No wonder Guerin quite happily boasted of his exploits. He made an empty apology and alluded to his ‘fame’, moralised at others and claimed (despite his age and role) that it was a learning experience, that his embarrassment at being caught somehow made him a victim, and, perhaps as a demonstration of his rampant narcissism, claimed he was ‘entitled’ to make those vile comments using a fake identity. Yet a victim doesn’t even have the right to make a complaint and expect real justice for what they suffer.

A victim will usually be discouraged from even making an official complaint, and the fact that they tried to won’t even be recorded. In years to come, this failure to record anything at all will be used by defence lawyers as evidence that there is “no history” of such incidents, that it’s all a lie. But the police will insist, just like the public services, that what happened to Yvonne Berry was an isolated incident. That it was only one person, Geurin, doing the wrong thing. They must have a handbook on bullshit cover-ups.

Let’s have a look at what’s been going on in Queensland recently. Rick Flori, a former police sergeant, arrested, charged, and dragged through Court on bullshit allegations of misconduct, for years, his reputation ruined and his life catastrophically impacted. His crime? He leaked footage of police bashing Noa Begic, a kid who was handcuffed, prone, unresisting, then washing away the blood. The officers involved in the beating have, it turns out, a long history of complaints against them for violence...

… yet they have never been charged for any of it. David Joachim also has a history of complaints levelled against him while he worked as a police officer in New South Wales, and, it turns out, Queensland Police Commissioner Ian Stewart was the brother of Joachim’s brother-in-law. Oh, dear. Things do look a little dodgy. Initially, it was just a cop having a bad day in an isolated incident and another cop trying to smear him to get even over a promotion by leaking footage to the media. Now look.

Yes, it certainly is astonishing what is discovered if the authorities get off their lazy arses and do their fucking job. When they bother to investigate, suddenly all manner of things are uncovered. Yet it’s usually not the police or relevant public services doing the investigation. It’s the media. The only reason, in far too many cases, that anything is discovered at all, and a victim gets a small measure of justice, is because a reporter, their producer and employer, sees an opportunity to expose a long history that proves to be commercially valuable injustice.

Sensationalism sells. If it is disturbing, vindictive, gory, humiliating, or inflicts misery, it is a commodity that can bring fame and fortune to whoever breaks it. And so, just like the police and public services, if a victim and their history is not considered worth the effort, and they can be ignored with little chance of any repercussions, they will be. They will be told what happened to them was an isolated incident, on they don’t have enough evidence to prove their allegations, and or are mocked and bullied into silence.

And, if it goes sideways, and the victim gets killed, or snaps and takes justice into their own hands, the authorities or media control the narrative as long as they can keep the other on-side, and neither side sees an opportunity for petty revenge or personal benefit. Ask yourself how many high-profile cases involving domestic violence, child and elder abuse, systemic failure, rape, and murder were investigated only because the media exposed the story…

… and how many incidents have managed to avoid investigation as a result of the indifference of the media. We don’t know the full extent. How could we? The authorities cover it up, and the media barely mention it, if at all.  So now the question becomes, what are we going to do about it? Clearly, the authorities cannot be trusted. Elements within their ranks have, often for decades, demonstrated a consistent effort to obstruct and pervert the course of justice.

Those elements within those agencies are complicit in crimes, covering up evidence, intimidating and silencing witnesses and victims, and persecuting those who fail to remain silent. Again, some of us have suffered personal experiences at the hands of these so-called anti-corruption agencies. IBAC isn’t the only one I’ve contacted. I’ve contacted the CMC, now the CCC, in Queensland. Despite what I shared with them, they insisted the matter should be reported to those who were at fault for an ‘internal investigation’ and, if they conducted one, the CMC would review it.

Yeah, that’s right, the people named in the ‘allegations’ would first determine if they should be investigated, then conduct any investigation, and the CMC would rubber stamp whatever finding got shat out. How many ‘isolated incidents’ and victims are there? Where can they go when the entire system is infected with that vile, entrenched culture of corruption? How can positive change ever be affected when the people in positions of power in those agencies are part of the problem?

Bill Shorten suggested an independent Office of Integrity to take complaints and oversee investigations into the police, public services and politicians. It’s something a lot of us have been asking to be implemented, for decades. But how do we know it will be any better than the bullshit cover-up agencies we already have? Brett Guerin and (apparently) Ian Stewart have proven just how corrupt the highest ranks can be, the positions of ultimate authority filled with those who are causing the problem.

So people like me, who have been fighting for decades to speak and be heard, really heard, continue to work our arses off to accomplish that, year after year, decade after decade. We contact every agency we know of or are told about, seeking a means to reveal what we know. The corruption, the child abuse, the possible sexual abuse of children, thefts, fraud, mail tampering, slander, stalking, harassment, systemic failures, suspicious deaths, cover-ups. And nobody cares.

Years ago, I contacted Civil Liberties Australia seeking help. Initially, the guy that responded was very friendly and helpful. Upon doing as he asked, and sending the seven page document I had, he changed his tune. Instantly. He stated that he had not bothered to read what I had written, but then blamed me for everything that had been done to me despite the fact that his idiotic claims were simple victim blaming. Adding insult to injury, when I asked him why he behaved that way, he boasted about doing it to others and that he did it because he could.

He knew nobody would stop him. It’s what many predators tell their victims: “I do it because I can and nobody will stop me”. Recently, I managed to track down a group called Whistle-blowers Australia (WBA), then shared my experiences with them and asked for help. They responded in pretty much the same manner. They then advised me to consider giving up. If I’d been at it this long, and nobody was helping, they said, maybe I should just get over it.

That is the same attitude directed at victims of domestic violence, sexual assault in the media industry and other workplaces, paedophiles in the Churches, banks, and too many other crimes. The victims are bullied into silence so that the predators can continue doing what they do, knowing damn well it’s wrong but continuing because they can. Because nobody will stop them. For decades. Because the people and agencies that are supposed to help victims of injustice and systemic failure won’t – they are staffed with predators and are part of the problem.

WBA explained that, even with evidence and signed statements from witnesses and victims, none of it would ever be enough. Even if they had the time and money to help someone like me, they wouldn’t. It just wasn’t worth their effort. A victim like me just isn’t worth the effort. All the other victims who have a similar set of circumstances to me, are not worth the effort. How many other predators in the general public and public services are protected by these so called child protection, victim support and other oversight and ‘anti-corruption’ agencies?

You have no idea how much I’d like to see someone hunt these people down, brutalise them, steal from them and burn their whole world down, day after day, for years on end, make sure they never get help, and then tell them to get over it. Perhaps empathy can only be learned through shared experience. The only way a predator will ever stop is if someone forces them to stop. The only way that can ever happen is if the predator is identified and the authorities agree that, yes, there is a problem here.

None of that can ever happen while the predators are the ones in position of authority. Me Too, Times Up, and Anti-Bullying initiatives are like make-up over the black eye of a domestic violence victim. It’s cosmetic. The “we hear you”, “you’ve had your say”, “now you have closure”, and “the healing has begun” bullshit rhetoric is cruel and vindictive when victims have not even had a chance to speak, their suffering continues, and those at fault are not even stopped let alone held to account.

And, meanwhile, Barnaby Joyce, Michaelia Cash, Joe Hockey, Bronwyn Bishop, Julie Bishop, Laurence Springborg, Campbell Newman, Jeff Seeney, and all the other rotten current and former politicians and ranking members of the police and public services find ways to get around laws using technicalities, and circumvent justice for their own financial and personal advantage, sacrificing the odd political member (who made enemies) to maintain an illusion of accountability.

We are told to rail against Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Trump for their hypocrisy and blatant corruption, yet how are our own political representatives, police and public service leaders any different? How many of them have I contacted because they have demonstrated concern for people like me suffering injustice, only to discover that what they were doing was all an act? How the hell do we purge this vile filth from our leadership and authorities to build a better future?

How the hell do we get justice for the victims? How the hell do we find a way to give those victims the same right to speak and share the truth about what happened to them? If a politician can misuse Parliamentary Privilege to spread lies, or simply fire people, in an effort to intimidate people into silence, maintain a cover-up, and obstruct justice, why can victims simply speak the truth? If political representatives are not representing the people, do we really have democracy at all? If public servants are not serving the public, then who is protecting and helping the most disadvantaged and vulnerable?

The politically motivated Royal Commission into Churches exposed the evil there, and silenced any criticism from the churches regarding immoral acts and laws inflicted by the LNP, but what will it take to expose and force accountability on the rotten police, public servants and politicians who are helping abuse thousands, possibly millions of victims in the general public? Those who are silent may be said to condone, but those who force others to remain silent are complicit.


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