how did we get here? How did we get to the point where corruption, incompetence, and absolute hypocrisy can not only be conducted in public office, but that other politicians will happily, aggressively support someone who violates the very ideologies their Party claims to represent? How can they do it against a background of ‘Me Too’, ‘Times Up’, Marriage Equality, and anti-Domestic Violence actions? How can behaviour that violates opportunistic political rhetoric supporting ‘Me Too’, ‘Times Up’, and   actions opposing Domestic Violence and Child Abuse not only be tolerated, but excused, justified, and forced upon an unwilling and angry public?

The answer can be found in related questions. Why is it that racists, homophobes, misogynists, child abusers, Domestic Violence abusers, gun-nuts, narcissists, and the generally unhinged and uneducated flock to right wing political ideologies? It seems to be a bit of a conflict of interest really. All the efforts to identify these social problems and mental health issues behind them in order to solve them and make the world a better place… and these things form the very foundation of right-wing political support.

A regular Joe Citizen named Eric Fish posted a comment about this situation, stating “A country will never rise beyond the level of its leadership. It is our leaders that set the capping stone for how far we will grow. This issue goes way beyond the hypocrisy of our Deputy Prime Minister. The time has come for a clean up on both sides of the government. Why should we, the people of this country be subject to incompetence and mudslinging.” And he was absolutely spot-on.

Every day we hear about horrible things like people being killed and injured by self-centred arseholes who go out drinking or using drugs and then attack people in the victim’s home, in the streets, or in the hospitals, or who drive their cars into others and then run away, or about nursing homes where the disabled and elderly are being abused and mistreated, or about police and other public servants who go online with fake profiles to make vile posts, or about police and other public servants who refuse to help victims of child abuse and domestic violence, and we are stunned it is happening. Like it’s abnormal.

And those are just the reports the media knows about and bothers to publish. We shake our collective heads in dismay and ask why it happens, why there is no real regulation or action to prevent it, to stop it, to prosecute those at fault. We ask why predators are able to get away with things for decades when victims tried to get help but were silenced, and now there are more victims because the predators just kept doing what they do and even escalated. We ask why nothing changes.

If we do nothing, then nothing changes. That’s why. But what can we do when the people at the top, our so-called political representatives, are part of the problem? When too many politicians, police and public servants either refuse to do what is right, what is needed, or when they are the very predators and morally bankrupt elements of our society. Stop and think about it. Why would someone like Barnaby Joyce want to put in place laws and rules, or amend the ones filled with loopholes, that prevent him from doing what he does?


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