It may save money to dump problem kids on teachers, but they are not trained or paid to dedicate all their time to those problem kids. And the learning outcomes, and future prospects and opportunities, of all the students suffer as a direct result of those flawed laws, policies and procedures. The children under this flawed system hear “no, don’t stop” are are learning they can get away with anything. No accountability. No repercussions. They take this ill-education and idiocy into the real world as unhinged adults who inflict themselves on others.

It doesn’t really matter. It’s not like anyone in the public education system is going anywhere. If you want to have a better chance at getting into university, achieving good grades and obtaining high-wage employment, you need to attend a private school and have parents with friends in high places. My experience at uni revealled just how hard it is for people who have to pay their own way, and work hard, only to watch lesser students get better grades as money changes hands, or sexual favours are exchanged. Your degree is worthless. It’s a sick fucking joke.

And for all those people out there, in the real world, who struggle every day to get paid enough money to get by as we are told what we get paid is what we ‘earn’, we know how twisted that joke has become. We are told young people, old people, women, and other demographics are “worth less”, blurring the two words into one and accepting those groups are “worthless”. What someone ‘earns’ and what they are paid are usually two different things. Consider the wages of factory and store workers compared to management. Now remove the labour force that produces the product and tell me how much management ‘earns’.

Now have a look at who gets paid hundreds of thousands, or millions, and consider their efforts and results. Now tell me who’s worth less. But it doesn’t end there. On top of that shitty wage in exchange for producing often far in excess of your share in recompense, the labour too often gets to suffer some of the worst workplace harrassment and bullying. Sure, there are laws against it. Try to report it. See what happens. At best it will escalate until you quit. At worst you will be fired and defamed to everyone you ever worked with or attempt to ask for a job.

Will the Unions help? What about public services who are supposed to help you? No. You are on your own, crippled for life. And when you try to get your unpaid wages, you must struggle to provide evidence for your claim, and only your former employer is afforded the presumption of innocence. Forget about trying to claim unpaid Super. The ATO handles that and they won’t investigate even if they claim they are. And when you catch them out, even with the evidence of systemic failure, you will be bullied into silence by the ATO and politicians.

And then, when you join the ranks of the nearly three-quarters of a million officially unemployed in Australia, and fight with every one of them and the almost two-million under-employed people for one of the one-thousand advertised jobs that are (supposedly) available every day, while struggling to survive on whatever savings you have or the $37 a day (two-thirds of the official poverty rate) you may be fortunate enough to receive as unemployment ‘benefits’, weather the abuses of the public and Centrelink staff for being a bludger, and struggle with depression and anxiety (and worse), you are not-so-subtley reminded that it’s your fault.

And even as they blame their victims, and refuse to do their damn jobs, they are claiming huge wages and entitlements the equivalent of (base salary) what twenty-plus unemployed people on full welfare benefits get, every year. Even as people like Barnaby Joyce insists he represents farmers while at the very same time as supporting mining companies and receiving kick-backs from Gina Reinhart instead of campaigning for his seat. And he still won in a landslide that looks as suspicious as his unhealthy, toxic tomato skin colouring.

That’s right. It’s your fault that the government has failed to create an environment that provides enough work and affordable housing for everyone. Even though you have no control over these things and politicians do. Even though the LNP politicians and their half-wit sycophants blame you for the $10 billion spent on unemployment welfare while they are throwing $10 billion dollars at Employment Agencies that don’t get people jobs, and $63 billion at big business in the form of Tax breaks that will go into profits instead of creating jobs. Those RWNJs will constantly remind you that it’s all your fault.

Even as the Julie Bishop accused Bill Shorten of colluding with foreign powers to the point of declaring war on New Zealand. Again, without any evidence whatsoever. Even as One Nation nutjob Steven Dickson, in defence of his party’s pro-domestic violence stance (and a disgusting ‘joke’ along the same lines on a website for a sex shop owned by one of hisparty’s candidates), claimed schools were teaching little girls, ten-years of age, how to masturbate and use sex toys. Again, with no evidence to support his insanity. Seriously, who thinks like that?!

Well, in the US, the Republican Party does. They are all very conservative and holier than thou with their self-righteous Bible thumping, but in reality, they are the very worst hypocrites who don’t hesitate to committ all the vile sins of which they accuse others. They will happily elect any racist, misogynist, rapist, paedophile and fraudster who bullies and silences their victims, all the while claiming it’s better than electing someone who upholds the ideologies of both Jesus Christ and the US: a Democrat. And that idocy has also infected our own political system. 

But, again, how is this all possible? Ultimately, we are responsible for who is elected. We can blame a very small, vocal minority for all the disgraceful abundance of ignorance, arrogance, bigotry, hypocrisy, narcissism and general idiocy, but a minority doesn’t provide enough support to vote into office self-centred arseholes that fuck-up our society. We are all responsible for this shit mess. We have allowed rotten politicians to dictate the terms, and relinquished any form of control that would allow us to demand they be removed from office before the next election.

How is it that the minority of people are morally bankrupt yet their demands are the ones that set laws, policies and procedures, even when the majority disagree? How is it that the majority of people are wage workers, who have a task-outline or contract that sets terms and conditions for employment and dismissal, yet the ruling class can breach their employment contract but continue to remain in their positions of power? Why is the most obvious solution unattainable?

Why can’t we have a committee of volunteer community representatives, nominated through a six-monthly vote of residents, to maintain some form of control over the political representative of every electorate? It could be funded by part of a politician’s wages and allowances, and actual taxes on big businesses. They could provide feedback to the politician (who is supposed to represent all of the voters, yet apparently too busy to meet with them, to a point where they fail to actually represent them), and dismiss that politician under extreme circumstances.

If, for example, that politician fails to gain the confidence of the community they represent, in a voluntary vote held every three months, they receive a warning. Combined with a three strikes and you’re out approach, it would result in a by election where that representsative may not run. Yes, it could well see a ruling Party lose majority and trigger a general election, but this simply provides greater incentive for them to do their damn jobs and represent the voters.

We could hold the vote on the first day of every new season. We could have a market, carnival or general sausage sizzle on the day to raise money for local schools or some other community project. The community could get together, vote, chat, and indicate in some way that they give a damn about local politics. Make it mandatory for politicians to attend and people could actually meet their local elected, and alternative, representatives as they exchange information.

Already the voices being raised against this are deafening. We already have Councils. Yes, we do. They get paid a lot of money, are under the influence of big business, and fail to represent the people, just like State and Federal politicians. Volunteers would not be paid and would have to be accountable for any conflict of interest but, more importantly, would provide a means to negate the brutal oppression that prevents victims from banding together to seek justice. When there is community anger, politicians would have to respond or risk an immediate backlash, real consequences that cannot be avoided as the news cycle moves on and public forget.

The arguments against this approach to real representation only further prove the need to install such a system. The claim it creates instability in government and an inability to get things done, under a system where the public can remove politicians at a ‘whim’, reveals unwillingness to abide by community expectations and wishes. It only proves the notion that politicians believe it is their right to rule the people rather than their honour to represent the people.

This Christmas, wouldn’t it be nice to actually give people what they need rather than just what they want. Wouldn’t it be nice to actually mean it if you ask RUOK, and then act on that to help people? Wouldn’t it be great to take steps to act on the anger and attitudes of the majority regarding injustice and do something to fix the problems? Wouldn’t it be great to encourage people to say, how can I help, and slap down arseholes who blame and mock victims in that vile effort to silence them so that predators can continue to inflict harm?

Wouldn’t it be awesome if people treated others with respect and put in place representatives who actually responded to problems in laws, policies and procedures by investigating, exposing and correcting moral bankruptcy and injustices? Wouldn’t it be awesome if real victims were afforded the same presumption of innocence as the accused? Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were laws, policies and procedures that protected the rights of victims and witnesses, and set in place a means to protect those vulnerable people in legal actions and situations?

Forget the bullshit blame game where those that actually have the means to affect positive change do nothing more than defame their victims and accuse them of being somehow at fault. Forget about mindlessly absorbing and spewing out “fake news” at better educated people who actually bother to engage and think. Forget the bullshit whining about “happy holidays” in order to shove the self-righteous “Merry Christmas” religious hypocrisy down the throats of all those non-Christians who also live in this world, many the victims of those very ‘Churches’.

Instead, imagine how good Christmas would be if people actually applied the teachings of Christ instead of enabling hypocrites and parasites to inflict themselves on others over the holidays. Even over the year. Imagine all the people who suffer depression over this time because of the beatings, teft, defamation and other hardships they have suffered at the hands of predators. Imagine them feeling safe enough to participate. Imagine what it would be like to feel like they belong. What it’s like to feel happiness. Joy. An emotion other than fear, anger, powerlessness and emptiness.

This is not about giving people money. Nobody wants a hand-out. Well, some do. But most of us just want the simple dignity and justice of a hand-up. Most of us want people in position of authority or public attention to really speak for us and affect real positive change. If the majority of us are sick and tired of predators inflicting themselves on others, and getting away with it, then why the hell do we still elect more predators into positions of authority to run political protection rackets that isolate and silence victims while concealing and enabling predators, crime, systemic failure, and injustice?

Christ was not some mythical person we only remember was born at Christmas, and whose teachings we claim to practice despite our obvious hypocrisies, then quickly forget as we rush to celebrate unjustly nailing him to a Cross on Easter. He was a dude that saw injustices and gave us some simple guidelines on how we could live better lives and help others to create a fairer world. His wisdom is in the same Holy Bible upon which politicians swear upon to uphold the very same ideologies… yet immediately set about circumventing for their own benefit.

This Christmas, think about how lucky you are and the misfortune of too many others. Think about what you can do to help instead of hinder them. And if you are one of the unfortunates, have the courage to ask for help and share your ‘story’ with others. Don’t let bullies continue to inflict misery upon you. Look what happens when enough victims band together, and someone finally speaks for those victims, to affect positive change. Never forget, those who are silent may be said to condone, but those who force others to remain silent are complicit.  



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