HOTEL CALIFORNIA You can check out any time out like, But out can never leave! Most people watched the Presidential Election Campaign in the US unfold with mounting horror. It lasted almost eighteen months. The world saw a vindictive, ill-educated, over-privileged, racist misogynist inflict himself on everyone that got in his way and took comfort in the belief that he would be kicked to the curb within the first few months. But he wasn’t. Where others fell by the wayside for their ineptitude and anti-social attitudes and behaviours, Trump surged ahead. The media couldn’t figure it out, or had been bought off by Trump to focus on his rivals while any story critical of him and his campaign remained mostly background or quickly vanished. The world was stunned that a man who had demonstrated ineptitude and corruption in business dealings, had insulted women, had allegedly defrauded associates, underpaid employees, and sexually assaulted women, was able to run for office at all...