You can check out any time out like,
You can check out any time out like,
But out can never leave!
Most people watched the Presidential Election
Campaign in the US unfold with mounting horror. It lasted almost eighteen
months. The world saw a vindictive, ill-educated, over-privileged, racist
misogynist inflict himself on everyone that got in his way and took comfort in
the belief that he would be kicked to the curb within the first few months. But
he wasn’t. Where others fell by the wayside for their ineptitude and
anti-social attitudes and behaviours, Trump surged ahead. The media couldn’t
figure it out, or had been bought off by Trump to focus on his rivals while any
story critical of him and his campaign remained mostly background or quickly
The world was stunned that a man who had
demonstrated ineptitude and corruption in business dealings, had insulted
women, had allegedly defrauded associates, underpaid employees, and sexually
assaulted women, was able to run for office at all. His campaign comprised of
half-truths, misinformation, hypocrisy and outright lies, bullying, smear,
intimidation, tantrums, threats, racism, homophobia, extremist ‘Christian’
religious agendas in violation of equal rights for women, black and Hispanic
folk, and the gay community (supported by the KKK and white supremacists), wage
cuts for the wealthy and big business and increases in the military (both of
which would likely double US debt), and an aggressive economic approach that
would trigger Global Recession.
Trump claimed he was
representing the frustrated middle class. His mostly white supporters claimed
they were angry about economic-employment failures of the Obama administration.
That was a load of hog shit. The socio-economic issues had been building over
decades. They were not the work and fault of the Obama administration alone.
Indeed, the Obama administration had done a lot to correct many of the
problems, but Trump and the most zealous Republican supporters that flocked to
his dung-heap were not listening to facts anymore. They were motivated by what
always motivated them: racism and misogyny hiding behind Conservative values,
some even claiming to be ‘Christian’ values. They formed the core of Trump’s
support. Their behaviour was deplorable.
The obnoxious and offensive racist chanting
and social media posts have provided over-whelming evidence of a deep-seated
entrenched culture of corruption in US society where racism, misogyny,
discrimination, slander, and intimidation is commonplace, considered acceptable,
normalised. But Pamela Ramsey Taylor went above and beyond in her efforts to
prove just how ill-educated and psychologically unhinged too many of Trump’s
supporters really are. She was just one of far too many hill-billy red-necks
with three names that are so racist, hate-filled and delusional it’s a wonder they
can survive the transition from getting out of bed to standing upright in the
morning. Most of them are pretty vacuous, but this one takes the cake.
Pamela Ramsey Taylor, like most of her vile
ilk, has emerged from under a rock or some other dark place in the wake of Trump’s
remarkable victory to inflict her idiocy on the world: “It will be so
refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified first lady back in the White
House. I’m tired of seeing a ape in heels.” And Trump zealots get aggressive if
people accuse them of being racists when they say idiotic things like that. As
a point of interest, Pamela Ramsey Taylor insists the comment wasn’t meant to
sound racist, and even claims she is the victim after comments several people
made in response to what she posted. In any case, beauty is in the eye of the
beholder, but there are serious doubts about the other two claims concerning
Melania Trump. After all, how much class and dignity can the fourth trophy wife
of a much older old man with such a vile history toward women have? If you want
true beauty that goes to the soul, combined with class and dignity, then it’s
Michele Obama, first and only wife of Barack Obama, most likely the last
President of the United States.
Perhaps there is some genetic flaw in people
like Trump that prevents them from using what little intelligence they have,
because she plans to sue a number of people for alleged defamatory comments.
Given the hatchet job she did on her own reputation, there doesn’t seem a lot
of ground for her case. The responses to news posts on her idiotic comment have
revealed that racism is not only alive and well in the US, but on the increase
following Trump’s victory, and not just in the US. His supporters are out in
force, exercising their right to free speech even as they insult those who
disagree with them, unleashing threats and demands others remain silent.
At what point did the rhetoric change? When did the people of the
US decide to discard even the pretension of believing in the ideologies and
inspirational speeches that are supposed to be at the core of their society?
When did “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” get changed to
only the wealthy minority who impose neoliberalism have those rights? When did what JFK say
become “we choose to vote for Trump not because it’s easy, but because we’re
incredibly stupid” or what Neil Armstrong said devolve into “one small step
back for a voter, one giant leap backward for Mankind”? Look at what the US
had, look at what it frittered away, and look at the tone that has now been set
by Trump.
Police Officer Joel Husk got fired after a series of offensive and defamatory
social media posts continuing the manipulative pro-Trump campaign of
misinformation to provoke anger and violence toward his rivals. Husk had
violated the Talladega Police Department’s social media and code of conduct
polices. He had also revealed himself to be a colossal douche whose education
was sorely lacking, and who should never have been given his position as a
police officer in the first place. The only good to come of the incident was
Patrick Bryant, someone who clearly got his job based on merit, and from whom
Trump could learn a great deal.
and integrity are of the utmost importance, and those qualities in a public
servant are the foundation upon which good government is laid,” Bryant said.
“We’re only as effective as the trust the community has in us.” Trump has
demonstrated that he lacks the qualities required for the office of President
of the United States. Bryant has demonstrated that he has at least the basics
of what is needed - a well-adjusted moral and ethical compass, the intelligence
to think, and the ability to apply meritocracy. And he’s white. Turns out that
not all white guys are arseholes. If only there were more like Bryant, and less
like Trump.
But what has Donald Trump done to address the
concerns? What does he say about this behaviour? Aside from a piss-poor “stop
it” comment when cornered by the media, nothing. He remains silent on the bad
behaviour of his sycophants even as he hypocritically accuses Democratic voters
of worse and continues with his extremist and often fabricated rhetoric. Before
now, up until he claimed victory after the Election, he himself was one of the
trolls making nasty comments like that. His failure to condemn behaviour that
violates US ideologies and laws is seen as acceptance, and enables it.
Now take a step back. Look at the comments
Trump made about political rivals and women. Clearly, behaviour like that is
what we recognise as that of a cyber-troll and no different to any other
misogynistic domestic violence abusing scumbag that mistreats women. But we
also know men like that project their own flaws on others. Trump is no
different. Read back through the hypocrisy of the things he has said and done,
and swap the names of his victims for his own, and now you have a very real
picture of who, and what, Donald J rump really is, and why comments and
behaviours from predators will increase under his leadership.
Then there’s his
attitude toward the media. He hates the media unless they are in his pocket. He
hates any media that has the integrity to report facts because they tend to
reveal what he really is and damage the masquerade he has created. The free
media informs people on reality. Predators like Trump rely upon the ignorance
of their victims to get what they want. It’s easier to steal from people if
they are unaware of your history of defrauding employees, running fake
universities to defraud people desperate for the education needed to break the
poverty cycle, declaring bankruptcy and leaving investors and sub-contractors
with huge debts. It’s easier to avoid legal issues if you can isolate and
silence victims of sexual assault.
media has reported the concerns of everyone who is smart enough to have studied
history, watched Trump’s behaviour over the last forty years, or who has that
sick feeling in the pit of their stomach called natural instinct. As he chooses
his extreme-right wing K-K-Kabinet jam-packed with all its neoliberal conflicts
of interest, racism and absence of meritocracy that impacts on everyone around
the world, the concerns grow. And they are right to be fearful. You bet Trump
intends to make changes to ensure barriers to his neoliberal advantage, like
the free media, equality, justice, regulation, and elements of the Constitution
are weakened or removed altogether. It will come as no surprise if he puts in
place laws to allow him to rule beyond his term and unleashes military might to
force compliance and submission upon all those who dare challenge or oppose him.
We’ve already
seen the opening salvos in Eastern Europe during the years that led into the
Second World War, and now we’re seeing them again, now, in the US. Trump’s
attack on Serge Kovaleski, who has arthrogryposis, a congenital condition affecting the joints, demonstrating an escalation to the hate and bigotry Trump encourages. He denied mocking Kovaleski's condition, and his extreme right-wing hypocrite media outlets quickly started spreading the usual lies to rewrite history in a more favourable light even as they attacked the free media for what they claimed was dishonesty. Catholics4Christ was a good example. That group of hypocrites have either never read the Holy Bible upon which they claim to have built their faith, or use a version that interprets the teachings of Christ in a way so far removed from what He actually said and intended that they should never be permitted to claim affiliation.
demonstrate an affinity for using big words to appear
intelligent and educated, but with little real comprehension of their meaning -
you saw the following photo spread like wildfire over social media with
commentary condescendingly and horrifyingly excoriating Trump as a monster”.
They tried to convince the world it was all a lie, that people who believed and
shared it were condescending, and they were horrified by the ‘dishonesty’. If
you saw the footage you knew damn well what Trump was doing. And if acceptance
of fact horrifies these so-called Christians, maybe they need to pay attention
to the ongoing and historical culture of corruption in the Catholic Church
regarding rampant child abuse and paedophilia, and the cover-ups conducted by
folks within their cult who go out of their way to isolate and silence victims
while concealing and enabling predators, crime, systemic failure and injustice.
That’s horror. It's also another example of their hypocrisy.
should also read the Bible, a real one, and start doing what Christ instructed.
The warning about creatures like Trump in 2 Timothy 3:
1-9 appears very appropriate, but given the vile culture of corruption in the
Churches, the anger of Christ in Mark 11: 12-19 concerning how the House of God
being reduced to a marketplace, a commodity, is also apt given efforts to
rewrite the New Testament to satisfy self-centered desires. Now consider how
Trump and his sycophants treated 11 year-old J.J. Holmes, who
has cerebral palsy, when he protested Trump’s treatment of people with
disabilities. Christ did not instruct good Christians to behave that way.
of demanding non-Christians and real Christians live by your hypocrisy, read
Colossians 3: 1-17 and then 1 Timothy 3: 1-12. Do not select a few of those
things and accuse and persecute others for violating your rules when you
yourself happily break them and others, and even defend and dismiss the sins of
someone like Trump, and then elect him as your leader. What did Nehemiah do
when he found Tobiah had wormed his way into the Temple? Pretty much the same
thing Christ did when he found the leaders of the temple doing the same thing
centuries later. And what have you lot done? Same damn thing!
pack-up your hypocritical bigotry and bugger-off. You have no right to preach
false doctrines at anybody, be they non-Christians or real Christians. You are
about to reap what you sow, and what you planted while you mocked God – you’re
the fig tree that failed to bear good fruit or give a fig. I have no doubt you RWNJs
will unleash more of your hate and hypocrisy on me for pointing out the
obvious, but it doesn’t bother me because the same thing happened to Christ
when he rebuked hypocrisy, as detailed in Luke 11: 37-54. The hypocrites back
then accused Christ himself of being wrong in matters referring to God, and
claimed he insulted them.
The vile behaviour of
the most fanatical Trump supporters, including these so-called Christians who
support and enable behaviour and policies that violate the teachings of Christ
and basic moral and ethical decency, provides further evidence that Hillary was
right to call them deplorable. That’s why Trump and his mob hate free media. Free
media is an element the worst members of our society cannot control. Free media
has the potential, ability and willingness to reveal what people like Trump
really are, to unite his victims, to bring him down. Trump can only control his
mob while he can control the media and his own does not turn on him when he
betrays their misplaced trust to do what he really wants – screw everyone for
his own sick, self-centred ambitions.
Among his other rantings were claims that
Hillary Clinton had misappropriated, lost or stolen six-billion dollars in tax
payer revenue. It was a lie. Other claims included the suspicious death of a
fictional FBI agent who was allegedly murdered by Hillary Clinton because he
was supposedly investigating her. That was utter BS too, but it escalated to
the point that Hillary had a trail of no less than twenty-three bodies behind
her, including young girls and women who her husband had allegedly raped. The
lies just got bigger and bigger. It cost her votes. That was the intention.
Stupid people allowing themselves to be misled by lies. Makes you wonder why
there are no penalties imposed on candidates who gain advantage by deliberate
misinformation, slander, and deception.
In the face of Trump’s idiocy, Liu Zhenmin,
the Chinese Vice Foreign Minister, revealed that the Chinese do, indeed, have a
wicked sense of humour. Either that or he’s never met Trump or the average US
citizen. Trump had unleashed more of his trademark lies in regards to Climate
Change, claiming it was a hoax created by the Chinese for whatever nefarious
purposes his bobble-heads might care to imagine. When asked about Trump’s
insane accusations, plans to stop supporting the initiatives, and other idiotic
behaviour he could not have missed, Zhenmin replied “As the largest developed
economy in the world, US support is essential… we have to expect they will take
a smart and wise decision.” Don’t hold your breath.
Trump could change his attitudes and behaviour to represent the people of the
US, use his position, wealth and opportunity to do what is right. Or he could do what too
many gutless cowards do and continue to behave as he has. Indeed, he attacked
the cast of Hamilton for daring to speak to the soon-to-be Vice President, one
of their elected political representatives, and asked him to remember all US
citizens, to rule wisely. Trump demanded they apologise. Past behavior is an
indicator of future behavior in weak people incapable of positive change.
Attitudes toward the Obamas, like Trump’s attitudes toward women, have shown us
what kind of future awaits the US now Trump has won and everybody else has
lost. It wouldn’t surprise anyone except (perhaps) Trump and his most his
fanatical zealots if several States left the Union and declared independence or
even negotiated a deal to join Canada. It may sound farfetched given years of
shared history and a love of their flag, but time and the debt and shame Trump and
his vile little band of psychopaths accrue, and bring to what the US once was,
may make it far more likely.
It’s hard to find a lot of information on this in the
bigger, more well-known US media news feeds, but some indicates the movement is
growing and has the support of up to six millionaires opposed to Trump. There
is also evidence suggesting this is possible, in theory, according to the
Supreme Court. Apparently there is no clause in the Constitution which specifically
allows secession, but if States can
be voluntarily admitted into the Union,
it seems logical for there to be a way for them to voluntarily leave. The United States Supreme Court previously ruled
unilateral secession
unconstitutional, but included comments that revolution or consent of the States could lead to a successful secession. Other sources claim
two-thirds of Congress must support the request.
Since Trump will be choosing the next Supreme Court
Justice, there’s a good chance he has planned for efforts of various States to
escape his dictatorship. California, Oregon, Washington State, and Nevada may
well have more in common with Canada than the Divided States of Trump, but
California alone has an economy that is the sixth largest (according to some
sources) in the world – a windfall for Canada, but something Trump won’t want
to lose as he runs the entire country into massive, trillion dollar debt and
economic ruin. Again, enough time under the mis-administration of a
Trump-tatorship will make independence look more attractive by the day.
Sure, it could be argued lunatic comments like those
made by morons like Pamela Ramsey Taylor are isolated incidents and don’t
represent the core values of Trump’s campaign or Presidency… but they do. Trump
himself set the tone for the narrative of his Presidency, the sick reflection
of a personality unfit for office because it fails the good character required
test to represent the people. Trump is the epitome of a vile culture normalised
in the very worst parts of the community, a throwback to a time best left
behind over a hundred years ago. And for anybody stupid enough to think his
worst nature will be tempered by those around him, think again. Omarosa
Manigault, Trump’s pet-token-black-person-and-woman combined doesn’t inspire
Manigault once
referred to those who did not agree with and support Trump as ‘enemies’ rather
than rivals, and went on to claim she would never judge people for exercising
their democratic rights, then proved that remark a lie by claiming Trump and
his half-wit zealots were keeping a list of those who did not support him, and
implied there would be retribution. This is not the behaviour of a political
party legitimately trying to win support to gain office to represent the people
– this is the behaviour of a fascist tyrant and his fanatical sycophants more
than willing, even eager, to use terrorism to crush all opposition, enforce
their will, and maintain power. And her use of the word “we” indicates she
still doesn’t get that with Trump, there is no we, there is only him.
She’s as mad as a cut
snake, a vile woman who shamed the Founding Fathers, Suffragettes, and Martin
Luther King by selling out US ideologies, women, and the black community by
bending her knee to a racist, misogynist who spits on equality, justice,
freedom, liberty, meritocracy, accountability and democracy. In Trump she found
an evil overlord and her path to personal power. There is a photo of her
smiling the rictus grin of a deranged lunatic and wearing a ‘Make America Great
Again’ cap while a hand is on her right shoulder. A white hand. Symbolic. A
moment caught in time. A hand on the shoulder or back of the neck of another
suggests control, dominance, of directing the other. And given the disturbing
attitudes of Trump and his core backing of white supremacists and the KKK, it’s
no wonder so many in the community have turned their back on her.
But Manigault wasn’t
done. Focus on the micro-expression when she said the word “challenged” in her
rant that “every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to Trump,
everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, whoever challenged him, it is the ultimate
revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe”. That’s insanity.
That’s where vicious, psychotic visions of fascism, labour camps and death
squads begin, and where freedom of speech and democracy goes to die. She’s on a
first name, almost intimate basis with Trump, a disturbing reminder of the Monica
Lewinsky incident, and appears oblivious to the fact that the President of the
US is supposed to serve the people, not rule as a dictator hell-bent on revenge
for inferred or well-deserved slights.
No wonder Putin likes Trump. He sees another
power mad dictator whose fascism can be bent to his will. Despite the obvious
warning signs, however, Trump support grew. Many of those supporters claim they
only voted for Trump to stop Hillary getting into office, and their excuses for
that vary, but the reality is clear – they still voted for him. What got Trump
across the line was his ability to control and manipulate the media. With the
help of Putin and his right-wing fascists in Russia, the Trump extremists
managed to use the media to convince ignorant and just plain stupid swinging
voters that Trump was the answer to all the problems (both real and imagined)
in the US. Trump was, if anything, even worse than existing politicians, his
behaviour the very embodiment of ineptitude, corruption, and hypocrisy –
Plutocratic Fascism at its best.
Trump had no experience or idea. He intended
to run government like any other business he runs, which would indicate it will
be bankrupted and leave investors and workers out of pocket before the end of
his first term in office. What has followed since his disturbing election is
more of the same. His supporters watch with adoration, their world insulated
from reality by an inability to interpret what they see and hear, something
that most can only accomplish smoking crack. Given their increased presence and
comments on social media sites, some even trolling back over months of past
news feeds to bully, insult and threaten those who didn’t support Trump, there
appears to be ample evidence of an overuse of illegal narcotics. Wiser heads
are seeing history repeat. And for some of us, we are cursed with abilities to
interpret and understand much more.
The whole election
campaign, and what has followed, has all been about micro-expressions and body
language. We saw post-truth as it happened. If you have the ability to
interpret those things, the things people say become very interesting indeed.
Some of these indicators are obvious. Donald Trump is an open book. His smirk
at the declaration that he would refuse to accept any Election result unless he
won and his claims the Election was rigged were suggestive but ultimately
useless without any physical evidence or testimony from any conspirators that
may have been involved. He was right though. It was rigged. Not in the sense of
every polling station. There is no need to rig every polling station, only the
ones where a few thousand votes determine the result.
There is a great deal
of concern amongst officials about the lack of consistency in voting procedures
across the US. Some States use touch-screen computer systems, others ballot
papers, some a mixture of the two. There is also the use of intimidation,
closing of polling stations in areas where there is a higher population of
not-white voters, the misuse of procedures to have some voters struck-off the
register and a whole slew of other methods used to rig the election in favour
of particular candidates, usually Republican ones. But for all the bitching,
whining, projection and disassociation inflicted by Trump and his RWNJs, it
looks like they are the ones behind most of the ‘rigged’ electoral results.
Gladys Coego, a dear
old thing of 74, God bless her, felt obliged to cast an unknown number of votes
in favour of her preferred candidate, Raquel Renalado, a Republican. Coego was
a temporary election worker who used her position to fill in ballots and stuff
them into the box. Instead of invalidating the process, and forcing a new
election, the results stood. Was she paid by Trump’s campaign to do this, or
was she just a freelance idiot? Who knows, for once the mouth of a Trump zealot
is firmly shut, so there is an upside to the whole mess. If only more of her
ilk remained silent at polling stations instead of heckling, intimidating and
insulting voters. Sadly, there are far too many of her ilk at large.
You don’t need to
launch a convoluted, country-wide conspiracy involving thousands of State and
Federal public servants to rig elections and kill democracy. All you need to do
is let it bleed out with a thousand tiny cuts using freelance arseholes. A few
dozen or hundred votes for a Republican candidate here, the removal of
thousands of potential Democrat voters from electoral rolls there,
intimidation, dodgy touch-screen systems that add votes to one candidate when
another is selected, and who’s your Daddy?! Trump. Now bend over and hope that
bastard’s only going to spank you. Given his history, continued pattern of behaviour,
and affiliation with the KKK and Catholics4Trump, you’re likely to get the kind
of spanking Hitler gave Germany.
Hope and pray all you
want, but the reality of Trump has always been there for those willing to see
and hear. If you’re a Christian, you were told about this in Mark 4: 21-5. And
that whole sexual abuse thing in the Catholic Church should really have taught
you to change behaviours that allowed that kind of thing to happen and hidden
away. The fears about what Trump will do are justified. You bet he intends to
make changes once he is in office to ensure barriers to his neoliberal
advantage, like free media, equality, justice, and elements of the Constitution
are weakened or removed altogether. All the ‘evil’ Obama did will be happy memories
in the years to come and it will come as no surprise if he puts in place laws
to allow him to rule beyond his term.
There was ample
warning. His history, his continued abusive, immoral and unethical behaviour,
was there for all to see and hear. That Trump projects his own worst flaws on
others is beyond doubt, and it was clear he would say whatever he needed to get
into office and then fail to deliver on most of them was also obvious. Yes, he
lied to conceal the facts, to convince foolish and horrible people to vote for
him, to defame and discredit his rivals, we all watched him and his sycophants
do it. Some of us watched the body language and micro-expressions, but there’s no
challenge there when it comes to Trump. What began as amusement has turned to
horror. Real horror. The kind where predators get into positions of authority
and inflict their worst desires on good people. But the behaviour of others to
make the best of this disgraceful travesty has provided a great deal of
Josh Earnest choked on the political spin
designed to mollify a concerned and divided public as much as foreign
governments. It was rhetoric choreographed to prevent civil unrest and global
economic panic in the face of the unexpected and disastrous electoral outcome
and Trump’s ambitions to increase US military might. He seemed entirely too
eager to send hundreds of thousands of young and mostly poor people to fight,
kill and die on foreign shores, and bomb civilians, to protect the interests of
the US wealthy and ruling elite even though he himself had dodged the draft
when that twisted duty to do the same had come. Worse, Trump’s desire to use
nuclear weapons had been revealed during the election campaign, and now he has
the launch codes.
“President Obama came away from the meeting
with…” Earnest said, pausing, and maintaining awkward silence long enough to
almost vomit in his mouth and undermine everything he was trying to sell,
“renewed confidence.” He had the same rictus grin Manigault wore, but lacked the
insane gleam of maniacal fanaticism. His eyes were empty. Obama is the same.
Gone are the expansive hand gestures, the mischievous glint in his eye, wry
grin like he just heard or read something amusing, and determined set of the
jaw and shoulders as he sets about getting on with the job and working with
others to actually do what is needed to make America great. Only when there
were domestic and foreign incidents of violence resulting in needless death and
maiming would the humour in his eye vanish, replaced with sorrow, frustration,
and righteous anger. But since Trump claimed victory, Obama won’t maintain eye
contact. His hands are clasped or hold the podium, his shoulders drooped, the
grin gone and light faded from his eyes. If his hands move at all, it’s
lacklustre. He’s been Trumped.
That’s what Trump does. It’s not enough to
just defeat his victims. Trump has to burn down their world and then shit all
over them as they sit, broken in the ashes of all they worked so hard to
accomplish. He doesn’t care about collateral, who else he harms, or whether
it’s a billion dollar deal or some poor girl he has violated trying to get
justice, only that the world see what happens to those who dare defy his sick
ambitions. And now he rules over the US like a Middle Eastern, religious
extremist warlord. His policies are mired in the worst religious hypocrisy when
it comes to women, gays and people of other colours, ethnicities and religions.
He plots to violate laws to exact retribution on his “enemies”, those who dared
campaign and exercise their democratic right to vote against him. He is
increasing his military might, and using nepotism to create an inner circle. He
has four wives.
Trump claimed he would clean-up the
corruption in the US political system. He began with nepotism, installing three
of his children and a son-in-law in his inner circle. They were there to help
him choose his cabinet. Would they be competent people of good character? Hell
no. Management sets the tone. Especially in big business and the public
service. Management will rarely, if ever, hire those more competent or of
better moral fibre for two reasons: one, fear the help may perform better and
replace them, and two, incompetent or corrupt management does not want to hear
dissent, it only wants bobble-heads. Trump’s history demonstrates a rigid,
unwavering adherence to this approach in business. He will surround himself
with mirrors and squat upon a golden throne that is elevated above the Divided
States of Trumpsylvania.
Trump, it appears, intends to call back
Giuliani, Christie, Gingrinch, and Palin. For someone that claimed he was going
to make America great again, he’s got a novel approach. Those folks are each
what others would refer to as a putz. Those four are part of the problem. They
are like little carbon copies of Trump, just like Manigault, Melania, and his
kids, their minds scrubbed and filled with Trump. He does not tolerate any
naysmith. He will not accept anything less than unquestioning, unconditional
compliance. And he will not hesitate to sacrifice anyone that gets in his way,
that has served their purpose, or that may help accomplish his goals by their
demise, even his own supporters. If he ever intended to make America great
again, it would only be great for him.
problems the US has will get worse before they get better. Throughout my blog on the
entrenched culture of corruption, this American Alptraum section includes a
number of images of quotes that highlight particular points. They often include
pictures that capture a moment, add to the remark or observation. They are a
glimpse into reality and provoke thought rather than some opportunistic
misinformation or misused material designed to deceive and manipulate. Most of
them come with a web-address where you can read the article from which the
information came, but they also provide a great opportunity to look back and
consider what went unsaid, what we all missed. Read them again, think about
them and what it means to be American, their ideologies.
Consider that
question Kelly asked Trump. His behavior in response to it provided the answer.
Despite all the nasty, vindictive and defamatory accusations levelled at her,
the question was not only legitimate but incredibly valid. It wasn’t designed
to harm Trump or his campaign. Kelly had no hidden agenda. Trump did though.
His example not only answered the question, and demonstrated what the US would
become under him, but was a war-cry for every vicious, racist, misogynist,
hypocritical half-wit to launch an offensive against real US citizens. Their
vile campaign to isolate and silence people better than them in every way
continues and even escalates as they unleash their ignorance, bigotry, insults
and slander in an effort to do what they falsely accuse others of doing to
them. Trump wasted the opportunity to demonstrate humility, change the
narrative for a positive.
Kelly and those like her are dedicated to the
facts, not the ‘truth’ as a despot and their zealots wish the world to see and
hear, but cold, hard facts. They don’t care what side of the political fence
someone occupies, or whether it will damage the image and reputation of an
individual or country, only that if a report is in the best interests of the
people, then it must be told. They believe in and defend the ideologies of the
US more than anyone else because, unlike the military, their hands are not tied
behind their backs by a rigid command structure beholden to rotten politicians.
Kelly and those like her speak for those denied a voice. They understand that
until you expose and acknowledge a problem, you cannot begin to address it and
affect positive change. They are well aware that you cannot be part of the
solution if you are part of the problem. They know that while those who are
silent may be said to condone, those who force others to remain silent are
Michelle Obama
seems to share similar views. She advocated the use of free speech and a need
for education to affect positive change. “As you go forth,” she once said
during a graduation speech, “when you encounter folks who still hold on to the
old prejudices because they’ve only been around folks like themselves, when you
meet folks who think they know all the answers because they’ve never heard any
other viewpoints, it’s up to you to help them see things differently.” She has
a wealth of experience living with intolerance, inequality and injustice. She’s
black, she’s a woman, she’s a lawyer, she’s intelligent, she’s a Democrat, she
demonstrates true Christian virtues, and she puts up with idiotic comments from
arseholes every day. What she forgot, however, was that you cannot reason with
unreasonable people.
Trump, on the
other (tiny, orange, greedy, vindictive, incompetent and corrupt) hand has far
more in common with Islamic extremists and European despots than the people of
the US. He’s like the bigoted, racist, offensive uncle that steals from family
members. Who insults, mauls, abuses, terrorises, and assaults – then slanders
to discredit – all your female relatives. Who nobody wants to talk about.
Instead, there are awkward moments, drawn out silences, unhealthy tension, and folks
looking ill as they avoid making eye contact. All you so-called silent majority
have done in your misguided, unhinged efforts to make America great again, is
dug a deeper hole and delayed the civil conflict a few more days or years. In the
years to come, you’ll deny voting for him, blame others, and make the same
stupid decisions as the ideologies of your country vanish forever.
Well done,
morons, you are part of the entrenched culture of corruption.
You did this.
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