My efforts to call ‘Lilith’s’ father on the phone failed on all but one occasion. He was extremely deaf and would shout “Hello?!” repeatedly down the phone and then say “I can’t hear you?! ‘Eran’! Is that you?! Is it raining there?! I can’t hear you?! Hello?!” and then hang up. After the one time I managed to speak to him, he would also ask “Have you heard from ‘Lee’?” Sometimes other people would answer the phone. I knew what ‘Lilith’ and ‘Micha’ would do if they knew I was trying to call and didn’t want to have to deal with that abuse so would hang up. I hated having to risk that and was worried to what lengths they might go if they thought their plans were in jeopardy. I knew ‘Lilith’ would also make sure the mail never reached him. I had learned she had purchased the local post office years earlier. I would later learn she personally delivered his mail. Since ‘Edward’ had only ever responded to one of my letters, I knew why she had done this and why my grandfather never got my letters. In the one conversation I had with him he had told me he never got any of my letters. He also said that ‘Lilith’ and ‘Micha’ claimed they didn’t know why I’d gone, only that I was a drug addict and nothing I said could be trusted. They had told him I planned to trick him into giving me his land so I could sell it for drug money. He also told me that ‘Claud’ had been calling him every couple of weeks since 1994 to keep him “up to date” with what I was doing. ‘Claud’ and ‘Edward’ hadn’t spoken more than two words in the first twenty-one years of my life. ‘Edward’ said that ‘Claud’ told him I didn’t want to speak to him but agreed to give me “things” ‘Edward’ had sent to me over the years. This had been going on for the previous fifteen years but ‘Claud’ didn’t even know where I was during that time. ‘Claud’ had never mentioned those “things” ‘Edward’ sent when I contacted him in 2009, and I certainly never received anything. ‘Claud’ had been manipulating ‘Lilith’s’ father for some unknown purpose. I can only assume some of the “things” ‘Edward’ sent was money.

‘Edward’ was shocked when I told him what had really been going on. He was almost in tears. He told me the others, all of them, had been stealing from him. He said that ‘Lilith’s’ three youngest children were all very big, overweight and lazy, and that he had given ‘Micha’ the land at [DELETED] Hills, as he and ‘Sharleen’ had intended. Then he said ‘Lilith’ had made him change his Will. She had convinced him to write me and ‘Micha’ out of it, but he made sure ‘Micha’ would get [DELETED] Hills as planned. Then he begged me to come back and help him, claiming he wanted to change his Will but “they” wouldn’t let him. I assumed he meant ‘Lilith’ and his lawyers. I told him that I could not risk the health, safety and welfare of my wife and child and pleaded with him not to change his Will. I did not want to have to get involved in any legal dispute with ‘Lilith’ and was concerned about what she might do to her father if he tried to change his Will. Besides, my wife’s family lived in Queensland, our children had friends and relatives here, and I had never had the chance to learn how to be a real farmer. ‘Edward’ sounded resigned. “It’s not what I wanted,” he said, “it was meant to be you who inherited the land, not her. I wanted to buy more land for the other kids too, but after you left, there was nobody to help me.” He never apologised for the way he had treated me when I’d asked for his help though. He just said, “Yeah, well, ‘Lilith’ does some bloody stupid things.” He gave me ‘Eran’s’ address and told me ‘Eddie’ would make sure he got letters and sent me mail. ‘Eran’ had been ‘Edward’s’ friend for years but it turns out he was using my grandfather too. I never got a response to any of the letters I sent ‘Edward’, or even ‘Eran’ when I wrote to ask why.

I contacted ‘Bollard 2’, the [DELETED] cop, and asked him for help to get a letter to ‘Edward’ but despite his efforts, there was no response. Eventually, ‘Bollard 2’ suggested I “front up” to my relatives and said he’d done all he could. His response suggested that I was somehow at fault and he never responded to my emails again. I contacted Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in [DELETED] and asked for their help. They serviced the area. They said ‘Edward’ had been unresponsive to their efforts and that was that. Finally, I managed to find ‘Lara A’ and then ‘Sue B’ on Facebook and exchanged emails for a few months. They had been real friendly at first and I had hopes they had not assimilated the same vile behaviours as ‘Lilith’ and ‘Bull’. Like ‘Micha’ had, but my hopes were dashed. The last email each of them sent to me was completely unexpected. They had not sent anything for weeks and when they did, only ‘Sue B’ provided any insight as to why. She made an unfounded accusation and several nasty, spiteful remarks. ‘Lara A’s’ was brief with no real reason, but both revealed their true nature, and following ‘Edward’s’ death I learned the reason why. I have included some of the email messages they sent below. These provide supporting evidence regarding the behaviour and nature of ‘Lilith’ and ‘Micha’ as I have written in this Timeline of Abuse.

They indicate, in ‘Lara A’ and ‘Sue B’s’ own words, the same behaviour that ‘Lilith’ practiced when I was a child, and that this never changed, and that ‘Micha’s’ behaviour never did either. ‘Lilith’ and ‘Micha’ did to the other children exactly what they did to me, and they clearly assimilated the same behaviour in order to get what they want. ‘Lara A’ and ‘Sue B’ may be limited in intellect, but they are clearly just as manipulative, deceitful, spiteful and vindictive as ‘Lilith’ and ‘Micha’. ‘Adam C’ simply blocked me when I tried to contact him.

‘Sue B Shyte’ [DELETED] 

Hi yer pa gave [‘Micha’] land and he sold it as soon as he got it and never told us or pa about it we found out later though, pa was devestated about it. Im really hurt about that as pa worked so hard for that land and it just got sold. 

Its funny what you say about mum she hasnt changed much at all. It sounds like she did the same thing to you what she did to [‘Micha’] & [‘Sarah’] relationship. She was sooo nasty to [‘Sarah’] & [‘Sarah’] family i cant even begin to tell you what lengths she went to break them up there marriage and in the end it got to much for [‘Sarah’] and she left [‘Micha’] its so sad. And embarrising what mum did.

Mum still smokes and drinks alot of wine but I guess its her life and i gave up tiring to get her to change her ways.I just learn from her what not to do and turn out like. [‘Micha’] told me about [‘Claud’s’] new relationship and child, i dont think he agree's with the situation. How ever i didnt know about [‘Claud’] talking to pa on a regular basis that a bit scary. Anyways i dont think our family can get any more messy, talk to you again soon. : ) I still cant believe im talking to you after all these years.

‘Sue B Shyte’ [DELETED]

thanks so much that explains alot i think its to late [‘Micha’] already has plans to over take the farm and made it quite clear to us that we will get nothing, not that it bothers us. But yer he tired the bully thing with us but we didnt really respond so he doesnt see us as any threat towards the farm. Iv got the photo's, names and stuff to help with your family tree but there at pa's. ill have a look when i go home next. thanks again. 

‘Sue B Shyte’ [DELETED]

Hi yep ‘Lara A’ rang me and told me she sent you and email. Children take in alot when there young i remember alot of things. We learnt from a young age that in our family you have to be understanding and forgiving. I dont hate [‘Micha’] for what he has done, i just feel sadden by the sort of person he is to hurt pa the way he did and that he has lost what trust he had left of the family. I can tell you know we havent really got the time of day for him, as they say he is still our step brother so i still talk to him occasionally and mind [his son] for him. [‘Lilith’s’] still our mother no matter how much hurt she caused i still accept thats the sort of person she is and i cant change that just learn from it.

As for the questions before [‘Micha’] recieved all of [DELETED] Hills which is half the farm. When we moved to [DELETED] to help pa and nana, not long after that dad couldnt find work mum used to be horrible to him including hitting him and punching him in front of us kids. When mum devorced dad she wouldnt let us kids see him. We adventually were able to see him every second weekend. However when dad left mum started hitting [‘Lara A’], then when [‘Lara A’] left she started hitting me by that time [‘Adam C’] was big enough to put a stop to it. She is still very nasty but thats her personality. [‘Adam A’ plays football and plays in the ruck he is very very tall and lanky but is a real nice bloke he still lives in [DELETED] but not with mum as he stated he hasn't go time for that stupid bitch and he doesnt talk to [‘Micha’] has [‘Micha’] is always calling him lazy and putting him down. Pa isnt going so well at the moment has the cold is getting to him and he had a fall the other day in the shed an hurt himself pretty bad. Any ways id better do some more study for my exams, talk later. 

‘Lara A Shyte’ [DELETED]

Dear ‘Lee’,

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, the internet decided it was not going to work for me (bad signal). i think it cut out before it could finish attaching pictures. The property i am on is 170km west of [DELETED] and its raining so i can now answer most of your questions which i wanted to tell you days ago. 

i attended primary school and high school at [DELETED], i hated school camps in primary school a had very   few friends and i did a lot of standing for myself, i hate thinking about it. high school was ok i enjoyed most class, loved physical education and art class and year 12 well i won't forget it there was only six of us. five girls and one boy, there would have been two boys but one died of cancer, within the same year we had 2003 bushfires and i attended [DELETED] Secondary college for 3 weeks because my school was shut.

in the end it all worked out and i received high enough marks to get into [DELETED], Diploma Conservation and land management, studied and work part time for two years as well as some work experience i got a job working for ecosystems management, that involved travelling and looking at all the recorded data of the fires history, i worked there for 10 months it was just a small project and then someone else take over that was in 2006

Late 2006 i applied for project firefighter for 2007, i had two interviews and had to pass a health fitness test carrying 15.4kg, and walk 4.5km within 45mins i did it easy (42mins) i was a project firefighter for two years i was based at [DELETED], it was during this time Pa decided to clean up the orchard, so its still there its only half the size it still has really good fruit.  growing up mum would do the mail run from [DELETED] out to [DELETED] every monday, wednesday and friday we spent a lot of time out on the farm and every weekend and school holidays helping with lamb marking, hay making, and horse riding. Pa bought ‘Sue B’ and i horses to ride which was a lot of fun, but we did have a few accidents, the worst ones seem to happen to me broke my middle left hand finger and fell off head first in 2003, luckily i was wearing a helmet and only got a little memory loss.

[‘Micha’] married [‘Sarah’] [DELETED] 2003 and only lasted two and half years, their son [‘Bull’] is ten years old this year, his a nice kid, has blue eyes and blonde/brown hair, sometimes a little cheeky, he visits [‘Micha’] every second weekend. Our grandmother i got to spend a bit of time with her, but looking back i never asked questions like what was mum like when she was little? or what was it like growing up? it would be great if you could tell me some things she told you, i spent the weekend with her before she went to the hospital and never came back, her funeral was in march 1997 where were you? mum said she sent you a letter or called [‘Claud’] to tell you i don't know which one true? did you hear anything? oh and don't worry about Nana's recipe books there safe at mums place, i also have a copy them.

Our Grandfather has learnt a lot from [‘Micha’s’] betrayal, Pa told me [‘Micha’] blames him (Pa) for his marriage braking up! and i can get details of Pa brothers and sisters i spent a bit of time with Uncle [‘Rob’] and [‘Jon’], but i can only send them to by email in the first week of september? is this ok? plus all the photos of you when you were a little kid with blonde hair.

i have attached family farm  photos and surrounding area to this email, i hope you get them this time, i will send some more photos from my other camera soon, 

‘Lara A Shyte’ [DELETED]

Hey Bro,

Yes i agree our grandmother's raspberry slice is good, i can kind of understand isolation living out here sometimes for a few days with no one to see or just have chat with can be annoying sometimes but we all go though different stages of isolation, you don't like pumpkin scones.... i can stand them mum made some way back i must have been 15 years old at the time and their yuk ;P even Pa's dogs old why and salt would not eat the scones.

sorry to hear about your wife's last grandparent pancreatic cancer is horrible i'm not good with death either, people should make the most of the time they have left with loved ones.

The old blue car that pa gave to you i think pa gave it to someone else not sure?, i remember [‘Bull’] (my father) driving us all up to [DELETED] to see the snow. oh and as for that silly tart fire commissioner Nixon she went to dinner while the rest of the state burns.. i am glad she has gone, did you see a few weeks back where the hawk players tried to take on big bad barry and lost.? and in your second last email to you wanted to know what my story was leaving [DELETED] and all well i can tell you our mother was part of why i left and i wanted something different career wise i felt like i was trapped in [DELETED], mother never getting out of bed, staying up to early hours of the morning, smoking and drinking in the end before i left mum was not helping at all his 86 years old we had shearing to do, so i ended up doing all the cooking for the shearing and monday morning Pa had forgotten the wool packs so i drive back into [DELETED] grabbed the wool packs and back out to Pa's i left there at 8:30pm and went to mum's only to be blasted into next month about an extra $900 dollars well that was the final straw i was not doing summer crew and i was not staying in [DELETED] for another second at her house i drove to [‘Micha's’] and stayed and [‘Bull's’] for a couple of days and then by the following week i was back here in NSW safe and sound away from her, as nice and welcoming as she can be our mother has a lot of mental issues happy and nice and then crazy like a two way personality.

Anyway i hope you have had a good day i would have sent this yesterday but the service was out again, say hello to everyone for me 

After these emails the girls only replied to my emails the girls only sent brief messages every few weeks. There were six from ‘Lara A’ and two from ‘Sue B’, and ‘Sue B’s’ followed within four days of ‘Lara A’s’. They seemed to be winding things down, as if they had received the answers to questions they had been discussing between themselves. After weeks of silence, I received the following.

‘Sue B Shyte’ [DELETED]

So much for confidential emails! Who else are you going to send my emails to you from me? God knows what hatered things you put in them.The trust i had for you has gone out the window. The relationship i had with [‘Micha’] has now gone thanks to you. I suppose that was your plan all along, stupid me. Why dont you get off your computer and find yourself a real job instead of ruining peoples lives. I am not sending you anymore emails or contacting you ever ever again i have learnt my lesson. Good bye for ever. From your no longer step sister. 

‘Lara A Shyte’ [DELETED]

To ‘Lee’,

Please don't contact me via phone/email EVER again.

from ‘Lara A’.

P.S TRY to forget and forgive your past you can't live your life with so much dislike towards some people...goodbye. 

I have no idea what the accusations were about. I never sent their emails to anybody. After the way they have behaved, and what they have done since, however, I have no concerns about their claims to confidentiality. People who hide behind this and privacy laws while behaving like this should not be allowed to conceal their vile nature by misusing laws and should be exposed for what they are so any future, potential victims have a chance to protect themselves. They never made good on the promise to send photos of myself or my grandparents from when I was a child. I have only a few photos of me from when I was a teenager at [DELETED]. ‘Myshell’ (my cousin) sent them to me. ‘Lilith’ never let me have any of me or my relatives from ‘Edward’ and ‘Sharleen’s’ side of the family. After my sixth birthday, ‘Lilith’ never even let me meet any of them except her parents and mother’s brother, ‘Iain Coop’. I often wonder why. But ‘Lara A’ did send a few photos of ‘Edward’ and ‘Sharleen’s’ farm. It looked barren, dry and lifeless. I got one of those bad feelings when I saw it. The photos depicted a place of death and hopelessness.

The girls never helped me correspond with our grandfather. Reading back over their emails, it becomes obvious that it was they who were playing me the whole time. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and instead of helping, they inflicted the same kind of nastiness ‘Lilith’ inflicted on people, with the added insult of telling me to, in effect, get over it.  You will also see that ‘Lilith’ and ‘Micha’s’ intentions had gone almost exactly as planned. I’d been driven off and ‘Micha’ convinced ‘Edward’ to sign over half his land, the property at [DELETED] Hills, so he could start his own farm with his wife and son. ‘Micha’ sold the land almost immediately. He refused to share his ill-gotten gains with ‘Lilith’ as promised. ‘Lilith’ responded by doing to ‘Micha’ and his wife ‘Sarah’ what she had done to me and ‘Elizabeth’. ‘Sarah’ took their son and left ‘Micha’.


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