If any of
the nonsense allegations of the ‘no’ faction are to be believed at all, you
need to find evidence of just one, to cherry-pick and tar the entire LBGT
community with, then you have to ignore the overwhelming evidence of rampant child
abuse, paedophilia, domestic violence, and other crimes that the Churches have
concealed and enabled within their own communities, for decades, by isolating
and silencing, blaming, defaming and intimidating the victims, then attempting
to justify the crimes.
These are
the very things the ACL is accusing the entire LGBT community of committing. They
demand the government maintain Christian rules as State Laws, rules too many of
their members happily violate even as they demand non-Christians be forced to
live under those rules. This unholy, hypocritical Crusade, has led these
so-called Christians to make deals with the devil and stand
shoulder-to-shoulder with other demographics they are normally campaigning
against in the exact same way.
The very
same people – and other freelance psychotics who boast of needing “no imaginary
friend” to direct their hate-filled bigotry – will rant and rave about burkas,
Halal Certification, and Sharia Law, demanding the government ban those things
because Australians do not want religious extremism here, ironically missing
the fact that they, themselves, are religious extremists. They will even demand
the LGBT community join them in racist protests and riots because Islam hates
the gay community…
… yet, too
often, at the same time as joining forces with Islamic extremists to preach
hate, violence, and even death threats at the LBGT community. No wonder young
people are turning away from the Churches and memberships are dropping. No wonder
more people are starting to believe Christians are deluded, even completely
insane. Most of us just ignored the unwillingness to accept scientific evidence
or facts that disproved the whole Genesis thing, but this ‘debate’ has focussed
the spotlight.
“Adam and
Steve.” How many times have we heard that homophobic insult? But who has really
thought about it? No, God did not make a Steve. He made Eve. The foundation,
according to Judeo-Christians, of human society and, according to the ‘no’
campaign, cementing in the form of Christian Marriage and the family unit.
That’s right. All there, black and white, Christian Marriage and the family
unit, recorded in the Old Testament. Long before the birth of Christ. The rock
upon which Christianity is founded.
And founder
it does under the relentless destructive actions of self-righteous,
puritanical, hypocritical fascists claiming to be Christians. It’s not the
activities of those outside the Churches that are bringing it down, but the
actions of the false prophets and immoral trash on the inside. But, let’s try
to debunk some of the idiot debate on this issue, starting with the story of
Adam and Eve. Whether they were human or some distant ancestor, or even real or
mythical, doesn’t matter for this purpose.
God creates
Adam. He then uses some kind of advanced scientific technology to clone the
dude and make Eve so they can get on with the business of biological
procreation. Sure, he could have just kept cloning Adam, but maybe he was
concerned about running out of ribs and other bits, or took one look at the
prototype as it blundered about, scratched itself, and spouted all manner of
stupidity. “Euchh!” He says. “Something is seriously wrong with this thing!”
And makes an effort to improve the next one.
Soon after,
Adam sets down the rules of master and servant, sends Eve out to fetch him
food, and she returns with some product from the Lord’s very own private stash.
She was convinced by the Devil, another male claiming dominion over her and
everything else, to take it and share it with Adam. They partake in a mind
altering experience, do shameful things, and when God rocks up… Adam points the
finger, blames Eve, and sets in place a genetic heritage of never taking
responsibility for his faults and never learning to become a better person.
God, irked
as He was, boots them out of the garden and tells them to bugger off. Now, they
are not married at this point. There’s no Minister, Priest, Church, or
self-important Christian to approve of their relationship. Still, they get it
on and produce a bunch of kids despite sharing the same DNA. Maybe this
explains why one of their sons bashes in the head of his brother with a rock
over plants and jealousy, and then him and his surviving siblings get down to
some good old fashioned incest. It’s been a train wreck ever since.
You only
need to read the rest of that book to see how sideways things can go. The
shit-mess Abraham set in motion (that continues to this day) by favouring Isaac
and abandoning Ishmael, his grandson Jacob’s efforts to disinherit his brother
and displease four wives instead of just one, Jacob’s favoured son Joseph being
sold off into slavery by his many, many male half-siblings who then lied about
what they did, Sampson shacking up with a whore, Solomon deciding to take on
and disappoint hundreds of wives, King Saul being a colossal prick and then
David bumping off men to shag their wives. Good times.
This idiocy
hasn’t stopped with the rise of Christianity. It’s been a horror show too, just
not recorded in the Bible. Writing it all down didn’t help the cause of the
Hebrews. It led to the rise of Christianity, a clt that is supposed to point at
the Old Testament and say “Oi vey! There’s the ‘how to’ on ‘how to screw up on
a Biblical scale! Don’t do that!” But, instead, the same stupidity repeats.
Somehow, the concept of a traditional Christian family has gone from theory to
the pin-up poster of ‘normal’ families.
What kind of
fool makes that claim anyway? ‘Normal’ families? There’s no such thing. Only
‘normalised’. I was raised in one. Catholic. Where the parents were alcoholic,
narcissistic, psychotic, child-beating, adulterous liars who had extra-marital
affairs, produced more children, unleashed domestic violence, separated or
divorced, married again, and repeated. I’ve got at least six half-siblings. We
collectively share at least six parents, with a 36 year age gap between
youngest and oldest, her mother 26 years younger than my father and 6 years
younger than me. They started dating when she was 19 and he was 45. And
evidence suggests my father interfered with at least three of his nieces too.
And that’s
the nicer parts of that ‘normal’ family. You can read about all the other
wonderful things my parents and step-father did, and how the Church and other
authorities helped silence the victims to conceal and enable the predators in
The Tip of The Brimstone. Point is that the claims of ‘normal’ are the kind of
bogus ‘fact’ that leads to kids getting the shit kicked out of them at home and
then at school because other kids are taught by their parents to hate,
discriminate and bully in a vindictive cycle.
And what
about the families that do not have a mother and father because one or both of
the parents have passed, are deployed for work away from home for months on
end, have suffered an injury leaving them physically or mentally incapable of
looking after children, or are drug addicts or narcissistic arseholes who
abandon their children? What about the kids raised by their grandparents,
uncles or aunts, foster- or step- parents? What about ones raised in shared
accommodation with two heterosexual men or women, friends or siblings living
together for financial reasons?
The slur on
those families from hypocritical Christians and other arrogant puritans is
sickening. Yes, they may miss having that absent biological parent, but how
would anyone know whether it causes them to become an anti-social never-do-well
because of it? Most, children become fully functioning adults regardless of the
circumstances of their childhood, and some kids raised in traditional
mother-father households suffer extreme violence and hardship before becoming
extremely damaged adults.
The argument
is absolute bullshit and about as viable as an umbrella made of copper in a
lightning storm, and about as beneficial to the idiot holding it and those
nearby. Besides that, same sex couples have been raising kids for decades, and
the only harm most of them suffer is from pricks who claim they are “freaks”
(and worse) when they find out, using the excuse to insult, bully, defame and
beat those kids because that is the attitude they learned from their own
bigoted relatives.
So, bullshit
“negative outcomes” and “destruction of normal families” and “social values”
argument disposed of, what’s next. Oh, yes. Same sex couples cannot reproduce.
Turns out, they can. They use surrogates or IVF, or simply adopt kids who have
been brutalised and abandoned by all those ‘normal’ traditional families. Any
two heterosexual idiots can create a life, but it takes a community to raise a
child, and the end result is what that community does to the child. There’s a
lesson there.
What’s next?
Well, there’s the evils of the Safe Schools program. The one designed to teach
kids about respecting diversity and not acting like a bunch of vindictive dickheads
toward one another. Given the current situation, it’s a shame this and better
funding and regulation for education and mental health services wasn’t around
when the folks that form the ACL and other extremist right-wing groups were
moving through (but never really graduated from) kindergarten and primary
Where are
all these overly-concerned ‘no’ campaigners when kids are getting beaten up at
school? When teachers are not allowed to intervene and must simply stand back
and watch a beating happen because physically stopping it can see the teacher
charged with ‘assault’ for separating the kids? When teachers are not allowed
defend themselves from violent children because, again, they can be charged
with ‘assault’ even if they do not hit back? When parents are not even told
their own child was assaulted by another student because of the aggressor’s
rights to privacy and Education Department policy?
Instead, the
ACL and other RWNJs seem to be under the impression Safe Schools is there to ‘brainwash’
their kids into being gay, and groom them for paedophiles. The fact that too
many of these people also belong to the anti-vax movement will come as no
surprise, and neither will the knowledge that Safe Schools does nothing of the
sort. Sadly, the tolerance it promotes is opposed by the ‘Christians’ claiming
it is ‘evil’, and yet those parents have no problem with Christians going into
schools and preach religious education to indoctrinate kids into the Churches
where paedophiles are known to lurk.
There’s the
argument that the term ‘marriage’ is, and always has been, a Christian one.
That came as quite a shock to a lot of folks from other religions, and would
have to those born and married before the birth of Christ too, because their
religions also use the term for similar purposes. Suddenly being told that your
marriage is invalid unless you’re a Christian would be. But, for the sake of
catering to that idiotic notion, which Christian interpretation of marriage is
the correct one?
right, there are quite a few. The original rules were pretty different to some
of the current ones. Some girls were married off in their teens to men we would
now brand paedophiles, traded for goats or some other dowry. Some ‘Christians’ follow
the Old Testament, claiming they follow Christ even as they take up to four
wives, like the Muslims can do. Like anything in the Bible, every denomination
has its own interpretation in complete defiance of 1 Corinthians 1: 10-17 on
divisions in the Church.
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