Marriage Equality. Two words that have successfully divided Australia and legitimised a vile culture of hate and violence against the LGBT community that had been driven (mostly) underground for decades. A shameful past now emerging from the sewers to crawl in the gutters once again. It has derailed my plans to post one of two articles I’d written for this month, and dominated the wealth of issues that really need more attention than my time permits to address. 

But where to start? There’s just so much of it. Well, I guess we could start with what it’s all about. The LGBT community in Australia being denied the right to marry as defined under Article 16 of the Human Rights Charter. The one Australia helped draft, and has been a signatory of since, 1948. It’s 2017. The LNP has been systematically violating that and over half of the other first thirty Human Rights Articles of disadvantaged and ‘minority’ citizens and refugees for decades. Nobody seems to have noticed.

Indeed, too many people are under the impression that even though Australia helped draft the Human Rights Charter and has been a signatory of it since 1948, that legal document isn’t actually binding. According to them, with no apparent evidence to support their bullshit claims, every Article is subject to the interpretation and legislation of the countries that signed it. Claims that include the premise that an Article is only recognised by Australia if The Hague convention for marriages is observed – one being it includes a man and a woman - and only if the wedding is legal.

Maybe idiots like Jessica Walsh should actually read some of the documentation on The Hague Marriage Convention (1978) before making such outlandish and misleading claims. It doesn’t actually state, anywhere, that a marriage must be between a man and a woman. It does, however, facilitate “the celebration of marriages, and it ensures the recognition of the validity of marriages across national borders”. True, Australia is one of the few States that did not ratify it in 1991 because our politicians are morally bankrupt, but (whoops!) it looks like Jessica and her ilk are still a bunch of lying dickheads.

Regardless, for the purposes of this issue, it’s simply about Marriage Equality. About LGBT people being allowed to get married to another consenting adult in the same way heterosexual people can marry another consenting adult. About having the same legal status because, currently, civil unions do not confer them. It should have been a simple amendment voted on by elected political representatives. Instead, they did something weird. They opened it up to a public debate and, effectively, a vote.

Why they did this is strange because it allows everyone a say on who can have access to Article 16, not who can get married, but whether LGBT people can get married. We do not get to vote like this on any of the other big issues, like open-cut and coal seam gas mining, euthanasia, Penalty Rate cuts, Cashless Welfare Card, Job Agencies, drug testing the unemployed, increasing welfare payments to the poverty line, housing affordability and negative gearing, Green Energy, big business tax cuts, big business CEO and political wages and entitlements, prosecuting corrupt political representatives, and so forth.

It’s a diversion. The government did this is to distract the public. The monumental ineptitude of the Federal LNP currently controlling power has led to a massive increase in budget mismanagement that has tripled the debt of the previous ALP Federal government despite the election claims that the ALP were incompetent and only the LNP could manage it. Public spending is down, public services and welfare have been slashed, unemployment has increased, yet this colossal escalation has occurred, and nobody seems to know where all the money is going.

The situation had become so dire that the Mal-contents of the LNP had no other option but to throw the LGBT community to the wolves under the pretext of actually being concerned about public opinion on the issue. And by dire, I mean totally whacked. Barnaby Joyce, after mouthing off with his LNP buddies about other non-LNP politicians breaching Section 44 in regards to dual-citizenship, and demanding they step down, found himself in the very same situation.

Given the LNP held power by a single seat, the loss of Barnaby would be disastrous, so the LNP went on the attack. Without the benefit of any evidence, and apparently under the influence of some pretty damn potent narcotics, Julie Bishop accused Bill Shorten of treason by collusion with a foreign power to overthrow the Australian government. Turns out there was no collusion. Fairfax reporters had managed to discover Barnaby’s ancestry all on their own.

Still, turns out we were kind of at war with New Zealand, with thousands of rogue agents roaming about unchecked being friendly, useful, and largely incoherent. At any moment they could start firing SKUD (Sheep, Kiwis, and “Udiet Ducks” like Barnaby) missiles at us should things escalate further. Worse, one Kiwi was overheard responding to the revelation Barnaby was one of theirs with “Uts a fecken lay! Way din’t went hum! Yew ken kip the duck!”

Someone suggested selling “Save Barnaby” t-shirts to raise money for the legal battle, under the mistaken impression that the legal system controlled by the LNP would be applied as equally to members of the LNP as anybody else who had violated the law. Rumours abounded Barnaby would be fed to two small dogs for destroying the marriage between Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull. The ineptitude, hypocrisy and insanity of the LNP was getting out of hand, but thanks to this ‘debate’ on Marriage Equality, few people are paying attention anymore.  

The Churches, who are supposed to speak for the most disadvantaged who suffer injustice, have been corrupted by the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL), the puritanical, self-righteous, right-wing hypocrites who violate the teachings of Christ to force others to live under their bigoted, ignorant, homophobic and fascist ideologies both within and beyond the jurisdiction of the Churches. How they were ever allowed to seize and maintain such power is a mystery. Marriage Equality is their most recent pet project.

The first thing the ACL and other ‘no’ faction extremists did was removed the word ‘equality’ from this so-called ‘debate’. The media has, largely, adopted the new term of ‘Same Sex Marriage’. It’s a clever trick. Like saying ‘earn’ when referring to what someone is ‘paid’, instantly devaluing, or over-valuing, the contributions a person makes through their labours. That little bastardisation of the issue opened the door for all the bullshit that followed.

Despite the waste of $122m on a non-binding, non-compulsory postal survey about a change to the wording of the Marriage Act that, if it came back with a majority of ‘yes’, could be overturned by politicians who simply should have voted on it themselves in the first place, the ACL and other ‘no’ extremists decided to make it about ‘Safe Schools’ and launched a series of offensive, defamatory and bigoted accusations that the LGBT community were all child abusing paedophiles. Some even claimed the LGBT community was responsible for the majority of domestic violence offences.

How were they able to get away with that? ‘Free Speech’. The LNP had paved the way by changing the Laws concerning racial and other demographically targeted vilification to allow people to be as offensive as they pleased. In fact, Tony Abbott told voters to vote ‘no’ if they were sick of “political correctness” even as Cori Bernadi and other RWNJs claimed the ‘Same Sex Marriage’ issue was about destroying society. One they can only assume they were referring to society as it was before the Second World War. And the idiotic hypocrisy didn’t end there by any means.

All manner of vile insults returned from decades gone by: “poofter”, “shirt-lifter”, “pillow-biter”, “fag”, “fudge-punter”, and worse. They were combined with more modern variants: “freak”, “tranny”, “abomination”, “rainbow-tards”, “leftards”, “snowflakes”, and other variants, usually the result of a limited education and even greater deficiency in intellect. These were used in conjunction with what was some of the worst behaviour since the rise of Trump and downfall of the former United States.

The ‘no’ faction were not interested in facts. They were not interested in evidence. They were not interested in logic or reason either. They accused the ‘yes’ faction of attacking them when they were called ignorant, homophobic bigots for saying ignorant, homophobic, bigoted things. They accused the ‘yes’ faction of using off-topic ‘emotional’ arguments when they said Marriage Equality was about love and equality, even as the ‘no’ faction unleashed a variant of the “won’t somebody think of the children” argument by claiming it would destroy families and society as a whole.

But let’s have a look at some of the general stupidity from the ‘no’ camp as they demand the ‘yes’ camp give them a legitimate reason what ‘Same Sex Marriage’ should be allowed (and then ignore all the valid responses), even as they refuse to provide a legitimate reason to oppose it. We’ll ignore the claims it will open the door to polygamy, incest, paedophiles marrying children, and people marrying animals, plants, furniture, cars or whatever because that goes above and beyond even the expected levels of idiocy in the RWNJ community.

Besides, the wording of the proposed Marriage Amendment Bill to change the act clearly indicates it will be between two consenting adults rather than a man and woman. Although, it has become abundantly clear, most of the ‘no’ voters have no interest or inclination to read that thing given it is hard fact and actual evidence. Worse, it contradicts the bullshit they are spreading in an attempt to convince others to vote ‘no’.  There’s no point arguing with fools and liars.

No, let’s have a look at the team claiming the moral high-ground as they use their right to ‘free speech’ to make unsubstantiated and defamatory accusations against the LGBT community, and how a vote of ‘yes’ will destroy families and the act of marriage, devalue mothers and fathers, undermine social values, confuse children, and open the door to the ‘lefty’ agenda to corrupt society and destroy civilisation by enforcing indoctrination of the ‘Safe Schools’ program.

First, you have to ignore the evidence and facts. You have to buy into the claim a vote of ‘yes’ for the proposed Marriage Amendment Bill will automatically lead to other changes that fulfil the unhinged, dark prophesy of hypocritical demagogues and their idiotic sycophants. Extremists in the ‘no’ faction will already be howling for blood, claiming people like me insulting them is the reason they will vote ‘no’, as if they ever intended to vote ‘yes’. And I’m wrong to call them wilfully stupid?


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