And so it continues. Every time evidence appears that contradicts or discredits a claim from the ‘no’ extremists, they dismiss it as “fake news”, the catch-cry of the intellectually stunted claiming their ignorance is worth far more than any actual knowledge on a topic. They defame and insult their victims to discredit and vilify them, selectively use news reports and ‘research papers’, make unsubstantiated assumptions, and if the evidence contradicts them and cannot be denied, they make excuses for the behaviour and blame their victims even as they accuse their rivals of the very same things they do. https://www.facebook.com/abcnews.au/posts/10157340814554988 There is rarely any real argument or evidence to support their opinions. And all the while they insist their rivals “respect” and be “grateful”, and limit their campaign to places and methods where none can hear or see it while their own faction uses every public avenue to spread their vile message of hateful fascism. ...