
Showing posts from March, 2018


No wonder Guerin quite happily boasted of his exploits. He made an empty apology and alluded to his ‘fame’, moralised at others and claimed (despite his age and role) that it was a learning experience, that his embarrassment at being caught somehow made him a victim, and, perhaps as a demonstration of his rampant narcissism, claimed he was ‘entitled’ to make those vile comments using a fake identity. Yet a victim doesn’t even have the right to make a complaint and expect real justice for what they suffer. A victim will usually be discouraged from even making an official complaint, and the fact that they tried to won’t even be recorded. In years to come, this failure to record anything at all will be used by defence lawyers as evidence that there is “no history” of such incidents, that it’s all a lie. But the police will insist, just like the public services, that what h...


Well, it’s that time again. Another blog post for the few people who bother to read them. And this month it was hard to go past the rabid mauling Michaelia Cash unleashed on those who dared to challenge the extremely suspicious behaviour and cover-up of what can only be considered textbook corruption. Michaelia may appear shiny and of great worth and importance to some, but just like any other mica, there’s little of any use or value in fool’s gold. So what was it all about? Why would someone with limited evidence of a brain suffer a brain-snap when asked in the Employment Estimates Committee hearing about why the investigation into the role of her staff over the Australian Workers’ Union dawn raids, an incident that saw the LNP use the Federal Police to conduct an unfounded raid into political rivals (that failed to find any incriminating evidence) where the media were alerted in what appears to be a staged effort to damage the reputation of the Union? And all this in the wake o...