“How concerned are you about the prospect of a Carbon Tax being reintroduced?” And there it is. It’s not a survey. It has nothing to do with representation. It’s an ad for the LNP, a political campaign flyer designed to scare people into voting for them. It became more obvious with each new question. “What do you think is most important? Reliable energy supply, Renewable energy, Affordable energy, don’t know?” Clearly pushing coal and gas mining.

Words like ‘Reliable’ and ‘Affordable’, with a capital, indicate that ‘Renewable’ is not. “Should renewable energy be subsidised by the taxpayer?” And there’s the evidence. Subsidised? We’re being sodomised by the government over fossil fuels. It’s now more cost effective to produce green energy, but LNP ties to fossil fuel companies is propping up that eco-vandalising industry. And the wank-fest continued. He may not have written it, but I’m surprised he approved it.

It comprised of manipulative, loaded questions designed to rail-road people into supporting LNP ideologies rather than politicians actually finding out what the voters want so they can represent those people. Then, despite laws to the contrary about collecting information on people and their voting preferences, it asked the respondents to fill-in all their personal details including their name, where they lived and worked, level of education, how many kids they had… and who they normally voted for.

Only one section was of any value at all. “If you could raise one issue in Federal Parliament, what would it be?” So I just sent Dutton an email. The dude is all about protecting us from terrorism, so I pointed out the decades of unrelenting terror victims of child abuse and domestic violence suffer at the hands of their abusers… and then the terror inflicted by the police, public servants and politicians inflict on the very same victims who listen to the bullshit rhetoric encouraging them to come forward and report it, only to be bullied and forced to remain silent by those who are meant to help and protect them.

But despite his flawed ideologies, Dutton is, when it comes down to it, a good man trying to make the world a better place. He may be misguided, but he too is shaped by life, just like the rest of us. Dutton actually wrote back. Whether he read what I’d written or not, he expressed sympathy, also gratitude for taking the time to share, indicated he’d pass on what I’d written to the relevant Minister, and asked me to contact him again if he could be of further help. I plan on taking up that offer to see what happens.

Dutton is a rare breed. He is shaped by honour, integrity, loyalty, and duty. He extends that to every element of his job, albeit in regards to what he believes is right. Most politicians rarely respond at all. Even those that come out and claim that they, too, have been victims, and encourage others to ask for help. Xenaphon was an almost exception. Eight years ago, he expressed concern about what I revealed and offered to follow-up on it. His office never responded again.

Some of those idiots refer you to other agencies despite the fact that the email detailed how those agencies have failed to help. Like they never read the correspondence. They even get aggressive if you point out the flaw in their response. Trump genius levels of intellect, right there. This is the think-tank that is Australian bureaucracy. But despite his many misguided attitudes, and that piece of shite ‘survey’, Dutton at least puts in every effort and goes the extra step to do his job.

Meanwhile, Barnaby and his mates are busy being incompetent, corrupt, morally bankrupt hypocrites, and real issues are being ignored. You think you live in a democracy? You think you have equality and justice? Look around. Pay attention. Try to contact a political representative and discover for yourself just how much real representation you have. Stop and think about elections, and how much say you get when you cast your vote into the wind.

First, it isn’t democracy. You are obligated by law to vote for one of a small selection of people you usually don’t know, who don’t know you and could care less, and are being dishonest about the things they claim they are and intend to do… or you can cop a fine or go to prison. Are you voting to get someone into office, or get someone out? We generally vote to un-elect a government but are equally appalled by the equally inept, incompetent, corrupt and morally bankrupt arsehats that take their place. Or you can draw a dick on the voting form, and waste it, just so long as you get your name ticked off.

Take the Barnaby situation, for example. All the Human Rights violations against the unemployed and refugees, all the hateful Marriage Equality debate, and all the dodgy rorting by the LNP during their term is forgotten against this backdrop. Two-thirds of the public are appalled by what Barnaby has done and want him gone. Rusted-on LNP supporters conveniently ignore the fact that he has violated their core ideologies and continue to support him, making efforts to silence any and all criticism.

Would they be so supportive if it was a left-wing politician who had behaved in that way? Let’s have a look. Almost immediately, LNP politicians threatened to expose the sins of politicians on the left in an effort to silence criticism. RWNJs started pointing out that Shorten had impregnated a woman out of wedlock when he was at university but had then gone on to become leader of the ALP. Some of us had never even heard of that, and still have trouble finding decent details.

But even if it were true, stop and think about it. If Shorten was at university when it happened, he was not an elected political representative. He didn’t get his mistress high-paying jobs in government, live in the palace of an ALP donner seeking approval on some business deal, cheat on and abandon his wife and their children, violate the very ideologies of the religion or not-Conservative values to which he claimed devotion to the point of insisting be inflicted on others.

The smartest among the LNP ranks (and it’s a very limited field) made noises suggesting Barnaby do right by his Party and step down. The Nationals leader in Western Australia was one of them, and Barnaby gave her a good seeing-off. According to him, what the Nationals did over there had nothing to do with the east-coast demographic, who supported him, so she could bugger-off. In his quest to sacrifice everything for his own desires, Barnaby forgot that the public sees no such distinction. But Barnaby… well, if the Captain was going down, so was the whole fucking ship!

But now, after being forced to take leave, whispers speak of him being tapped on the shoulder, pointed at the door, and asked “is that a $20 note on the floor in front of you?” with the intent to give him a good kick in the arse on his way out. But Barnaby probably wouldn’t go down for anything less than a hundred. His mistress and too many other LNP sycophants and self-serving RWNJs, on the other hand… And all the while Australia has become a laughing stock in the US as comedians there ridicule us over Barnaby’s insane behaviour and how politicians are enabling him… and the US is ruled by Trump!

There’s no point trying to reason with Barnaby because he is an unreasonable person. Too many other politicians are the same. What we need to do is ask ourselves what they really represent, what we really believe in, and vote appropriately. If you are a rusted-on Party supporter you only enable the bad behaviour of a politician that behaves badly. If you would vote for One Nation or Liberal Democrats instead of the LNP because there’s no way you’d vote for the ‘leftards’, ‘Commies’ and ‘Socialists’ of the Greens or ALP, then that reveals more about your own lack of education and intellect than you realise.

Do any of those right-wing Parties really represent the things they claim, or even the things you believe in? Watch the news, read official, regulated, fact based publications. I’ve even included links to many in what I write. Don’t take my opinion as fact. It may be based on facts, but I’m pretty damned intolerant of anyone (regardless of Party affiliations or even politics at all) that acts like a douchebag. Go check the ABC Vote Compass. Answer the questions and find out where your actually land.

Just over 1.25 million people have used it, and a lot are surprised by how their vote has been going to a Party that doesn’t actually represent the things they believe in. No surprises here. I ended up on the left. Anybody who knows the childhood I survived, the struggle I’ve had as an adult seeking work and trying to put myself through uni, my efforts to volunteer and help people if I have no work, and the cruel fight against the depression a lifetime of injustice has inflicted, would expect nothing less.

But even being armed with a greater understanding of political, socio-economic, religious, and community issues isn’t enough here. Knowing what ideologies you support (even if you are a self-centred arsehole hell-bent on inflicting yourself on, and permanently harming, others to get what you want) doesn’t mean you can’t support a common cause. We all have something in common. And Barnaby, or more accurately, what Barnaby has done, is one of those very common things.

Sure, it’s great to normalise that kind of moral bankruptcy, incompetence and corruption, to force it on others for your own benefit, but stop and think about it. If people like Barnaby set the standard, and we as a society can expect no better from the police and public services, what happens to you when the wheel turns and the boot is on your throat? Just because we don’t hear about certain injustices, or just because some half-wit screams “fake news”, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and isn’t real.

Take the “Me Too” movement. Brendan Fraser is the most recent male actor to come out and add to it, not just to support female actors, but to share his own experiences as a victim. Most men are met with negative responses for doing so, like it’s an issue that only affects female actors, and while some of the most vicious responses come from women themselves, a lot more come from men. But it does affect men too. And it also impacts on people who are not actors. We can only hope actors will come out and support non-actor victims of sexual assault, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Elder Abuse too.

And maybe, just maybe, while we pick and choose sides in the Barnaby issue, we can all stop, take a breath, and look at the bigger picture. What message does someone like Barnaby send when they act the way they have? What message do we send if we support it? What impact does this have on those who are from situations similar to that? How will this influence the responses of people in the police, public services, and community that are meant to help the victims? How does it affect kids?

This isn’t just an isolated incident. In fact, it’s just one more straw in the whole hayshed that is Barnaby’s bad behaviour and cry for help. But in a grander scheme, it’s just further evidence of an entrenched culture of corruption that infects every aspect of our society, a rot that starts at the top. According to the New Testament, Barnaby is a branch that must be pruned for the benefit of the whole community, yet for too long we have been pruning off the good branches and complaining about rotten fruit.

If Mia Davies, a politician, can see the harm something like Barnaby does, why can’t the rest of society? Admittedly, her observations are limited to how this will impact on her Party and, more importantly, her, but even so her natural instincts (as a politician) for self-preservation can still provide some overall good as we all benefit from being caught in the positive aspect of the splash zone. Yes, a lunatic or predator will seek to cling tightly to the lifestyle that gives them what they want, but are we willing to pay the cost when it is ourselves that are being sacrificed to satisfy their depravity?

It is long past time for a change. Not just in political representation, but in every aspect of our society. There needs to be changes to the laws to provide actual justice. There needs to be an investigation of the police and public services to identify and remove staff that have exhibited behaviours that have harmed victims they were supposed to help. There needs to be community-wide education to change negative and unhealthy attitudes, and real repercussions for predators.

One thing has become very clear under decades of Trickle-Down Economics that reduces everything in Western Society to a commodity and enables the predators in politics, big business and the community as a whole – it has only made things worse. If we change nothing, nothing changes. You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Barnaby, and those like him, are the very epitome of what is wrong at the top, but they are just a few in a field of far too many.


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