Where the dogs of society howl
You can't crush me under your penthouse
I'm going back to my plough

Contrary to popular belief, the road to hell is not paved with good intentions. It is a yellow brick road paved with self-centred ambitions and idiocy that leads to a man behind the curtain. It’s what bothers people like me most. Especially if ‘the man’ is a rotten politician, police officer, public servant, or some other dishonest, self-serving hypocrite claiming they are a Christian. Christianity is seen as some kind of cloak of honesty and righteousness, a shield of virtue, but too often it’s just a mask to conceal corruption. Trump himself has attempted to harness this kind of misconception to gain support. He convulsed in a Church, risking the divine wrath of God through open mockery, providing further proof that if God exists at all, He clearly doesn’t care what we do to one another. Probably because He is so ashamed of our behaviour. It’s easy to understand why He’d ignore us. The Church and State are supposed to be separate, and for good reason. Consider the Middle East when vile, sadistic religious laws are State Laws and the importance of keeping them separate becomes terrifyingly obvious.

The Moslem extremists, however, do have a point. Their claim of Western hypocrisy is valid. We may not want to hear it, but it is true. Regardless of your faith in any religion, Christianity forms a core foundation upon which modern Western society is founded. You can make up any BS lies you like to deny this, but it is a historical fact. If you were raised Catholic, like so many of us, you will either be indoctrinated to toe the company line or loath the whole thing. People like me have developed a deep seated disgust for many so-called ‘Christian’ churches. Spirituality and religion are two very different things. Still, there is wisdom to be found in the Bible, and in this case it’s Matthew 7: 15-20, New International Version.

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognise them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognise them.” – Matthew 7: 15-20 NIV

Admittedly, we’re not burning folks (yet, let’s see where this farce of a President goes), but the point is still very apt. We recognise people by their actions, not just their words. Trump says a lot of things, but provides little – if any - evidence to support his most slanderous allegations. Until only recently, and despite having access to the evidence disproving his allegations for so long, he still insisted Obama was a Moslem and hadn’t even been born in the US. As a result, his ‘fact’ was revealed as a lie. But his most psychotic supporters still spread this lie despite the evidence and Trump’s sort-of retraction. Trump’s actions reveal him for what he is, but his mostly white sycophants are unwilling to accept the facts. No surprises there.

What made that whole campaign so ludicrous was that there was no real discussion on policies or their funding because Trump railroaded the whole thing into a smear campaign where he played to his strengths: bullying and misdirection. There were no real answers about how he would address issues of education, unemployment, health, welfare, infrastructure, foreign investment and diplomacy, military actions, and all the other important issues that had the potential to influence informed voting or reveal how he planned to actually make the US great again. The few times he was forced to address the issues, Trump provided glib responses that held as much value and chance of success as a snowball in hell. Since becoming President, Trump has begun to dishonour his promises, revealing what others have said – reinforcing the belief he is a liar, and nothing he says has any value.

When did the US lose its way and what was the price? The answer to both is the rise of unregulated Capitalism. This was seen as the means to an end, a path to wealth, prosperity and opportunity, the American Dream. But Capitalism requires exploitation and seeks to eliminate all competition, and for every winner in a completion against others, there must be at least one loser. The price of unregulated Capitalism is equality, justice, freedom, liberty, and, inevitably, meritocracy and accountability. Capitalism and Christianity are fundamental opposed, mostly polar opposites. Matthew 6: 24, New International Version, reveals the conflict where the notion of God represents the ideologies sacrificed to pay for the promise of fiscal wealth through unregulated Capitalism. 

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” – Matthew 6: 24 NIV

The US solved the conflict of interest that arises between the two by printing ‘In God We Trust’ on its currency. The greatest irony of all is that the Christian religion itself has been reduced to a commodity in defiance of instructions not to turn the House of God into a marketplace (Matthew 21: 12-13, New International Version). The role of the Church and State is (again, regardless of whether you wish to believe it) to regulate one another, to uphold the fundamental ideologies that provide the foundations for our society, as well as take action (when and where necessary) if they are corrupted by hypocrisy, for the good of modern Western society.

Too often we have seen a failure to do so. The result is the entrenched culture of corruption that has festered, a canker deep in the soul of Western societies, and in the US this has reached a point where the tip of the brimstone can no longer be concealed because a tsunami of unrest has caused the tide to withdraw and expose what was once hidden. Despite the extreme right criticism and misinformation, Obama’s administration at least made an effort to address some of the systemic failures, to restore some of the things that made the US great, but they had to fight hypocrites and predators every step of the way.

Universal healthcare is a basic human right, but one that was absent from the US before Obama came to power. The notion that everyone is responsible for themselves only works when everyone has the opportunity to work for a wage that can cover their basic costs and leave enough disposable income to save for emergencies. Christian values are, by their nature, Socialist, but the loudest voices in the US consider Socialism evil. Makes you wonder what they think of the message from the Parable of The Good Samaritan.

Anybody in a Western country that actually suggests their society needs to restore equality, justice, freedom, liberty, meritocracy and accountability – an end to neoliberalism – is referred to as a traitor. It’s the same if you suggest women should get the same rights and pay as men, though how supporting the idea of equality for another human being makes you a traitor (and to what) is only clear to the insane. Here, in Australia, if you dare point out injustice and suggest something be done to correct the systemic failures and flawed laws, policies and procedures that led to that situation, you are usually told by some lunatic to “get the fuck out of my country.”

As a sixth generation Australian, being told that is incredibly offensive, especially by someone who may be only third generation or less. It becomes embarrassingly funny when it’s a jackass saying that to one of the Indigenous Australians who wants to know why there is so much discrimination against her people. It’s even more insulting and offensive than being told you know nothing of inequality and discrimination because you benefit from ‘white privilege’ despite a lifetime of socio-economic disadvantage following a childhood of extreme abuse at the hands of predatory parents and men concealed and enabled by decades of systemic failure. On the plus side, any casual stereotyping and racist remark directed at white people is not actually considered offensive or racist.

But let’s get something straight. It is not treason to demand our political representatives do their damn jobs and maintain the ideologies that form the foundation of our society, even if they are struggling with socio-economic, national and international issues. If we sacrifice our fundamental principles, then what is left of our society? It is our duty to demand an end to the excuses that are made to justify a failure to do what is right or to deliberately undermine our core identity. Those who guard against and expose complacency are patriots. Those who try to silence such patriots are not only fascists but, by their actions, traitors. If anybody should get out of anyone’s country, it is the predators and hypocrites that force victims to remain silent. Again, there is something profound in the Bible on this issue, speaking of a problem that has continued unabated for over two thousand years.

Jesus replied. “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.” – Luke 11: 46 NIV

We have politicians living on wages and entitlements forty or more times the full ‘welfare benefit’ provided for an unemployed person, but who have the audacity to accuse the disadvantaged of having an over-inflated sense of entitlement and being a burden on society. That is projection and hypocrisy. In an environment where there is only one advertised job for every ten or more unemployed people, and the ‘welfare benefit’ is two-thirds the poverty rate, then the burden can be very easily observed as being those in positions of authority for which they are woefully unqualified. They are supposed to represent all citizens, not rule over them like parasitic despots. The unemployed have no control over the economy, or ability to create jobs – politicians do.

Slashing social services and welfare does not encourage anyone to get a job when there are not enough jobs to go around, it simply creates a volatile environment already filled with disenfranchised and frustrated people who have been denied basic human rights like food, shelter, dignity and opportunity. How will they finance their own survival in the absence of legal employment opportunities? Think about it. They will be forced into crime. It costs over $100K a year to incarcerate someone. It currently costs one-eighth that to provide them with ‘welfare’ two-thirds what is needed to meet the poverty line. Blaming victims is the act of cowards who are desperate to conceal their own ineptitude. Attacking minorities only works if you can conceal the facts and prevent all the minorities from working together instead of turning on one another, because together they are the majority.

The only reason that the US, and all the other Western countries, have reached this point of almost no return is because predators have been allowed to manipulate people and maintain positions of power. They rely upon the limited intellect of the collective masses to fight amongst themselves and resort to default settings of self-centred greed and bigotry to maintain what little they may have. This goes some way to explaining limited funding to public education. What modern Western countries have is not Democracy, it is Plutocratic Fascism where the wealthy rule by the consensus of deluded people oppressing one another and themselves.

Listen up, RWNJs. Your enemy is not the poor, folks with skin a different colour to your own, folks from another country or who believe in a different religious or political social construct to the one you place all your faith in, women and children fleeing from war and terrorism, lefties, Unions, gays, or any one of a dozen other things that scare you and you happily blame for your own misfortune or stupidity. The only people stealing your job, or your home, or your land, or your taxes is the government, and maybe some shifty bank or private company with which they have some nefarious deal, or actual criminals. Admittedly, there are nuts who might want to kill you, but some of them justify it by the fact you behave like an arsehole and they feel threatened by your sick and twisted extremist attitudes. Your real enemy, though, looks you in the eye when you stand in front of a mirror. Your enemy is you, Nancy, because you blame others instead of sacking up and facing reality.

The only people that can create jobs is government. They do that by creating an environment that is suitable for employment. A surplus in the labour supply keeps wages low, reduces demand on a range of commodities, and allows people to be controlled by scaring the living shit out of them with threats of unemployment and poverty. Lowering the minimum wage and taking away awards and working conditions does not reduce unemployment, and neither does cutting company tax. It simply allows employers to make more profit. It is counter-productive. Competing with countries that exploit labour in a manner that violates basic human rights to pay bugger-all in wages is only possible if your government has the guts to impose tariffs to counteract those cheap (in every sense of the word) imports.

Yes, tariffs work both ways. And they are complex. They are a difficult balancing act where misjudgements can result in Global Recession, as you’re about to learn if Trump does what he threatened and imposes a 45% tariff on everything imported from China. I’ve no doubt people who don’t know what my qualifications are will claim I don’t know what I’m talking about. Clearly, the evidence would suggest far too many politicians, flunkies and other ‘experts’ in charge of the economy could be accused of the same. The official evidence for Australia’s LNP Federal Abbott government when Hockey ran the economy into the ground and more than doubled the deficit despite ultimately counter-productive austerity measures that stripped hundreds of millions of dollars out of social and public services proves this point very aptly. Bottom line is this: if we cannot sell what we produce here or in other countries, we have no income from here or other countries.

If we agree to trade deals that make our own businesses unviable, we get high unemployment and people with no money to buy cheap-ass imported goods. If a product we produce is too expensive for our domestic market then we have to evolve and find a way to make it more affordable. The drive to maximise profits is crippling our society and communities. Combined with an illogical and unreasonable effort to maintain extreme conservative ideologies, this has doomed our society to a slow, agonising death. We must evolve to become more independent, progressive, rely on and trust ourselves, and deliver upon the ideologies we claim our society is founded upon. Globalisation and the ever increasing demand for unsustainable profit margins is like Trickle-down Economics – it has only made the wealthy richer and screwed over the impoverished masses.

When a news feed on penalty rates appeared on Facebook, there was an idiot woman who complained she had to actually work in her own business on a weekend because she didn’t want to pay her “laze skum” employees. She went on to claim they were “steeling” from her by getting penalty rates. Given those kind of comments, with all her barely literate insults toward those she exploits to make her profits, it made me wonder how her businesses managed to last at all. She insulted anybody who criticised her attitude, boasting of her wealth, and insisted her “theeving trash” employees should be grateful she paid them at all. Then she mocked her critics with talk of her upcoming sixth ocean cruise around the world. People like her prove the point about an entrenched culture of corruption. You know why Richard Branson is so successful? He respects and looks after his staff. People like that woman should shut their idiotic mouths and learn a valuable lesson from that good man’s example.

As far as my research has indicated, the ‘lefties’ did not start any foreign wars in the Middle East over the last three decades – those were initiated by Republican and right-wing controlled governments. The US governments, Democrat and Republican, have all participated in clandestine factional activities supporting what they think can stabilise the region, same as a lot of other countries, but the Democrats and other left-wing governments are infamous for avoiding conflict. They consider such overtly aggressive acts too expensive. I don’t care if RWNJ disagree with me. Their unwillingness to accept reality and study the facts is their own problem. I cannot reason with unreasonable people and will not engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed foe because that is a war of attrition that ends as it started – them still being complete idiots who adopt a policy of scorched earth.

If you engage your brain you will understand why right-wing folks believe offense is the best defence and lefties want to avoid conflict. Lefties believe in investing in infrastructure and people. They want universal health care, better education, jobs, and all the things that deliver equality and internal stability because they think this will reduce frustration and help prevent folks from becoming disenfranchised. Their success levels vary depending upon what they can invest and the competence of those given authority to make it happen. Right-wing folks want to flex muscle because they know that sometimes a demonstration of strength and action now avoids escalation of conflicts and a need for more aggressive action in years to come. But also (especially in the US) because they can sell arms, create business opportunities, and make sure things like oil flow back into the US at a cost that won’t screw their economy over while keeping wages down to avoid inflation issues leading to huge National debt levels. But, in so doing, they tend to ignore infrastructure maintenance issues and unleash austerity measures to pay off the incurred debts and this triggers recessions that impact upon the most disadvantaged.

Wars cost money. A shitload of it. And in most cases they are not viable - the return does not outweigh the cost. You just tend to end up with a bunch of dead and crippled young folk, broken families, impoverished widows and orphans, and angry, disgruntled people with mental health issues, grudges, and (in the US) access to firearms that can kill dozens of people at a time. Yeah, friggin’ guns because it’s in their Constitution. It’s the Second bloody Amendment. It is one sentence, two lines that include the phrase “well regulated” that gun nuts (not the law-abiding gun owners one bad day away from contributing to the stats) want to ignore and shout down. It’s an addition to the Constitution, just like any other law that is added to it, like one that could make provisions to (God willing) protect kids and good people from nongs with guns, or one that requires Presidential aspirants to take a psych evaluation before being endorsed by a political party and booted at any time if needs be.

The US use to have a law that said it was hunky-dory to own other people, but now days that kind of thing is frowned upon. Yet they still have access to guns and far too many of the people that have them are well off their axels. You’re a RWNJ that wants a gun? Fine. That Amendment was written at a time when guns were black powder things, so you can have a musket or pistol. Not multiple automatic weapons, machine guns, body armour, rocket launchers, and explosives. Go nuts. Don’t shoot yourself. Then again, chances are you will, and most of us could care less. Just try to do it right so you don’t waste someone else’s money to cover the cost of your health care. The money and bed could be better invested on worthwhile people. That comment was offensive? Really? Well, you RWNJs would know. For a bunch of bullies that spend so much time going out of your way to insult, mock, threaten and offend people, you are surprisingly thin-skinned. Doesn’t feel very nice, does it?

Get use to it. You’ve been bulling better people than you for years. They’ve put up with all your self-centred temper-tantrums all this time. They tried to tolerate you and meet you half-way, but now they’ve had enough. Trump once pointed out that the world is laughing at you, at your stupidity. That’s not entirely true. We were laughing at the stupidity of Trump and his merry band of knuckle-dragging half-wit sycophants. They were a gift in abject idiocy that just kept on giving. Trump said it had to stop. It did. About half-way through your Presidential Election campaign. Nothing really changed. It just wasn’t funny to think that dickhead might be put in charge of 320 million people and nuclear weapons. Especially when he said they should be used against the enemies of the US, issued a thinly veiled threat that other nations that did not comply with US demands were its enemies, and then demanded the launch codes. And who decides who is an enemy of the US? Trump, a lunatic who has to “get even” with anybody that dares challenge or say no to him.

Diplomacy and negotiations do no begin with the threat of a nuclear holocaust. There’s nowhere to go from there but straight to hell. Trump said you lot had to get smart, fast, but the evidence is apparent and abundant: him and his mindless mob of zealots seem to be getting stupider by the day. The world doesn’t have a problem with the good folk of the US. We like them. But your inbred hill-billy cousins and their lunatic king are the proverbial dog-shit on the path of civilisation and human progress. A smart person would get off the tainted trail and find a way around it. A fool would ignore the warning signs, step in it, and the stench would follow them around until they found a way to wipe it off. You lot wilfully jumped in it. Then rolled around in it. Not smart.


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