And so it continues. Every time evidence appears that contradicts or discredits a claim from the ‘no’ extremists, they dismiss it as “fake news”, the catch-cry of the intellectually stunted claiming their ignorance is worth far more than any actual knowledge on a topic. They defame and insult their victims to discredit and vilify them, selectively use news reports and ‘research papers’, make unsubstantiated assumptions, and if the evidence contradicts them and cannot be denied, they make excuses for the behaviour and blame their victims even as they accuse their rivals of the very same things they do.

There is rarely any real argument or evidence to support their opinions. And all the while they insist their rivals “respect” and be “grateful”, and limit their campaign to places and methods where none can hear or see it while their own faction uses every public avenue to spread their vile message of hateful fascism. It’s the kind of behaviour normally found in thugs that inflict child abusers and domestic violence: defamation, disassociation, projection, victim-blaming, intimidation and justification.

One of the most idiotic remarks (and there are so many to choose from) made by ‘no’ extremists is that LGBT people need to remain silent and ask for permission to marry. Ask who? Clearly the answer to that will be anybody who will tell them ‘no’. The affected submissive is then required to go away, respect the answer, and be grateful. Really? How has this worked out for LGBT people in the past? For black people and women wanting equality and tired of the discrimination and persecution? And then the ‘no’ faction is somehow offended and being ‘attacked’ when their victims get frustrated, angry, and protest.

All this from too many ‘no’ voters claiming they are ‘Christians’. How did we get here? How did they become Pharisees? How are they able to focus on the few indirect references to homosexuality in the New Testament and ignore the other sins and rules to demand those same rules they don’t follow be imposed on people outside the Church, along with selected chunks of the Old Testament? Why are they defying Christ and still claiming to be righteous? Why are they claiming they are real Christians and those who rebuke them - with evidence of what Christ instructed – are not?

This is not a debate on religion. Still, to move forward, let’s have a look at it. Christians do not follow the Old Testament. If you want to apply part of it to justify persecuting the LGBT community and, in some cases support the vile demands gay people be stoned to death, then you have to support the idea of stoning women and children (even your own) too if they are accused of adultery or defy you. You know, the kind of thing Islamic extremists do that those same Christians insist is evil.

 Christ gave Christians the New Testament to follow instead, with the Old Testament as a demonstration of just how bad things get when people try to impose their desires on others. Moses only came down the mountain with Ten Commandments. The people invented all the rest to circumvent the intent of those ten. So, where are the things about homosexuals? There are no direct references because at the time it was written there was no real concept of what we refer to as ‘sexual orientation’, so there are only vague references to it in the form of “sodomy” and “sexual immorality”, which also included adultery, pre-marital, extra-marital, and post-divorce.

One of the best places to start is 1 Corinthians 5 and 6. Problem is, it is listed with a whole slew of other sins that most Christians have committed, and too often continue to commit, yet none of these attracts the kind of discrimination, defamation, hatred and persecution as homosexuality, which (according to Christ, was a form of adultery, like divorce) isn’t even listed. And all of those people can still marry. How are the puritans able to cherry-pick rules and justify these hypocritical behaviours?

Didn’t Peter, Paul, James, and even Christ himself warn against this behaviour? Matthew 7: 1-12 where Christ warned against hypocrisy. Matthew 23 where he railed against the corruption of the then Church, conditions which are just as prevalent in the Christian Churches today. John 8: 1-11, where he warned of judging others and yet too many ‘Christians’ insist he only spoke to the woman, not to everyone when he had spoken those words, and hypocritically use it to justify their persecution of others!

2 Corinthians 11: 1-15 and 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-15 both warn of false prophets claiming to be righteous yet leading people astray with twisted ideologies. The entire book of James. 1 Corinthians 1: 10-17 warns of divisions in the Church over interpretations. Didn’t Paul say “What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you”?” Yet here we are, with hypocrites remaining in the Church, judging those outside, and ostracising those within who dare to question the hypocrisy.

And what has this behaviour accomplished within the Churches? The attacks on those who supported protests against the inequality imposed on women, the black community, Hispanics, LGBT community, and anything inflicted by Trump and other right-wing fascism, are all the same. They claim disobedience to Church rules and inevitable social collapse despite the obvious hypocrisy and lack of evidence. But worse, they have emptied the Churches.

The Churches are so out of touch with their fundamental ideologies they have alienated young people and those seeking hope. Too many are ruled with the iron fist of hypocrites and bullies, false prophets who violate the very rules they preach and spin lies to satisfy their own desires, and this behaviour taints the rest. Revelations of decades of child abuse, domestic violence and paedophilia are compounded by the efforts to deny, disassociate and project these evils onto others outside the Churches.

In their efforts to tighten their grip on power, as they unleash the very opposite of Christ’s teaching to win this battle against those who would dare challenge their power to impose their religious rules as State Laws, the Church has lost the war. In their final death spasms, these hypocrites have damned all of Christianity by engaging as an unarmed foe in a battle of wits, a war of attrition using alliances formed with other rivals to adopt a scorched earth policy that will cause harm for generations to come.

The Christian Churches will reap what they sow. Few of them will survive. Only those who have thrown their support behind equality, even as they maintain their disapproval of all sin, because Christ preached both. One does not negate the other. Should the ACL and its sycophants repent, it will still be difficult to recover what they have lost, if they even can at all. Despite the claims from those opposed to Marriage Equality, the devil is not in the detail, it is in the souls of those hell-bent on inflicting injustice.

It was supposed to be a simple vote about allowing same sex couples to marry so they could benefit from the same legal rights as hetero-sexual couples. The ‘no’ campaign, amid all the personal attacks, diversions, defamation, insults, bigotry, ignorance, hypocrisy, and general demands and dishonesty used to silence the ‘yes’ campaign, have claimed a civil-ceremony grants this. It does not. The ‘no’ faction insists a simple Will and Power of Attorney grants this. It does not.

In fact, these are time consuming, expensive, confusing, and open to all manner of legal challenges that can be avoided by people who are married. Somehow, this devolves the act of marriage to a money grab, and dismisses concerns over who has the decision and responsibility of carrying out final wishes and custody for the care of any children. LGBT people are suddenly all about the money. Heterosexual couples who already have these rights, on the other hand, are all about just the love, although divorce rates and legal disputes over children, assets and alimony would suggest otherwise.

Marriage, according to most religions (including Christians), is about two people and some spiritual link. Nobody else may break the links of, or enter, that triangle. When they marry, the couple are no longer beholden to their parents. When they have children, those children are raised within that triangle until they are adults. Yet here are ‘Christians’ and other self-righteous arseholes inserting themselves into the relationships of people they do not know, telling them what to do, obsessing over the lives and sex-lives of others as if it is their right! Wtf is that?!

As it is, we look at the very worst extremists, Islamic fundamentalists (who are an embarrassment to other Muslims just as the ACL is to Christians) and those who spew hate and bigotry at people who believe in any religion, and cannot tell them apart because they are no different to every other freelance dickhead who feels compelled to interfere in the lives of, and inflict themselves upon, others.  The claim that sexual orientation is a choice is idiotic and has been disproven by science, yet the megalomaniacal, obsessive, fascist behaviour of the mentally ill ‘no’ extremists doesn’t even rate a mention.

When Tony Abbott and his lunatic followers demanded Macklemore be banned from performing at the NRL Grand Final, even from the country, the popularity of his music increased. George Brandis said the demand was “bizarre” and “I thought Mr Abbott believed in freedom of speech”. Since when?! Only if it is his own or supports his opinion. And that kind of idiot thinking hasn’t just seen an exodus from the Churches. Have a look at the fall of the television networks Ten, Nine and Seven.

All three have made serious errors in judgement. They pushed fascist ideologies under the likes of Bolt and Newman, or allowed sexual predators to violate women or children. In the case of Seven, these vile behaviours were concealed and enabled while the victims were fired, silenced, defaming and vilified. It’s the same thing in the US with networks owned and run by the same people. They have all suffered huge financial loses and haemorrhaged viewers because their behaviour is out of touch with society.

In response, rather than adapting to the market, those networks have doubled-down in typical Trump style to force their fascist ideologies on the public, incorporating an attack on the ABC (and even SBS) with accusations their reports are subjective and favour the left. The evidence has demonstrated this to be a lie. The majority of the public are smart enough to know this and have responded by seeking out the ABC or other forms of media for consumption.

People are tired of hearing all the fear inspired hate designed to manipulate us to help desperate, greedy, scared little bullies hold onto their power over others for just a little longer. People are tired of being told they have to sacrifice people they care about by denying them the dignity of the very same rights bullies are terrified of losing because the disadvantaged and minorities aren’t ‘normal’, only the ‘normalised’ behaviour of acting like a bunch of spoiled pricks is… but the age of the dinosaurs is over, no matter how they gnash their teeth, stamp about, bellow and bully others in their death throws.

Yet here we are, with some of those dinosaurs desperately trying to drag down everybody else into the tar-pits and barren, blasted wasteland that heralds their demise. They continue to use the same, tired, vile tactics, hypocritically projecting their own worst flaws onto their victims to blame them for all the problems. A half-wit calling itself Wayne Robinson commented on social media that “We have seen the yes campaign people actually Get nasty and attacked people on the nose side” and from there the rest of his comment went from barely literate to outright stupid.

Once you untangle the scatter-shot approach to spelling, grammar and common sense of that barely literate rant, you realise that the ‘no’ campaign thinks the way it does because it is founded upon the support of far too many ignorant people… who are getting a vote on what people they don’t even know can do with their lives. But you still can’t help but agree with the unintended message within the idiocy of his comment: the violence and bad behaviour over this issue really is on the nose.



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