We have longed for the day when our political representatives will actually speak for the masses. When the people denied a voice will have a champion who speaks for them. When they bother to focus on the issues that affect us rather than finding ways to fulfil and satisfy their own self-centred ambitions and desires. But that day seems unlikely to ever appear. Instead, we must make the most of the opportunity where they say things that temporarily align with community needs and expectations.

In this case it is the fact that the Legal System and those that lurk within its folds (preying upon the most vulnerable to profiteer from their misery by reducing legal outcomes to commodities accessible, and sold, only to the highest bidder) are too often so out of touch with the community, not to mention morally and ethically bankrupt. We are sick of the hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dollars spent on predators who are afforded a presumption of innocence, while victims are presumed to be liars and receive little to no recompense for their suffering and a lifetime sentence from which there in no parole or real recovery.

We are sick of predators getting off on technicalities, being released into the community on bail or after only a few years (if any at all) in prison for raping and murdering women and children, and then reoffending. We are sick and tired of politicians and celebrities patting themselves on the back for affecting changes to unjust laws when, in reality, it has little to no impact on the lives of victims who are denied the basic right to report a crime, who are told to remain silent, who are denied dignity and justice while the offenders are free to continue inflicting themselves on the same or new victims.

We are sick and tired of petty little pissing competitions between authorities who accuse others of hypocrisy while committing the same sins. Politicians who accuse the courts of using their authority to threaten and intimidate in order to “send a message”. Politicians using their authority to do the same while fighting to assert dominance for the sake of power, while their victims (people they have betrayed instead of helping overcome injustice) remain powerless with no means to even share the horrors they have endured. 

When the Legal System is decades behind modern circumstances and consistently fails to uphold not just community expectations, but the rapidly eroding rights of the victims, it’s not a matter of political ambitions undermining the independence of courts and public confidence – those things are long gone. The absence of justice in the government run Legal System ensures there is no real independence, as does the failure to uphold even the pretence of equality. Those in the Legal System have become isolated and insulated from the very people they claim to represent, so out of touch, they are too often the enemies of the people.

[Shortly after I finished writing the Blog Post, those three LNP politicians who spoke with passion and conviction on the right to free speech, and the public expectation that political representatives should speak their mind (in representation of the people) on issues that affect the community, the those men withdrew their comments and apologised in a humiliating back-down. They suddenly realised that a conviction (in this case, for contempt) meant they could not retain their seats, and the LNP only held power by a majority of one. Self-serving desire came first and made a lie of all their rhetoric and the dramatic claims of representing the people.]

But what can we expect from governments and councils that accuse foreign governments of human rights violations even as they themselves run democracy like a business, cutting red tape to minimise costs and maximise profits, doing the math and reducing human life to a commodity with little to no regard for the harm they cause to the most disadvantaged, blaming their own greed and ineptitude on the poor? Our leaders too often lack the very understanding of what that means, the example by which they lead setting a standard of moral and ethical corruption that usually ends only in tragedy and unrelenting injustice.

What can you expect when those at the top, even in the country that was supposed to be epitome of the free world, are all too willing to dismiss out of hand any reports or evidence that conflicts with what they want to believe or, at least, what they want the public to believe? Our so-called political representatives are not concerned about representing us at all, only their own self-interests. What evidence is there? Again, have you ever tried to speak with your political representative? You can’t. It takes months to get a response, if at all, and they will go out of their way to make sure anything you say that reveals problems is buried. You want more? How long has this systemic failure been going on? Decades.

And if the media bothers to take an interest in revelations of systemic failure, corruption, and worse, then political representatives will either claim ignorance and respond with opportunistic, insincere rhetoric that promises positive change, or they will attack the media with allegations of ‘fake news’ and then bitch and whine about the media narrative always being negative and demoralising to the government. Oh, dear, no! The entrenched culture of corruption and brutal injustices inflicted upon the victims of systemic failure by piss-poor government has hurt the feelings of those politicians. We should be ashamed of ourselves!

Hundreds of women and kids are murdered every year, thousands more ‘surviving’ the brutal violence and terror inflicted on them by parents, relatives, and occasionally strangers. But when Islamic extremists went on killing sprees in England, France, and attempts in Australia, suddenly the media focus shifted, and fed into the hate and bigotry of ignorant nongs looking for an excuse to inflict racism. Far more people live in terror at the hands of home grown predators, and rotten police and public servants, than of idiots claiming they worship some malignant, psychotic delusion resulting from a lack of good quality education and mental health services, but our political representatives only seem interested in the rise in political ratings that results from promises to make sure religious nutjobs are locked away. 

Why do these tougher laws not extend to the others that do the same thing, who brutalise their victims with violence and terror, regardless of their claims to some hocus ‘religion’ based excuse for their cowardice? Why do they focus the public attention on one small element of the community and draw attention away from the bigger picture? Why do they pursue policies and extremist ideologies that disenfranchise those already disadvantaged, that compounds the problems that lead to one small element of society becoming excessively over-privileged, while the majority suffer deprivation that fosters a festering frustration, anger, resentment, and even radicalisation that leads to violent crime?

There is an expression that says “who’s watching the watchers”, but given the current attitudes of so many in the news media, and the astonishing levels of ineptitude, corruption and systemic failure, a better question would now be “who’s watching the predators?” Who’s holding authorities to account when they fail to do something to end the entrenched culture of corruption in the police, public services, politics, and society in general? It’s been going on for decades, and yet nothing has really changed, despite all the rhetoric.

Those that form the thin blue line are not just the police, not just child safety services and other agencies, it’s all of us, and that line is a distant outline, lost in the sand far behind us. Our society crossed it, time and again, until we found ourselves here, unwilling to look back, complicit in failure because we were all too willing to follow the official line that there is no problem. How’s that working out? The story of our society isn’t a bucket that doesn’t hold because it has a hole, it’s a fucking colander.

So next time the news media interrupts your day with a “breaking story” on something like Corby in a pointless update of who-gives-a-shit, ask yourself why they are so willing to make themselves the news by creating incidents (like botched attempts to recover abducted children from overseas), but seem so unwilling to cover “stories” that expose decades of workplace harassment, child and elder abuse, domestic violence, rape, paedophilia, and the systemic failure that isolates and silences victims while concealing and enabling predators, crime, the systemic failure itself, and injustice.

Ask yourself why they are so disinterested in giving the same dedication to investigation and reporting they dedicate to bullshit news reports like stalking Corby, to stories about the thin blue lie, the incompetence or corruption (pick one) of the police and public services that are supposed to help protect and deliver justice to the victims of child abuse and domestic violence. Ask why they won’t speak for the most vulnerable who are denied a voice, why they choose to ignore them.

Ask why they choose to perpetuate the lies by being complicit in the unending, unabated suffering inflicted on victims by those who are supposed to help them. Ask yourself why we, as a society, are so willing to fill our world with diversions, but fail to learn from the few that may teach us important lessons. The evil in this world is not just a story or limited to a few sick individuals, it is a many headed beast, and too many of them are our authorities. The question is, what are you gonna do about it?



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