Turnbull put in place laws to prohibit politicians from having sex with their staff. Fancy words that translate as “Don’t fuck your staff.” It sounds insane. That it needed to be written into law. Some of his own party revolted over it, insisting there was no need to pass those laws because they knew not to… yet Barnaby did, and it seems likely others are doing it too, hence their resistance. One idiot even said his wife irons his shirts, so does that mean she counts as staff so he cannot have sex with her?

That’s the kind of half-wit that gets elected into Parliament. His wife may consider it a blessing, but if he seriously considers her to be a servant, and cannot distinguish between the two, he has bigger problems than just being a dirty old man trying to fuck everything that moves instead of doing his damn job to represent the people who elected him to do his damn job instead of being a dirty old man trying to fuck everything that moves. It’s real simple, fellas – do your damn job and don’t fuck your staff!

You are elected members of Parliament. You are elected to represent the voters of your Electorate. It is your job to manage and run society and the economy. You are supposed to respond appropriately to community issues by establishing or amending laws that can solve problems by using regulation and legal repercussions to protect those who are adversely affected by injustice. Nowhere does it state that you may do the opposite, fuck staff and generally seek to enrich yourself through moral bankruptcy, corruption, incompetence, and then excuse it through ‘technicalities’!

Ever since Turnbull managed to boot Abbott he has been fighting against the die-hard half-wits within the LNP that remain loyal to the extreme right-wing hypocrisy and insanity of Abbott. Some of them are posting or retweeting publications from right-wing extremists in Europe and the UK that have inspired crimes and even murders. Others are posting gun-toting selfies threatening people who don’t support their extremism. And then there’s all the idiotic behaviour of Barnaby.

The right-wing media has also turned on Turnbull and anyone that appears loyal to him, their love-affair with Abbott leaving them jilted by what they consider ‘treason’ against him. The public, too, has little sympathy, either extremist Abbott supporters who see Turnbull as a ‘lefty’ (that’s how far to the right they are) or folks on the left being all too well-aware that policies remain unchanged. And through it all, nobody seems to have pointed out how damaging this is to the LNP.

If only they had at least one Media Advisor. Someone who could say “no”. And, “don’t do that, it won’t play well to the voters.” It would have come in handy to advise Barnaby not to have an extra-marital affair, or live rent free in the palatial estates of a wealthy LNP donner, or refuse to step-down once he had been caught out, or project his own flaws on others and try to blame the media and other people for harming his family and claim it was all a ‘private matter’.

Oh, wait, they do. One bloke had two of them at one point, and then the extra one got sent to someone else’s office that also already had one. She was getting paid more than twice what the first one got. But she was part of the problem. She was fornicating with Barnaby. Seventeen years her senior and already married with kids. And she encouraged him to keep doing the exact opposite of what she should have been advising him to do! There’s your problem! An entrenched culture of corruption.

Parliament is not meant to be a brothel. Neither is it meant to be the Playboy Mansion. Opportunistic, empty, and blame-shifting rhetoric is never an acceptable response to getting caught out, or to the victims of injustices, especially when it is you guys that are behind so much of the hypocrisy that inflicts the injustice. As a kid, I use to wonder why my parents and step-father beat and brutalised me, played mind-games to leave permanent scars. As an adult, I wonder why the so-called authorities forced me to remain silent and enabled those predators. Predators do it, as my mother once told me, “because I can and nobody will stop me.”

I use to wonder why my grandfather did nothing to stop it. Why he made all those empty promises to me as a child but turned a blind eye to the physical and psychological violence. Why he allowed my mother to wage a covert war against me to defame and discredit me even as a child. Why he never intervened when it was clear I was being starved. Why he chose to believe the lies that I was skinny because I was a drug addict out to steal everything from him even though I didn’t smoke, drink alcohol, or even drink coffee or tea. Why he ignored my warnings. Why he ultimately joined in the abuse and cut me out of everything.

In the end, he learned, too late, that I had been telling the truth. He had known all along, but to him I was weak for not being able to defend myself, and for leaving. He died, broken and angry that they had used him, betrayed him, stolen everything, made him weak, and made sure he died before he could change his Will back to what it had originally been. That’s the price of indifference and inaction. That’s the price of concealing and enabling predators – they turn on those that help them too.

And so we see too many of our politicians, police and public servants descending into the depths of depravity and indifference. Predators and those who conceal and enable them. Emerging from the sewers to find their way into the gutters. Indoctrinating and manipulating fools into spewing forth their sick ideologies. There’s not a lot of difference as far as victims are concerned. Predators play the victim, project all their vile activities and hypocrisy onto others, blame the victims, and help each other do it.

You go to bed with the devil, you wake up in hell. And no matter what they do to extricate themselves, when all else fails, they turn on one another, but still they find themselves smeared with the same filth. Those at the top systematically purging the ranks beneath them of any who will not mirror, conceal or enable them, and promoting those who will. In recent events, we’ve seen too many examples of this, even in this new age to stamp it out, the same problems that have plagued us for decades.

Rick Flori gets persecuted over misconduct charges for exposing police corruption in Queensland, and Brett Guerin, Head of the Professional Standards in the Victorian Police, gets caught out inflicting corruption as an online social media troll. Hell, there are even groups like that masquerade as being there to help victims, like that are, in reality, actually making every effort to conceal and enable the violence men inflict.

Those groups include posts supporting right-wing lunatics like One Nation, Liberal Democrats and Mark Latham. They include guides on how to get around or violate AVOs and other Court Orders. Some even organise men to gather at Court to support one another and intimidate their victims. A while ago, one even called for all men to violate AVOs and other Court Orders in a mass act of disobedience, boasting the police couldn’t stop them. In all cases, they blame their victims and try to normalise their insanity.

And in this environment, we are convinced by idiots that every parent loves their child, that police and public services are there to help and protect the disadvantaged and victims, political representatives are dedicated to the needs of others and benefit of society, and a hundred other lies that are exposed by the evidence if we are willing to simply pay attention. But we are all someone’s children. We are all someone’s grandchildren. One day we may be someone’s parents, then someone’s grandparents.

Our society is a constant struggle between those who live in the real world and those who are insulated from reality by their wealth, circumstances, and over-abundance of stupidity. In our society the victims are isolated and silenced by predators who use their positions and abilities to conceal and enable their vile acts, crime, systemic failure and injustice. People who deny this, who peddle bullshit alternative realities, accuse victims of being liars, and behave like Barnaby and his ilk, are part of the problem.

How can we affect positive change? How can we make a better world when the people in positions of authority are predators violating and silencing others? Who will break the cycle? Who will take the stand and say “enough!” Someone needs to lay some serious ground rules for politicians. No more doing as they please and helping one another get away with it. Same rules for them as for the rest of us. If it had been any other public servant they would have been suspended for the duration of an investigation.

Maybe the notion of endorsement should have some real background checks. Fine tooth comb. Go through everything to ensure the candidate is fit for the role rather than have all their stupidity come out after election. Maybe those same requirements must be maintained after they are elected, with a regular check-up and dismissal before the media gets hold of it or rival politicians use it to waste time instead of doing their jobs, the public get angry, and that individual eventually leaves anyway.

Maybe the Chief of Staff should serve as an understudy. Replace a politician who is suspended - and do the job until they, too, are suspended or the next Election replaces them - rather than going to By Elections. Voters elect a Party or Independent representative, not an individual. That way, if the individual acts like an absolute dickhead they can be removed without causing majority issues. That way the politicians can get on with doing the damn job they were elected to do.

Not the pretence of representation, but actual representation. Consider the flyer Peter Dutton recently sent out – his so-called “Biggest Survey”. It was aimed at the people in his Electorate. He claimed that he knew that he was “most effective when I have a clear understanding of what’s important to you… to help me better understand your needs and priorities… provide information that might interest you, depending on your individual circumstances.” It was all a self-serving piece of shite.

The first question listed ten issues and asked for the top four to be listed in order of what concerned the respondent most when all ten were equally important – building a stronger economy, tackling crime in the community, securing Australia’s borders and tackling terrorism, creating local jobs, reducing cost of living pressures, improving health care, support for local education, building new and upgrading existing roads, supporting small business, protecting our environment.

He asked people to choose. They would decide what was or more importance so the public would, in theory, be responsible for things that got defunded. The next question was equally loaded. “Are the current tax levels too high, too low, or about right”. Which taxes? “Do you support the Australian Government’s tax cuts for small business?” What tax cuts? All we’ve heard about is big business getting a $63B tax break to add to their profit margins. Most may agree small business needs help to compete with big business, especially when the big ones get an additional advantage of a $63B tax break.

“Have living costs put greater pressure on the family budget in the past year?” Surely he can’t be that stupid? Given how easy it is for politicians and their extra-marital-affair-mistresses to get high-paying government jobs despite monumental incompetence, it is easy to understand the confusion, but the LNP is directly responsible for the privatisation and other idiotic economic incompetence which has led to this situation.


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