Well, it’s that time again. Another blog post for the few people who bother to read them. And this month it was hard to go past the rabid mauling Michaelia Cash unleashed on those who dared to challenge the extremely suspicious behaviour and cover-up of what can only be considered textbook corruption. Michaelia may appear shiny and of great worth and importance to some, but just like any other mica, there’s little of any use or value in fool’s gold.

So what was it all about? Why would someone with limited evidence of a brain suffer a brain-snap when asked in the Employment Estimates Committee hearing about why the investigation into the role of her staff over the Australian Workers’ Union dawn raids, an incident that saw the LNP use the Federal Police to conduct an unfounded raid into political rivals (that failed to find any incriminating evidence) where the media were alerted in what appears to be a staged effort to damage the reputation of the Union? And all this in the wake of a failed Royal Commission into Union Corruption, chaired by an LNP stooge, who concluded with predetermined findings not supported by the evidence uncovered.

Most people, upon finding themselves in a hole, have the common sense to stop digging down. Not her. No, when faced with uncomfortable questions about misusing public assets, Federal Police and the media to slander and intimidate political rivals, Michaelia did what the LNP does best and went on the attack. She made unfounded and defamatory allegations against Bill Shorten and his staff, making more threats in an attempt to silence any criticism, then sat there in a barely contained rage when she was chastised by others, including the committee chair.

Now, the responses from the public were predictable, and too often as equally idiotic. Some cheered her on for her vile behaviour, claiming she was the victim, their own behaviour as morally and intellectually bankrupt as that of Michaelia herself. A week earlier, they were claiming Barnaby was the victim and everyone who disagreed with him was at fault. But the vast majority of the community were disgusted. They are sick and tired of the hypocrisy, corruption and incompetence.

People have had a gut-full. They have had enough of politicians and other folks insulated from reality by their wealth, influence, and personal circumstances, lording it over the rest of us and making decisions and passing laws that do not affect them, but impact upon the lives of those of whom they could never possibly have even the smallest understanding. Take the behaviour of Barnaby Joyce, Michaelia Cash, and Julie Bishop, for example, and how it would play out in the real world.

We all know what Barnaby did, unless we’ve been living under a rock, and clearly not the same one as Barnaby, but hot on his heels we find Julie Bishop throwing tax-payer funded perks, worth more than two-years of unemployment benefits, at someone her claims would suggest is almost a complete stranger… despite him being her long-term boyfriend and listed as a family member but not, and this is the important bit, her partner. So she doesn’t have to register their shared assets and wotnot.

He gets $32,000 worth of tax-payer funded perks for two years in a world where a public servant can be fired for misusing cab-charges and travel allowances. And if a regular member of the public were accused of misusing someone else’s assets for their own personal gain, any investigation would have been sorted in a matter of months. They would not get to drag their feet and have any involvement in the actual investigation other than as a suspect.

And a regular member of the public certainly wouldn’t get to make threats about unfounded and defamatory rumours in order to silence anybody looking into what they did. They certainly couldn’t afford legal representation let alone purchase a legal outcome under the Australian definitions of ‘equality’ and ‘justice’ to have a suspect in their activities embedded in an agency that should support the investigation but instead attempts to obstruct it. But, apparently, Michaelia did. And so, it seems, can any other politician.

You see, while a victim of child abuse, or of workplace bullying in the public services, or of systemic failures and corruption in the police and public services, no matter how extreme, may never speak about what happened to them without fear of prosecution for ‘defamation’, a politician can fall back on the old ‘Parliamentary Privilege’ laws and unleash a tirade of bullshit the likes of which can never result in charges of defamation. One law for the ruling class, a life of inequality and injustice for everyone else.

So how the hell are we supposed to deliver the Western ideologies of equality and justice in a society where there is a complete absence of the means to obtain justice because of the rampant inequality? Well, we can feel secure in the establishment of agencies called ‘watchdogs’. Unless we have a real good look at them and notice that they are just as rotten as those they are supposed to police. And speaking of police, let’s have a quick look at them and the other public servants involved in oversight.

Yes, the vast majority of officers and public servants are good, decent, committed, hard-working people who serve to actually help others, to deliver that equality and justice. But no matter how much effort they put in, everything they do is undermined by the small minority of predators within their ranks. And when those predators inevitably gravitate to the top through the aid of like-minded scumbags, there is no real way to expose and remove them.

When those same scumbags are in charge of passing laws and conducting the ‘internal investigations’ into allegations of corruption, we suddenly discover that the people who should be prosecuted are let off without any penalty, and the people that dared to blow the whistle, and made it as far as the Courts, are the ones being put on trial over trumped-up charges, prosecuted, persecuted, and their lives ruined. Meanwhile, thousands of victims are isolated and silenced while their abusers, crime, systemic failure and injustice is concealed and enabled.

So, while Michaelia wastes time defaming and threatening innocent people to cover-up whatever the hell she has done that would warrant such an effort to obstruct justice, let’s have a look at a couple of recent incidents out in the real world. A few weeks ago the Victorian Police Assistant Commissioner, Brett Guerin, who was also the head of their Professional Standards Command, was busted hiding behind a fake profile to cyber-troll anybody he felt compelled to bully on social media.

Needless to say, this caused quite the commotion. Obviously, it was his job to set the standard and do something to discourage that kind of behaviour. There’s enough dickheads on social media doing that already without him adding to their ranks. But then you have to consider what that kind of personality would do in a position of authority were a matter of injustice to cross his path, and whether a creature like that would help the victim, or add to their misery by inflicting greater harm.

Introducing former detective Yvonne Berry, who served with the Victorian Police for thirty years, and who was kicked and stomped on while handcuffed in the Ballarat watch house in the hours following her arrest for public drunkenness in 2015. Unlike too many victims, she was able to lodge a complaint, but despite the incident being captured on CCTV, the ethical standards division responsible for reviewing the complaint rejected it in 2016 as "not substantiated" due to a "lack of sufficient evidence".

Yeah, that’s right. All there on film, but even that was still considered to be insufficient evidence to prove her allegations. The letter of rejection stated that the decision had been made "in consultation with senior officers of Professional Standards Command, including Assistant Commissioner Guerin". Question answered. A creature like him will inflict his sick, vindictive, sociopathic personality on those he thinks he can get away with causing harm.

The claims by those that worked with him that the behaviour was “baffling” and “out of character” reveal more about their levels of competence or honesty than they do to defend or excuse what Guerin did. His behaviour was premeditated, carried out over a long period of time, and ongoing. It was a pattern, and no different to that of any other predator. And his colleagues, who claim they noticed nothing over all this time, are meant to be police who investigate and prosecute predators like him. They are either incompetent, or liars. If they are liars, then they are just as corrupt as Guerin.

Now, imagine what it’s like for a victim of child abuse or domestic violence, who endures years, even decades of brutality only to be told that they have insufficient evidence to prove their allegations. All the abuser has to do is prevent the victim from documenting it. No visits to the doctor or hospital, and if it is unavoidable, make up a bullshit story to explain the injuries and intimidate the victim into agreeing. And even if it is documented, even if they do have any evidence at all, even if it’s on video, even if the police or other authorities even consider looking at any of it, it’s still not enough.

And when you encounter decades of cover-up and intimidation in response to your efforts to report a crime, IBAC proves to be just as corrupt. I know. I’ve been trying to report a former police officer, a former nurse, and the son of a former Town Mayor, all friends of a former Chief Prosecutor. That Timeline of Abuse was ‘assessed’ in the very station where two of them worked, in the town where that Mayor had ruled, all in the space of a few short months by officers that had already refused to help.

The official response came in the form of a very brief email stating that while nobody there disputed that everything I had written was true, there would be no investigation and the matter was closed. The child abuse, elder abuse, possible sexual abuse of children, suspicious deaths, none of it concerned them. Efforts to get them to reconsider resulted in the officers involved becoming increasingly more aggressive. My complaint to IBAC was dealt with in record time. Just a couple of weeks. They dismissed my complaint and refused to look at the Timeline of Abuse or any of the evidence.

In fact, as part of the complaint process, you can check a box to indicate that you wish your complaint and personal details to be kept private and confidential. What the complaint form does not tell you is that IBAC can, and in my case did, ignore this and make all of it available to everyone named in that complaint, including providing access to the complainant’s residential details. Further attempts to get action on this led to increasingly more brazen acts of intimidation to cover-up those crimes.


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