All my Trumplings seemed so far away,
But now it seems as if they’re here to stay,
Oh, how I long, for yesterday…

Have you ever wondered why people have to pass a test to get a licence to drive cars, or why it’s illegal to operate a vehicle or machinery when they are drunk, off their face on drugs, or have dementia? Not really? Makes sense? And yet you can access IVF without a psychological evaluation or background check providing you can afford to buy a baby. Or you can just go freelance and make one on your own. That doesn’t really sound right, does it? What’s to stop the wrong kind of people from inflicting themselves and their stupidity on vulnerable children who deserve better? How much does that cost in regards to revenue, society and individuals? Now think about voting, and what impact this has when people who have no idea about the issues vote for the Party that is best able to manipulate them based on the ignorance and flawed comprehension of the voters. There should be ten simple questions you have to answer about politics and the issues that have appeared in an official ‘fact check’, and unless you get at least half right, your vote doesn’t count. But there isn’t. What’s that cost society?

Which brings us rather neatly to the topic of taxes. Over here, in Australia, we get ill-educated jackasses bitching about how other people are stealing their taxes. That comment reveals their stupidity in far too many ways. Let’s wander down the old taxation road for a moment. Over here, tax isn’t paid on the first $18,500 you get paid. After that, it depends on what your income is. Not what you earn. What you earn and what you are paid are usually two very different things. People on minimum wage usually earn more than what they are paid while a company CEO may get themselves millions of dollars but earn far less – take away the product producing labour and management produces nothing and earns squat. Most people really don’t get this, or that a bonus should be distributed evenly to all employees, as a reward for their hard work, not to just some wankers in an office that already get paid too much.

Taxation makes no distinction between an individual and the number of dependents relying upon that income. It gets taxed at the same rate regardless. An income of $85,000, for example, will get taxed about $20,000. That leaves $65,000 to cover rent or a mortgage, utilities, fuel and maintenance for a car, along with registration and insurances (for home, contents, health, car or whatever), public transport, visits to the doctor, food and clothes. Whatever is left is disposable income. If the income supports two adults and three children, it’s now $13,000 per dependent. Those folks are now living below the poverty line. The family gets is a rebate of $2,000 to help them support all of the children. Someone on full unemployment benefits gets just $13,260.

At that wage and taxation format, there is no disposable income, and affording food becomes problematic. “Can’t feed ‘em, don’t breed ‘em” is the usual response from the half-wits over here that think they are better than everyone else despite the fact that they are often chain-smoking, beer guzzling, motor-head, misogynistic, racist, bigots who spend too much time gambling, inflicting themselves on others, and received what could only be considered a participation award for whatever schooling they got.  They fail to consider that many of the families suffering financial stress brought on by low-socio-economic circumstances are people who have suffered the death or disability of a mother or father, been made redundant by failed companies led by shifty or incompetent management, are the victims of shifty business exploiting systemic failure that leaves victims without justice, or who were amongst those unfortunate enough to have a gutless parent who abandons their kids.

Perhaps going back in time and telling the parents of idiots that make those stupid comments “won’t educate, go masturbate” would have been more appropriate. At least then the world would have less dumbasses unleashing their stupidity on the people that need and deserve help. The children caught in the middle of socio-economic problems (or wars) should not have to suffer because of political or parental failures, and they certainly shouldn’t be subjected to morons who need to keep their idiot mouths shut. So taxation wise, who pays the most? Turns out, families and, more accurately, children who can least afford it. And not just in terms of taxes. They pay most in terms of opportunities. They are, inevitably, sentenced to a lifetime of generational poverty.

Children are the next future labour supply and tax payers. If we suffer them to grow up impoverished and poorly educated, the crop we reap is going to be a piss-poor one. They’re going to be frustrated by their circumstances, disenfranchised from society, with no means to invest financially or socially, and with no comprehension of patriotism or reason to behave in such a manner. That costs society money and causes associated problems. Desperate, angry people suffer physical and mental health issues, and may resort to anti-social and sometimes criminal activities to survive. This is a wasted opportunity. Worse, they tend to vote for charlatans that promise them false hope, and the situation in your entire country gets exponentially worse.

If that $85K income of the mum and dad with three kids was taxed based on dependents, the family would pay no tax at all. The family would keep the $20K. They would not need that $2K welfare ‘benefit’. The government currently covers a percentage of child-care costs up to a fixed amount too, but few families access it because they don’t have enough to cover the ‘gap’ (‘their share’). Besides, child care facilities are a rare commodity. The family wouldn’t need the government to cover half of that either. Instead, they’d have an extra $4K per family member they can spend on a holiday, white goods, renovating or maintaining their home, pay off debts, put in the bank or whatever to invest back into the economy. Best of all, they have less need to rely on credit, reducing personal and National debt levels, and have the opportunity to raise their children in a manner that has the potential to break the cycle of poverty and increase the benefit for society in general.

That sudden sound of weeping, wailing and foul-mouthed abuse is all the RWNJs venting their fury about the most disadvantaged not “paying their fair share” and demanding “who will cover the lost revenue” to support the “bludgers” living parasitically off everyone else. Well, considering the parasites are usually those who make hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars by little more than exploiting the labours, stupidity or ignorance of others, maybe those are the “bludgers” living parasitically off everyone else who should be paying their fair share. RWNJs laud Trump as a genius for paying no tax on his billions. The hypocrisy is astonishing. Part of the problem is the argument is that you cannot tax the rich because they keep the economy going by investing their wealth into it, and there is no way to define who is rich.

First, the rich do not invest enough to keep the economy going and employ the surplus labour force, obviously. A lot of their wealth is spent on luxury cars, jewellery, homes, holidays and parties, but not enough to flow-on into the wider community. Second, we can define who is rich, very easily. The official poverty rate is $18.5K, so when someone is getting ten times this as income that supports only them, they are getting the same as what supports fifteen unemployed people for the same period of time. At a tax rate of almost a third of that income, around $60K, they still have enough to support ten unemployed people. That’s your benchmark. That and higher is rich. Every dollar after that should be taxed at seventy-five percent. Anybody that disagrees is a greedy bastard that needs a good dose of empathy and humility at the business end of the boot to learn gratitude.

Perhaps the most despicable aspect of the taxation system is the absence of real taxation on big business. They pay only a small percentage of their massive profits in taxes, using loopholes to evade or ‘minimise’ their taxable income, and often avoid paying off debts for environmental damage and massive incompetence and corruption within management despite posting record profits. It allows them to maintain near monopolies and crush any potential competition in pricing wars. If they were forced to pay the taxes they should, revenue and debt issues would be far less than what they are, and real competition and employment might flourish. If a company threatens to stop doing business in your country, show them the door and charge them a departure tax.

Where there is an opportunity to do business, and profit to be made, investors will come. The only way to deal with tantrum-throwing bullies like Clive Palmer, Gina Reinhart and Donald Trump is to stand up to them, draw a line in the sand, and give them a good kick in the ass when the need arises. They are psychopaths. They feel qualified to inflict their ignorance, bigotry, idiocy and hypocrisy on others. People like them live in a fantasy world insulated from reality and have no idea how the real world works. It is bad enough they live as parasites without blaming all the ills they inflict through their greed on the victims upon which they gorge themselves. The only value they have is the taxes they should be paying, but given they don’t, they have no value at all other than as landfill and fertiliser. And given they are so full of shit, that appears to be the best use.

But back to ‘your taxes’. ‘Your taxes’ don’t even cover a fraction of what you suck back out of society. Those roads you drive on cost money. The hospitals you visit most weekends after binge drinking, chain-smoking or over-eating your dumb ass into DEM and a cancer, coronary or diabetes ward cost money. Police, Fire fighters, Legal Aid (if you can get it), public transport and schools all cost money. The mining companies that provide work and flow-on employment cost money in ‘incentives’ and ‘rebates’ despite making massive profits for their owners, executives and shareholders. ‘Your taxes’ don’t pay for more than a fraction of what you access. There can be no doubt funding cuts could be made where there is rorting and junkets, but before you suggest austerity measures to cut costs, try thinking your idiot idea through.

You raise public transportation costs and suddenly it becomes unviable for a huge chunk of the public to travel to the jobs they do. They need a pay raise to cover this or they will have no choice but to look for another job. Cut funding to schools and you get young folk who have trouble reading, writing and doing basic math. You want them to think things through on the job? Forget about it. You don’t have kids in school or uni? Fine, when you need your dumb-ass cut open for surgery, you can have a ‘Dr’ Patel. Yeah, that’s right, people you need to do things the right way for you went to school. Maybe cut funding to health services or make people pay as they go? Great. What happens when someone gets sick, can’t afford treatment and gets worse? They can’t work and now their wife and kids don’t have that income. Looks like they need welfare. Genius. Cut police or welfare and social services? Crime and anti-social behaviours increase. You get it yet?

The one thing the US does well is adopt the attitude that if a company can’t support itself, it deserves to fail. It must find a way to be viable. Throwing huge sums of tax-payer money at a big company to encourage it to stay in business despite being unviable and run by the greedy or incompetent is counter-productive and open to rorting, especially when it is more than the wages of the employees, and far in excess of unemployment benefits. The tired old excuse that a company cannot afford to increase minimum wages or pay penalty rates is self-serving when companies are posting record profits and management receives million dollar bonuses. It has never been unsustainable wages that is the problem, it is unsustainable profits and executive greed.

Trump has avoided dealing with these same issues by resorting to school-yard bullying, distracting the media, public and Hillary from asking what the voters need and want to hear. Trump has gathered a mob by focussing on all of their concerns and frustrations and “telling it like it is” even when it isn’t, but has offered no real solutions to the problems. Why would he? He doesn’t need to because his supporters aren’t smart enough to understand, notice or care, and he doesn’t keep promises. Besides, Trump is part of the problem. This horrid mess is the direct result of real wages and employment falling across modern Western countries. In addition, the Trojan horse of Trickle-down Economics has failed, abysmally, to accomplish what was promised in the decades since it was implemented, but succeeded beyond expectations in making the wealthy even richer.

The solution is simple. Flow-across Economics. A model that relies upon the masses having enough disposable income will keep the economy moving – a drop of water does little, but enough drops can create an ocean. With the balance of power shifted, the ideologies that Western societies are meant to be founded upon can be restored, especially in the US. Taxation should take into account the number of dependents relying upon an income, and the wealthy should pay their fair share. When everyone has a means to invest in the economy and society, they have a reason to invest in their community emotionally rather than feeling like an alien in their own country.

Donald Trump claims to have a fortune of $10B but hasn’t paid taxes for almost twenty years because he lost $1B in his efforts to make money running casinos. Casinos. Who loses money running casinos?! Donald Trump. He has a long history of failed business ventures. And yet he feels qualified to run the US economy. He’s been bankrupt four times and pays his staff less than other employers do, and sometimes not at all. The dude has another $9B dollars. His massive fuck-up in his own business ventures is his own fault. A lot of people in the US lost their homes and everything else in the Home Mortgage scandal while the banks got a tax-payer funded bail-out for non-existent debts, but Trump loses $1B, still has $9B and doesn’t have to pay taxes or wages.

Non-existent debts, you ask? How to explain it. Okay, you borrow $300K to buy a house and pay it back at 5% over twenty-five years. To get there, you had to save a deposit and that took ten years. You’re thirty when you get the loan and fifty-five when you’re done. Assuming you didn’t suffer misfortune and actually made all the repayments, you did not pay back the $300K plus $15K (5%). You paid back around $600K, probably more. That’s a loan at 100% interest. The house is not worth that. After all the costs for maintenance, you might sell it for just over half of that, inflation factored in and all. That $300K in interest isn’t real.

Here, consider this. If you have $300K and put it in a bank accruing 5% for twenty years, will you end up with $600K? No, inflation and taxes will eat into this and you’ll end up with about $300K. So where did that $300K interest come from? Does the bank pay taxes on it? Unlikely. They post billion dollar profits though. So all those home-loans people couldn’t pay back, all the repayments they made, the bank kept. Then the bank took their homes and land. But the banks got so greedy they forgot the whole concept of supply and demand. They thought they controlled both. They had too many homes and they had taken everyone’s money, so nobody could buy anything and they had created a massive socio-economic disaster. Unregulated Capitalism. Well done.

The banks had all those homes and land, but claimed they were still owed money for defaulted loans, interest rates for investments that no longer existed on homes and land the bank now owned through legalised injustice. People still had no homes, no jobs, and no money. They were blacklisted for the rest of their lives. They have no way of ever really changing their circumstances. But who did the government provide a financial bail-out to? The banks. Idiocy. People without homes is not only shameful, but counter-productive. Did the government get any of the defaulted homes and land in exchange for this bail-out? No. Opportunity lost. 

Step one. Real regulation for private and public institutions. If you change nothing, nothing changes. 

Step two. Prosecution of shifty business practices and passing laws to ensure nobody can circumvent justice by using the entrenched culture of corruption and systemic failure. Time to think ahead rather than in hind-sight. 

Step three. If you don’t know what the outcome might be, don’t do it. Looking back and saying “shit, that was a mistake, how do we hide it” only causes more problems. 

Step four. Impose tariffs on imports and make trade agreements that will allow you to maximise and maintain domestic employment. People with no jobs have no money and can’t invest in the economy. 

Step five. Take responsibility for unemployment when the number of unemployed folk exceeds the number of jobs that are available. Not individuals. The government. 

Step six. Consider citizens an opportunity in which to make an investment – and act on it – rather than a ‘burden’ to be blamed for the failures of government. 

Step seven. Make sure everyone has a home and can afford basic utilities, food, and health services as well as enough disposable income to participate in the economy and society. And for the love of God, make sure Credit and loans only get approved for the people that actually have the ability (at least at the time) to make repayments, and maintain communication to work around any issues before they become problems!

Government is responsible for a positive employment environment. Not the unemployed. The incentive to create jobs is the reduced cost in welfare. Welfare must be no less than the poverty line. Anything less leads to even greater long-term costs in terms of the physical and mental health of the disaffected. The unemployed must be employed as public servants with all the usual employment agreements under casual contracts so they accrue sick-leave and holidays, receive a wage and Superannuation, get training, and have access to Unions (if they want it) to make sure Workplace Health and Safety is not being violated.

The government then has an opportunity and obligation to train staff and build a State asset that can be sold off to private enterprise. The jobs these staff undertake should be appropriate. If they are a stay-at-home parent or carer then they could continue doing this but be expected to undertake training provided to qualify them for a job in similar fields when they can return to the workforce. They could work in childcare, be part of a Patient Support team in a hospital, gardeners in public parks, or learn trades building public housing.

The unemployed are actually sacrificed by government to create a surplus of labour to keep wage growth down, so punishing them for this deliberate act or government ineptitude is unacceptable. Stripping them of what little welfare, dignity and self-esteem they have is idiocy because they will be forced to turn to crime to survive, and at $100K a year to lock them up, that $12.5K a year to force them into miserable poverty is suddenly a bargain. Again, they are not a problem as they are – they are an opportunity.

People with an income can invest back into the economy. People with jobs can get loans to buy homes. People with loans have an incentive to continue working and even seek more employment or better paid positions. A minority of extremely wealthy people that control the level of investment into an economy can effectively hold that economy to ransom. They can demand all manner of immoral and unethical advantages and tax-payer funded subsidies. If they withdraw investment, jobs are lost and the economy flounders or even collapses into recession. Allowing mega-corporations to dictate terms is an investment about as wise and profitable as a war.

Locking refugees up in detention centres for years at a time is also a bad investment. Women and children fleeing from psychological, physical and sexual abuse and oppression should not be locked up in camps with predators. They are an opportunity. Integrate them into the community, show them a better way. Make them part of your society by encouraging them to assimilate your values and ideologies. If you leave them in those vile camps, it costs a great deal of money and they suffer such trauma that you will create people with mental health issues and an overwhelming hatred toward those that inflicted such a living hell – you.

They don’t get that you did not personally do this to them, they only know your government did it and they saw some of you justifying it with bigoted hatred toward them. Children don’t understand why people that never met them have such irrational hatred toward them. Hell, I don’t get why some people are worthless arseholes either. Once upon a time, a long time ago, thousands of people fled from oppression in Europe, Asia and other places. They migrated to the US with nothing more than hope and a dream to become part of a utopia that would inspire the world. They became the ancestors of the citizens of the United States. What the hell happened?

The crisis in Europe is used as an example of what mass migration can do, right-wing extremists using examples of crime committed by a tiny minority of immigrants to brand all of them as evil. The real evil is harder to see without a mirror. Once upon a time, long ago, the people of the US would have been front and centre, leading the charge against injustice. Over five-thousand migrant children have gone missing in Germany, the fear being they have been forced into prostitution or murdered and maimed for their organs. Where is the US to voice the outrage? We can’t hear them. Trump and his hypocrites are shouting them into silence by accusing the victims of crimes they haven’t committed. You want terrorism, there it is: right-wing extremism.

The US is all about respecting their flag but too many people have been pissing all over it for decades, and hiding all manner of shit underneath it. Maybe it’s time to have a little more respect in the people that make the US. Maybe it’s time to stop using misinformation and pathetic excuses to churn out generations of ill-educated kids who become so disenfranchised by the hopelessness that is reality. The US was the greatest country in the world, a utopian society to inspire respect and pride. It was their greatest export. It’s still there. They just have to work to get it back. It’s not going to be easy.

Obama made a good start. He was a good man. A great leader. Someone who will be missed. Even the unfounded hatred and psychotic ranting of so many racist lunatics in social media demonstrates how right Obama was to do the things he did. The voters in the US had a tough decision to make. Neither candidate was ideal but it was no longer a Democrat and Republican issue, it was Democrat and Trump. Paul Ryan should have stepped up to the plate long ago. He would have won. It would have taken Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders to beat him. All three are good, honourable men supporters of both factions respect. The Republican Party and Democratic Parties really let their supporters down. But it wasn’t about factional disputes. It was about keeping up the momentum of what Obama started. It was about the best interests of every US citizen, not just the privileged few or a twisted, white supremacist minority.

And nobody asked what Trump’s real motives were. The idea of deporting eleven million people for the sins of a minority who occupy a genetic-cultural demographic is disturbing and reprehensible. The idea of deporting US citizens because they are related or married to someone who falls into the deportation catch-net is shameful. Nobody noticed that this was almost 3.5 percent of the population of the US, or the consequences. How many of those people own homes, land, run small businesses, attend school, undertake all the crappy jobs others don’t (or won’t) want to do? Did anybody consider what this would do to the value of homes and land, how it would rip the arse out of the property market as supply suddenly increases as prices drop?

Donald Trump has. You bet he has. That guy is all about exploitation. Trump will use his position and inside knowledge to dominate the biggest land grab since European ‘settlement’ of the US, and the Home Mortgage Scheme, an action we haven’t seen on this scale since the Nazis started seizing the property of people that had a Jewish heritage, and not much different. At some point, all the fun and excitement of the racism and corruption will extend to another demographic, and another, and the people that laud this vile bigotry will suddenly find themselves sacrificed by their hill-billy king or the target of real US citizens fed up with the hypocrisy. But those white supremacists will not learn from their mistakes. They are too stupid for that. They will just continue to bitch and whine and blame others.

A few days before the election, a woman posted the FB comment above. Aside from the fact that Trump actually has four wives, not three, the comment demonstrated what too few people understand, especially in the US. It revealed the disturbing reality about the nature of the US, what it has become. It demonstrated the sheer hypocrisy and mass delusion. It exposed the flaw of inadequate public education, and deliberate manipulation of even those who attended expensive private Tertiary education facilities and claim to be intelligent. It proved a need to affect positive change, to really qualify people rather than reducing ‘qualifications’ to commodities little better than a participation award. If you suffer your people to be ignorant, and target the unemployed, the poor, or an ethnic group to blame for all your own failures, then all you do is breed tension, bigotry, hate and more ignorance – the real cause of the failure remains concealed, enabled, and, inevitably, escalates.

The Statue of Liberty in New York bears a plaque with words that defined what the US once was, and Trump seems hell-bent on doing the exact opposite. He claimed he would make America (we can only assume he meant the US) great again. Since all of his claims and twisted behaviours so far have demonstrated the exact opposite, we can only assume that he plans to wall himself and all his Trumplings up inside Trump tower so that we never have to deal with him and his ilk ever again. In a Presidential campaign to limit the damage the candidates would do to the United States, and world in general (and what they’ve done so far is bad enough), Hillary Clinton was not a great option, but she was the only viable choice. The majority of voters thought otherwise. Michael Moore nailed it – they wanted to send the greatest “fuck you” the world had ever known to their government, a protest vote against the administration, a demonstration of almost unprecedented, monumental stupidity.

The ranting insanity of Trump and his half-wit sycophants that the world would come to a cataclysmic end if they did not get what they want was bullying and fear-mongering designed to restore and maintain the status quo despite claims to the contrary. The fact that so many of his mindless nutters were attending polling stations armed to the teeth or using other means to intimidate and silence voters demonstrated just how far the US had strayed from its core values. Trump’s most unhinged supporters claim they were exercising their Second Amendment Rights to protest against their BS claims that Hillary planned to take away their guns, but we know exactly what they were doing. Their claims were just another one of Trump’s bullshit lies designed to incite anger, resistance and aggression, and conceal festering racism and misogyny.

Trump will not make the US great again. He will not restore the modern Western ideologies of equality, justice, freedom, liberty, meritocracy and accountability. He will do what he wants, and we’ve already seen more than enough of that. The concerns of RWNJs are only that their world will come to an end, the death of their way of life: the abject misery inflicted on the disadvantaged majority to ensure a dominant minority live in a comparative paradise. But the potential death of their lifestyle doesn’t bother good people in the least – it is the continued existence of their way of life that concerns us a great deal.  


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