A long long time ago
I can still remember how
That music used to make me smile 

The US election results shocked the world. Most of us were well aware of US hypocrisy, the failure to uphold its ideologies. We could see what too many in the US refused to acknowledge. We had watched as the systemic failures and other issues became problems, untended, concealed, enabled, escalating. We were stunned that the Home Mortgage scheme could ever have been allowed to occur. We were well aware of the flaws of unregulated Capitalism, of self-regulation and internal investigations. We could see the conflict of interest.

We watched as millionaires and billionaires were elected into office with the funding from others of their ilk. We could see how far too many of those so-called political representatives were insulated from reality by their wealth and circumstances. It was obvious that they were morally and ethically bankrupt. They could not possibly hope to understand how the real world impacted on the most disadvantaged. And yet those individuals believed they were both qualified and justified in the decisions they made, too many of which violated the ideologies upon which the US was supposed to have been founded. We have the same problem in our own countries.

It is easy to see why people are angry. It is easy to understand their frustration. It is easy to see why they’d want change and respond to rhetoric promising that change. It is impossible, however, to understand how people could be so idiotic as to ignore evidence of the very things they claim to revile. Inequality. Injustice. Incompetence. A lack of accountability. Dishonesty. Hypocrisy. Intimidation. Corruption. Slander. Defamation. Brutal violence. Misogyny to the point of sexual assault… Rape culture. The response to the election revealed just how unhinged Trump supporters were, how willing they were to project their own personality flaws on those they considered rivals, how they inflicted and justified the very moral and ethical violations they claimed to oppose.

Enter Rosa Crystal Rose. Yet another Trump sycophant with three names. They have begun appearing more and more of late. It all started when Trump announced his plans to run for office. Many of the FB profiles for these folk had no history. Some looked suspiciously fake. Her copied and pasted share was an interesting take on what happened. Flawed and filled with a collection of assumptions, half-truths, and outright lies. It reveals more about the nature of the average Trump voter than the insulting, idiotic accusations levelled at those who did not support their Plutocratic Fascist. When the whole ranting tirade is unpacked, and reality imposed upon what has been written, the pathetic nature of the excuses for voting for Trump become abundantly clear as the real reason behind who or what created and maintains those idiotic excuses becomes obvious.

The easiest way to correct the misassumptions is to address RWNJs directly, so, first, nobody created you Trump supporters by attacking your freedom of speech. You were simply an existing collective of people who threw a massive tantrum because you were angry a black man had become President, and because good people like him refused to do the ignorant, bigoted, discriminatory and racist things you ranted and screamed at anybody that dared disagree. You are more than willing to abuse your freedom of speech even as you deny others the right to free speech. That’s hypocrisy.

Second, nobody attacked your right to bear arms. Good people just wanted to enforce the Second Amendment. It says ‘well-regulated’. That means making sure nutjobs who are well off their axel don’t have access to weapons that they can use to hurt people. It’s easy to see why so many of you would think people would want to take away your guns. You are insane. The US has an average of 12,500 deaths a year from gun related incidents, and double that in injuries. Far too many of them are kids. And that’s just the ones that are reported. Countries with better gun control laws do not have this many gun related deaths and injuries. The fact that Trump and you lot oppose efforts to reduce this speaks volumes on the nature and status of your sanity.

Third, nobody attacked your ‘Christian’ beliefs. What you believe and what Christ tried to teach you are two very, very different things. You are all about religious freedom as long it’s your religion. You are so busy trying to force your misinterpretations of the Holy Bible down the throats of others that you fail to see the hypocrisy of what you are doing. You bitch and whine about ‘oppression’ when what you mean is other people won’t do what you demand. If you want to live under religious laws, go to the Middle East and try it there. Maybe then you will appreciate a country that separates State Laws from insane religious rules. 

Four, people referred to many of you as racists and xenophobes, and even misogynists, because what you keep saying and doing is racist, xenophobic and misogynistic. You are also a bunch of ill-educated morons who just screwed yourselves and everyone else with your tantrum and inability to accept reality, learn from it, and become better people. You don’t like being referred to as a racist, or even a misogynist? Then stop saying and doing racist and misogynistic shit!

Maybe you should write some of this down. Grab a note pad and a pencil or crayon. You’ll need something other than white. Don’t be afraid of the colors. You’d be amazed at the beauty of what you can create with a variety of colored things. Actually, that may explain your problem. Perhaps it’s time to buy books with words in them. Yes, the words can appear scary because of all the black ink, but they can teach you so much. Humility is a real good one, and tolerance too. Hard concepts. Especially that second one. Black folk, Hispanics, Moslems, women and a whole slew of others have trouble maintaining it when dealing with people like you, but they at least make the effort and to respect your opinion and do it with what little dignity you leave them.

Five, it was you lot that told everybody to get on board or get out of the way. You’ve also told people who have more right to be there to “get the fuck out of my country” and “if you don’ like it, leave” when someone points out things that violate what your country is supposed to be. If someone said it back at you, they were right to do so. What you just did there was projection. It’s an indicator of your serious mental health problems. If anything, good people have been trying to tell you that you cannot be part of the solution because you are part of the problem. Your ignorance, bigotry, and an unwillingness to think and learn is a big part of the problem that has led to the shit mess the US finds itself in.

Six. That health care one I’ll give you. You shouldn’t have to participate in a health care program if you don’t want. You should have the right to die in a gutter if you don’t want health care. But for the millions shafted by a society that fails to provide employment or an income for people who legitimately want work but can’t get it, there needs to be a safety net. Make the people that gain wealth by exploiting and defrauding others pay for it. If you can afford it and don’t want it, that’s fine. But when you or your kids get sick, and you can’t afford care, that’s on you. And if the State takes your kids away because you won’t care for them, that’s on you too. Truth is, given you’re a RWNJ, it would be a better outcome for the poor little bastards to be raised by good people who care for them and want them to be better people anyway.

Always amazes me that you get right-wing jackoffs who insist everyone should take responsibility for their own actions and circumstances and yet have such a warped sense of what that means. You’re happy to puff away on your cigarettes and race about on your fancy motorbike or in your ridiculously expensive or oversized car, but as far as you’re concerned, you are struggling to survive on what you get and shouldn’t have to spend some of your addiction-satisfying money on getting health insurance for your kids. And at the same time, you are more than willing to blame the unemployed, poor, and victims of big business fraud for things those people cannot control. Well done, dumbasses. 

Seven. Your political rivals didn’t ‘allow’ jobs to leave your country. They have as much control over it as you. Your government did, regardless of party. That’s what barely regulated Capitalism does. That and Trickle-down Economics. Big business uses both of those things to maximise profit margins, and ‘political donations’ to give politicians an incentive to enable it. Now you’ve combined big business and politics in Trump – one of the main offenders. If anyone allowed jobs to leave the country, it was people that enabled parasites like him. You. 

Eight. Actually, you attacked your flag. Your flag represents equality, justice, freedom, liberty, meritocracy, accountability, and democracy. People like you have been hiding behind it to do all kinds of hypocritical things for decades. You’ve been pissing all over it. And this election, you just took a massive collective dump on it, then wadded up the Constitution and wiped your arse with that for good measure. Burning it seems to be the most hygienic and wisest thing to do. Your government really should put more funding into better quality public education and mental health services.

Nine. It was actually you that confused women’s rights with feminism. That whole ideology on equality. That’s women’s rights in a nutshell. They make up over fifty percent of the population and they don’t have it. The use (or misuse) of the term ‘minority’ and ‘feminism’ allows you to deny equality and maintain your cock-tugging, testosterone-fueled, misogynistic, rape culture lifestyle choices while accusing women of trying to take away your assumed rights. You don’ have the right to deny anyone the most basic human rights, but when people point that out, you brand them traitors. Traitors to what?! Men and women are not a separate species or Nation-State, you half-witted dullards! The people you call traitors are actually patriots. Patriots are people willing to sacrifice a great deal to reveal systemic failure and violations of their National identity. Martin Luther King was a patriot. So are the soldiers that fight in wars, even if they were taken prisoner and spent years in captivity. People that try to shout patriots into silence are the real traitors.

Ten. Nobody is emasculating men. What you are doing is confusing what a real man is with a misogynist. A real man doesn’t act like an over-privileged, self-entitled arsehole. You are placing men, white men, above all others and then have the unmitigated arrogance to accuse people who disagree with that misogyny of engaging in anti-social behaviors and immoral and ethical bankruptcy. Again, that’s projection. You have a mental illness. It can be cured with education and therapy. Given that most of the dickheads that froth at the mouth over this issue are domestic violence inflicting bastards enabled by mind-controlled or just as deranged women, the motives for this bullshit accusation becomes abundantly clear. You need to get help before you harm anyone else.

Eleven. Accusing children and the well-adjusted adults they become of being soft when they reveal themselves to have better personality traits and qualities than your own is a demonstration of just how deep-seated your own mental health issues have become. When you accuse better people of being ‘soft’ and demand they behave like you (an arsehole), all you are doing is creating false evidence to support your flawed social construct. “Harden up” is an expression that goes hand-in-hand with “get over it”. They are used by bullies and cowards that inflict themselves on others, abusing women, children, the elderly, and anybody else physically incapable of defending against predators. Claiming you don’t do that is neither here nor there. If you justify that rhetoric, you enable it. The fact that you use and justify this idiotic accusation reveals exactly what kind of creature you are. 

Twelve. You are concerned about ‘progressive ideals’? When circumstances change and something doesn’t meet that change by adapting, it stagnates and dies. That’s what happened to your industries and the socio-economic platform upon which you continue to build your society. Your foundations eroded to sand and you are dinosaurs. Keep holding on while the rest of the world passes you by despite your efforts to hold it back. You know what made the US great? The ability to seize an opportunity, to throw off the shackles of people like you, hell-bent on dragging good people down on your way to extinction. There are already communities for folks like you. The Amish, Islamic extremists, Texas Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and, oh, wait, Trumplings. Point is, the world is better when you make walled compounds, go inside, keep to yourselves, and leave the rest of us alone instead of trying to force your extremist hypocrisy on everyone else.

Thirteen. Nobody created you by attacking your way of life. You way of live created you and then you attacked anybody that disagreed with you when you tried to inflict your way of life on good people who pointed out the obvious flaws. Your ranting excuses that are being flayed here provide ample evidence of why your way of life, and its continuance, concerns good people a great deal.

Fourteen. It was actually you that let your government get out of control. Right wing extremism led to barely regulated Capitalism, Trickle-down Economics, taxation and class systems that favour the wealthy and reduce everything to a commodity – legal outcomes, religion, equality, and human rights and life, just to name a few things. You voted Trump into office. Someone that is the very epitome of those things, the very opposite of the ideologies the US claims to be founded upon. You made nothing better. You made it worse. 

FifteenThe ‘silent majority’? As with everything you cretins say, that’s a half-truth at best. You may well have elected trump into the White House, but you were not the majority, and you have always been far from silent. Hillary had two-million more votes than Trump, but even with those numbers the world weeps with shame, embarrassment and pity for you over the fact that there were so many idiots who voted for (and continue to force down our throats) Trump. We have all heard your racist chanting for too long. It sounds similar to that of an extremist Islamic mob or the black-and-white footage of a documentary on Nazi Germany, and it has the same limited mentality and intellect. Consider a photo of your mobs when they’re armed, beards and all, and it becomes very apparent that you have a lot in common. You should get together and go bowling. At best you may realise there’s no need to fight and squabble – at worst, well, at least you’ll be kept busy bowling for a while and might even kill one another (with limited collateral damage) and the world would be a better place.

Yes, you became fed up and pushed back when you didn’t get your way. You let lose a mighty scream of barely literate or coherent rage to elect into office an idiot that will make everything far, far worse. You have inflicted yourselves on better people. Yours will be the loudest bitching and whining we hear when Trump shafts you. You’ve already started. He has progressed from nepotism to back downs on all those big, empty promises to do all those racist and bigoted things you wanted. In business terms, that’s considered a breach of contract. You could sue him, but you’ll have to get in line. And Trump gets to choose the Supreme Court Justice. All your fear and unhappiness about a potential end to getting all of the things you wanted has only lasted (according to you) eight years under the Obama administration. The living hell gays, not-white folk, and women have had to endure under arseholes like you has lasted centuries.

And, yes, you did it with ballots, not bullets. You ‘won’ in the same way Charlie Sheen believed his incredibly unhinged, drug-induced lifestyle was “winning”. But you only ‘won’ after threats of violence if Trump wasn’t elected. If you did not get your way, Trump would not have accepted the result, and you would have been doing far worse. And you did it with the help of Russia, the KKK, lies, misinformation, deceit, cover-ups, a complete disregard for the facts, and by ignoring Trump’s worst behavior that if his rivals had committed but a tenth of which you wanted to assault, imprison and execute them. That, right there, is more hypocrisy.

Trump’s supporters got what they wanted and they’re still bullying and blaming their victims. Seriously, they’ve gone from a sick joke to a serious social threat. They no longer even consider any evidence before they brand people liars or attack them for daring to question the integrity of Trump. Some of them heckled and assaulted a black man they thought was a Democrat protester in one of the last Trump rallies before the election. He was a Trump supporter. It was an easy mistake to make. He was black and dared to speak in the presence of white folk. That one incident says it all. And what about the disabled kid that was protesting about how Trump treated a disabled reporter? He got abused and ejected too. Did Obama toss that Republican protester out of the Clinton rally when he rudely interrupted? No. He said, “Let him speak.”

You want more evidence of how extreme the Trump terrorism has become? Well, the armed Trump supporters intimidating voters on Election Day is the perfect example, but I’d rather mention Trump’s behavior toward the media. Unless they lauded him and remained silent on his vile nature, he lashed out at them. While they remained objective, Trump and his insane band of psychopaths and sociopaths accused the media of being liars, spreading anti-Trump propaganda to influence voters for some grand conspiracy. The only media they believed was their own and what the Russians infiltrated into social media, most of which was utter nonsense. Facts didn’t matter. Trump’s mob were unable to use reason and were more than happy to accept and spread their own fiction. 

Sadly, Trump’s extremists are far too stupid to accept that the light at the end of the tunnel is Trump and his kids all armed with flame throwers. They don’t need their supporters anymore. They can burn down the whole world on their own now daddy is President. But where did the hatred of the media really begin. Perhaps the nexus can best be summarized in two words: Megyn Kelly. She dared to do her job. In a country where people are angry about the politicians and others not doing their jobs, Kelly did hers, and the mob attacked her for it. They had to get in line, and they did, behind Trump.

She asked Trump a very good question about how female voters could trust and support him given his behaviour toward women. And that was before the full scale of his vile and abusive nature reached the media. In response, Trump accused Kelly of being out to get him, then unleashed insults and projected accusations so offensive it would have scuttled the campaign of any other candidate. But it didn’t. As Trump’s behaviour got worse, his support grew. The things his supporters claim to hate about extremist Islam is reflected in their own communities, that dark, unhealthy misogyny and rape culture in the US that has become all too apparent.

But now that the dust has begun to settle, and Obama leads a grovelling capitulation as honour demands, selling the lie on bended knee that everything is good because Trump has ‘won’ the Election (well, until he is impeached or revelations of vote rigging emerge), you’d think the brown-coat hate-campaign Trump incited would end. But you’d be wrong. His campaign to silence anybody that dares challenge him continues unabated. Kelly released a tell-all book once the Election was over. Apparently, it reveals Trump’s efforts to castrate the media with enticements, gifts to water-down articles on negative incidents about him, to corrupt their integrity. That would explain why the media appeared to suddenly go easy on Trump, even as they continued attacks on Clinton.

One of these incentives to buy Kelly’s goodwill was an offer to comp her "girls' weekend" stay at his downtown New York City hotel, or fly her and her husband to visit his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. Kelly is not someone whose integrity can be bought. In any case, given Trump’s attitude toward ownership of things and his ‘right to inspect’ half-naked women found there, turning down those offers was a no brainer, something for which Trump sycophants are still woefully unqualified. The response to those news articles on social media proved that point rather aptly. Kelly was bombarded with insulting, offensive, defamatory and misogynistic comments, many from women. The people responding didn’t even need to see or hear any evidence, or even a denial from Trump, they just went on the offensive… in every sense of the word.

Trump had an opportunity, another one, right there, to demonstrate that he really does have what it takes to be the President of the United States. All he had to do was step up, be a real man, set an example, make a real mark in the sand, demonstrate better expectations and take the first step to building on what others have started. Trump had an opportunity to make a statement. Trump could have admitted that, yes, in the past he has made mistakes. We all have. But real men make responsibility for their mistakes. They apologise, and make every effort to do better. A real man listens and does his best to fix things. It was an opportunity to mend fences, show he can – and intends to – represent all US citizens. Sadly, we’ve all seen exactly what that vile, two-faced little troll with performance issues (where it counts) is and intends to do, but too many voters were too stupid to avoid making things worse.


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