
Showing posts from October, 2017


And so it continues. Every time evidence appears that contradicts or discredits a claim from the ‘no’ extremists, they dismiss it as “fake news”, the catch-cry of the intellectually stunted claiming their ignorance is worth far more than any actual knowledge on a topic. They defame and insult their victims to discredit and vilify them, selectively use news reports and ‘research papers’, make unsubstantiated assumptions, and if the evidence contradicts them and cannot be denied, they make excuses for the behaviour and blame their victims even as they accuse their rivals of the very same things they do. There is rarely any real argument or evidence to support their opinions. And all the while they insist their rivals “respect” and be “grateful”, and limit their campaign to places and methods where none can hear or see it while their own faction uses every public avenue to spread their vile message of hateful fascism. ...


How did that happen? How can they be united against the rest of the world in the quest to impose their hypocrisy on others when they can’t even agree with one another? Well, it all started back at the time Christ really set his religion in motion. A lot of his disciples were desperate to be seen as the favourite, and then claim power after the Romans stood by and let the Pharisees murder him for preaching about actually following the intent of God’s rules instead corrupt men using them to gain power.     Then, about 500 years ago, a German monk called Martin Luther did to the Catholic Church pretty much the same thing as Saint Paul had done to Saint Peter, and called them out for their hypocrisy. They made every effort to burn him at the stake for pointing out that the Church had degenerated into the very same thing as what the Pharisees did at the time of Christ. What happened next started the Protestant movement and led to the Reformation. It also triggered divis...


If any of the nonsense allegations of the ‘no’ faction are to be believed at all, you need to find evidence of just one, to cherry-pick and tar the entire LBGT community with, then you have to ignore the overwhelming evidence of rampant child abuse, paedophilia, domestic violence, and other crimes that the Churches have concealed and enabled within their own communities, for decades, by isolating and silencing, blaming, defaming and intimidating the victims, then attempting to justify the crimes. These are the very things the ACL is accusing the entire LGBT community of committing. They demand the government maintain Christian rules as State Laws, rules too many of their members happily violate even as they demand non-Christians be forced to live under those rules. This unholy, hypocritical Crusade, has led these so-called Christians to make deals with the devil and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other demographics they are normally campaigning against in the exact same way...