A few months after the Victorian police delivered their self-serving response to make sure my report was never looked at again, my frustration reached a point where I contacted IBAC. They explained that there would be no consideration of the matter unless I filled in a complaints form. I did so and checked the box indicating that I wished my personal, residential details to be protected. Given the nature of the crimes inflicted upon me, and those involved, it was a prudent course of action.

Unfortunately, IBAC didn’t agree with any of it. In record time for a government agency, IBAC responded. It took them only three weeks to re-‘assess’ my Timeline of Abuse, and my complaint, before they, too, dismissed it out of hand. They also ruled that I had no right to protect my residential details and indicated that these could be accessed by anybody who so desired in regards to my complaint and Timeline of Abuse. The message was loud and clear – the corruption behind my father went all the way to the top, and those lofty figures lurking in the shadows wanted me to remain silent.

Then, in December, a few days before Christmas, I got a response from a woman I’d messaged on Facebook. She had the same name as one of the women my father had fornicated with when he was supposed to be married to my mother. ‘Karen’ was a common name, and all those I’d contacted over the years had either failed to reply, responded with support but apologies that they were not who I was looking for, or with nasty and vindictive comments. This one was different.

She was, indeed, the same woman. She and my father had produced a child together. His name was ‘James’. He had our father’s name as his middle name. He was just over three years my junior, which meant there was a very good chance that we had another brother out there, who could be my twin, also named ‘James’. Her son had gone through some very difficult things in his life, and had no interest in corresponding with me. This is what ‘Claud’ does to people, and what he did to ‘Karen’ revealed a great deal.

I’ve included (with her permission) a sterilised copy below. It not only reveals the same pattern of behaviour that ‘Claud’ has inflicted on young women – on all his victims – over the decades, but his frustration that ‘James’ was not a girl (the reasons seem obvious) and the fact that the Victorian Police were not only well aware of what ‘Claud’ had been doing, but actively covered it all up. There are, according to the police, no records of any complaints ever having been made against ‘Claud’, ever. Makes you wonder why.

When I contacted 'Bollard One' and informed him that I had found one of 'Claud's' other victims and a letter from her that provided supporting evidence of his nature, many of the things written in my Timeline of Abuse, and evidence of failures within the police to not only take appropriate action at the time, but that they had actively covered-up what was happening, I was told that the matter was closed.

The response of 'Bollard One', a ranking member of the SANOS task force, indicated that anything to do with 'Claud' and 'Lilith' was of no interest and, again, made it clear that I should remain silent. Then he broke contact altogether. Every step of the way, this useless individual responded to any suggestion that there existed an entrenched culture of corruption with aggressive denial, his attitude making it very clear he would hear no talk of systemic failure, would not tolerate any indication of my frustration at thirty years of inaction, and all communications would be on his terms.

This idiotic attitude is far too common in agencies that are supposed to help victims yet instead inflict such vile behaviour and systemic failure. The reality is apparent when the evidence is actually considered. You cannot begin to fix a problem until you are willing to accept the facts and admit you have one. Authorities like 'Bollard One', 'Bollard Two', 'Bollard Three', 'A Hole', 'Mr Block' and all those other incompetent, inept, belligerent bullies are not part of the solution, they are part of the problem.

And while those in positions of authority refuse to accept any responsibility for (or even admit to) their failures, ‘Karen’ has carried the guilt for all the things ‘Claud’ inflicted on her and his children, for all these decades, when the fault was not hers. It demonstrates the hold predators have on their victims, the scars that never really heal even as the abuser simply moves on to the next target, all possible because of systemic failures. What ‘Claud’ did to her and their son would leave her is a situation of vulnerability, targeted by others like him, and have disastrous repercussions for both ‘Karen’, their son, and her father.

It is a particularly disturbing reality that rarely gets any attention or intervention. The authorities are so busy trying to find ways why they cannot help victims that they don't bother finding ways to help. Seriously, how is it that the people who can change the laws to restore balance and justice throw their hands in the air and claim they are powerless to do anything? This attitude leads to a generational cycle of abuse where victim-blaming is adopted instead of any real effort to affect positive change. There are always two groups of abusers: the source, and those that enable them. It is a sad fact that many victims become one of those two groups, but with the right action, this cycle can be broken.

‘Karen’ wasn’t much more than a girl when ‘Claud’ seduced her, a victim as much as myself and my siblings, but unlike most of them, she accepts her mistakes and carries a burden of guilt that should be borne by ‘Claud’ and all those vile little parasites (his relatives, public servants, police and politicians) that conceal and enable him. Read what she wrote, think about it, add it to the countless thousands of ‘stories’ the media bothers to share, multiply that for the ones you don’t hear about, then ask yourself the questions I have.

While I have sterilised this letter to conceal identities and locations, you may be interested to know that ‘Karen’ and her son ‘James’ lived in the same towns as ‘Lilith’ – sometimes within a few kilometres – and yet ‘Lilith’ ensured there would be no contact between me and ‘Micha’ and our brother ‘James’. We may have even passed in the street, or during inter-school sporting events, and never have known. ‘James’ was not as fortunate as me, and is still single and broken, suffering from the events of his past.   

As for the faith ‘Karen’ has in religion, some may see it as a crutch and others as a desperate effort to clutch hold of something offering hope. I’ve been there. My grandmothers had a lot of faith. But my parents, ‘Bull’ and far too many others have taught me exactly what kind of people the vast majority of ‘Christians’ are – many of them claiming to be so-called ‘Ministers’, ‘Priests’, ‘Elders’ and ‘Leaders’. He entrenched culture of corruption is just as prevalent within organised religion. It is the very worst aspect of human nature. It is further evidence that power corrupts, and that oversight is desperately needed to enforce accountability.

If the passage of time has taught me anything, then it is if God exists at all, surely He is as indifferent to our suffering or the sins of those that inflict it. There are enough creatures in the world that behave that way. I have no real need of more. Once, as a kid, I asked a Priest why God didn’t do anything to help those in need and stop the bad people. “He did,” the old man said, “He made you.” Fat lot of good that did.

But if a God also made those in positions of authority, then why have they failed to correct these systemic failures and help those most in need? Why are our Churches and political systems dominated by predators and the pathetic bobble-heads that conceal and enable them? The evidence that God does not exist is almost overwhelming, and precious little to indicate God exists at all, but that doesn’t mean the Bible doesn’t offer wisdom. There are many passages that resonate even today, two-thousand years after they were uttered.

Many of our politicians swear on the Bible to do their jobs with honesty and integrity. Have they ever read Mark 4:21-5, I wonder, or considered the comments “they will know us by our actions”? What someone claims they are must be reflected by how they behave. If their behaviour is contrary, even if they manage to use laws, policies and procedures to conceal this, they are hypocrites, liars. My wife likes things simple. She has an expression from which many could benefit. “Do better.”      

Hi ‘Lee’,

Have been racking the brain box has been a long time ago. The old brain is a wee foggy especially on things I had chosen to forget but I will try. I guess best place to start is at the beginning or at least where I came into the picture.

Must say my son does not know my entire story! He has never asked. I will hold nothing back as I believe in telling the truth and as I have said before the truth always finds a way.

If I do not remember things entirely as they were forgive me but they will be to the best that I remember.

1974 I met ‘Claud’.  I worked in the ANZ bank. ‘Claud’ used to come into the bank. He was then a Policeman @ [DELETED]. I often ran into him or he would be where I was. 

Think he was after me eh! Smooth as silk he was and I was a gullible young girl.

I had lead a very sheltered life and he in a position of authority at the time should be ashamed. Found out later Policemen aren’t all that honest. I am sure it a power thing and you say he is a manipulator.

One thing led to another and I fell head over heals for him. I had no idea he was married or had two children. But when I did find out was the usual old story oh we are separated. I also lived in [DELETED] @ that stage. Even then I knew I was doing wrong but hey he was so convincing. I was such an idiot. Please forgive me.

It came to pass due to the relationship with him I was asked to leave the place where I lived. Prior to this ‘Claud’ had suggested that he was going to get a transfer and I should do the same. You want to get out of town don’t you? Would have followed him anywhere!  Well that is what we did.

I had a little dog which he shot as I could not take him with me. As for my parents I went and got my things that I had been keeping as a dowry from home while they were out and I broke their hearts.
We left town a really big move for me I must say. Never been anywhere! ‘Claud’ was posted to [DELETED], I to [DELETED]. We lived for a short time in a police house @ [DELETED] no furniture other than what I had. No washing machine I used to do that by hand. But oh I was in love ha ha. I travelled to [DELETED] to work everyday. Later I was transferred to [DELETED].

Unknown to me ‘Claud’ had told the Sarg that I was his wife. But as we know truth comes out in the end. That caused quite a problem. When I found out I was totally embarrassed by the whole thing! I gather he had told ‘Lilith’ that you all were to move there or something but I did find out later that he had a foot in both camps and was lying to both. Maybe he couldn’t get the transfer unless it included the family I really don’t know I was told only what he wanted me to know.

I had my 21st in the Police house, well that was a laugh he was supposed to be home, cook the barby but he chose to have complications with ‘Lilith’ (so he said) I was totally in the dark of all these things going on till later. The other off duty family came and had the barby happy birthday eh!

Looking back I think then (for him) things were getting heated between the force and ‘Lilith’.

During the time I was with him I had been taken up to meet the family I was all that keen on going didn’t know what they were going to think of me etc.  They were all good especially his mum. All I can remember was a dance we went to and I can remember your grandma cooked an awfully big breakfast. Next time I visited not sure which time this was think it was after ‘James’’ birth but am not totally sure. There was an older brother and his wife think they lived out of [DELETED]. That was where the get together was may have been a birthday I am thinking that was ‘Lorenzo’ other than that one other time I went to [DELETED] stayed there and went shooting. Not much other time was spent that I can remember. Am foggy on that one! But I do know it was not often.

Anyway ‘Claud’ had spoken of missing his children I was most willing to look after you both bring them on up etc etc. I would have done anything for him more importantly I would have looked after you. I would have not wanted to give you back. But that was not to be most unfortunate by the things you have told me I would have been a much better candidate than those who had you. God gave me a caring heart thank you Lord.

Time went on, good I thought and then out of the blue one night he said to me that he was leaving me and leaving the Police force and going to work on the [DELETED] Dam. Well I ended up screaming on the back lawn devastated. All he could say was well at least I got you out of [DELETED]. Well other than him I had no one. I did not want to be outta [DELETED] without my love!

Off into the wild blue yonder he road on his Ducati Motor Cycle. Leaving me living in the Police house which I was able to stay for awhile. He came back sometimes at weekends still having a relationship leading me on. Other times he would telegraph a msg last min won’t be there.  I found out later that was when he going to visit ‘Lilith’ and you I guess.

When he had first gone to [DELETED] I discovered I was pregnant. The pill I was on didn’t work. I was not going to tell him but I had written a journal which he found on a weekend visit. He read it of course and so found out. Well that did not go to his plan did it?

I went home to tell my parents early in the piece but my mother was not talking to me as she had found out ‘Claud’ was still coming back to ‘Lilith’. She thought I knew. I didn’t. So I never told them and I went back to [DELETED] and spent the rest of the pregnancy alone, ‘Claud’ visiting sometimes.

The Sarg’s wife who had been sending her daughters to stay with me (she was worried and often fed me along with the other ladies) anyway she said I had to write to my parents which I did. That was when I was nearly due. They came up for a visit before I gave birth.

Oh also during the pregnancy ‘Claud’ went to Tassie thinking he could get a job in the Police Force over there. Didn’t happen and he couldn’t get back in here.

So Still @ [DELETED]!

It came a time that I could not stay in the Police house someone else was coming in.

Anyway we bought this huge caravan that Dad went Guarantee for! This was parked in the caravan park @ [DELETED].

It was getting time that I was to have my baby. I had not been to a Doctor since they had told me I was pregnant. Oh yeh in those times I was not allowed to work in the bank after they realised I was pregnant and unmarried. So I had to leave. No maternity leave for unwed mums. After I had spent all of my money I had I think ‘Claud’ put some in can’t remember.

In those days it was considered a big shame to have unwed babies and my mother made sure I did not forget that I had bought shame on the family!

So I found a Doctor and when it was time I took myself to hospital. ‘Claud’ wanted a girl, her name was to be ‘Rachel’ but alas this was not to be it was a boy and he looked just like ‘Claud’.

My baby was born [DELETED] 1976 around [DELETED] I was 22 yrs old. No idea about babies other than I knew why they called it the labour ward when it was over.

It was quite a time before ‘Claud’ visited about 8 days later with another brother can’t remember his name think he was the next one up from ‘Claud’.

My baby didn’t have a name for days the nurses kept bringing him in each feed with a new one (babies weren’t in your room then) eventually ‘James’ was it! He was registered as ‘James Claud’ [DELETED] but he was to change his [last] name to [DELETED] as his Pop had been his father figure. I wanted him registered as [DELETED] thinking at least he knew he had a father and no one could say he was not ‘Claud’s’ son. After a short visit and I mean short! (‘James’ was not a girl!) Very quickly both of them went back to [DELETED].

Home I went to the van and eventually Dad & Mum came up and I went back with them. Caravan came with me.

After a while ‘Claud’ decided that we should try again. I thought well he is his Dad and off to Queensland we went he took the van and I drove my car which Dad had bought me a Honda Civic.

Anyway ‘James’ & I got dumped in Caravan Parks [DELETED], [DELETED], and [DELETED] etc. ‘Claud’ took my car and went off to find a job which was to be an Insurance Salesman. Right up his ally. Con man! We were left in the parks with no money or car. I was trying to feed ‘James’ at the time so many of my neighbours took me in and fed me so I could feed my baby.

I was not on welfare. Eventually the caravan was sold and my car which another car was bought in ‘Claud’s’ name. We moved to a unit in [DELETED] well least ‘James’ and I. ‘Claud’ was still roaring around the country side visiting us only to get serviced, clothes washed etc.

We did not have very much furniture in the unit a bed, bean bag etc.

‘James’ turned one and I was allowed to get some photos done. He showed up for one.

It was a very lonely time for the two of us we had no one! No car had to walk everywhere.

Come December I couldn’t take the isolation anymore I rang Dad and He flew up most to his distress never been in a plane before and took us home.

We had left a really hot climate pulled into Melbourne and it was so cold.

‘James’ was such a tiny little possum his cousin’s towered over him. But my parents took us in and again we were safe.

Well after that ‘Claud’ was not happy as you can imagine went crook about the phone bill etc. I used to ring home a lot. So to be a pig after a time decided that he would not pay the payments on the caravan which he had sold as well as my car! I didn’t get anything. All my furniture and dowry as it were was sold in a garage sale as no one could look after it any longer. Who got the money not I.  My parents got a phone call about the non payments. You can imagine me with no money and a child all things I had owned sold and here he was refusing to make payments for monies he had received. In desperation I rang ‘Maurisa’ explained to her as I had no idea where he was. She must have convinced him and once again he took over the payments for the things he had received.

My poor Dad was a mess over all this stuff but he did not go to the Police Station to complain about him as far as we were concerned it was over.

No he did not ever pay a cent for ‘James’ I lived on a pension to look after him with my parents helping out.

I must admit that I had never seen the ogre that you have had as we were very short in his life span.

I look back and I think we were blessed!

Maybe God took him away knew he was a bad thing for us. (Pity I didn’t listen and went onto make more bad decisions) Due to the shame!

I always believe that God looks after the children especially those born out of wedlock. After all Jesus was the utmost highest born in unusual circumstances!

I am most looking forward to our communications. I am sure God knows our needs. Even when we don’t

He has a plan and they are always good ones.

Back to the story Dad built on an extra room for ‘James’ and myself to live in I helped around the farm to help pay for our living expenses and collected a pension. Dad got me a little old bomb to get around in.

Time went on and after finding love again thought we were going to be finally happy, not to be. The boyfriends mother did not like my mother so set about to destroy the relationship we had with her son. He was the first one ‘James’ had referred to as Dad. So after he called it off we cried ourselves to sleep for a long time.

Eventually I met Mr ‘Morton’. It was during this time I had a friend of mine visit me asking for my help. He was having a relationship with ‘Lilith’ you were living in [DELETED] Street at the time. Seems ‘Claud’ was still causing strife in their relationship and they wanted me to come in hide in the bedroom and all of us front him together. That would have been around 1980. He was not happy! after being asked he told ‘Lilith’ that I didn’t want him so he would have her.  I found out later Mr ‘Morton’ told him he didn’t want him to have anything to do with ‘James’. That gave him an easy out didn’t it? After a while the relationship with my friend and ‘Lilith’ fell apart.

There was no contact from ‘Claud’ till many many years later in a letter addressed to my parents I never answered it. It disturbed me no end.

Unfortunately I married Mr ‘Morton’ but had another beautiful son in 1981. I was to be beaten and ‘James’ also suffered abuse from him. He also belted my Dad up, so you can imagine after being a mess both with me and struggling to keep it together for the children, we all left. Back to Dad’s!

Regardless of what you had been told I have never been a drug addict, drunk or anything else and I most certainly would never leave my children. They were the best things that ever happened out of my sorry life. Struggles with Mr ‘Morton’ did not end there on one visitation he decided to take the 2 boys and hide them telling me on a phone call when they were due home he was going to take them off me. As there weren’t any laws then to say you can’t belt up your wife and as I did not have any orders for visitation etc he had rung the cops and told them they were safe the cops said they couldn’t do anything.

Did not know how that worked as ‘James’ was not his. Dad took me to the hospital and they dosed me up to calm me down. I was hysterical. Next day the Solicitors were called and he had to bring them back after a court case the same day. I was still generous with visitations but in the end I would not let ‘James’ go I didn’t want to loose him or be influenced by him in anyway.

We ended up finding a house just out of [DELETED] where we lived until a new housing commission home came up. We then moved to [DELETED].

Once again a persistent man kept on calling and eventually again I married moved to his parents farm, renovated an old house and had two more children. That relationship also turned out to be abusive to both the older boys and myself. This time I was going to be shot. The boys were also treated really badly. This time an intervention order put in place which he broke. Anyway the last settlement that I had received I sunk into that marriage it happened to be on his parents farm so once again nothing. We found a little house just up from my parents to rent and neighbours and relations provided two caravans for the boys to sleep in the little ones slept inside. I left him enough to have a place for the two young ones to visit with furniture, household things etc. He had nothing when I met him other than a hot car than ended up costing more than it was worth. Then they accused me of ripping them off. Go figure

The boys very pleased not to have to have anything to do with him anymore. We could have our horses, ferrets, guinea pigs, dog etc. and reasonable rent. Close to the folks still same school least interruptions I could manage. During all the hard times I kept them at the one school not to cause too much upheaval they still had their mates.

‘James’ was very athletic. He won many long distance races in little athletics. Loved sports! Good at football & Cricket. I believe ‘Claud’ was good at running was going to enter the Stall Gift one time didn’t of course but he did play football I think. My Dad was an awesome cricketer and myself also good at sports so he had to be good at sports. I always chuckle when the boys were growing up ‘James’ being a very fine build and so coordinated where my other son was chubby and bumble footed. ‘James’ was always on his case about exercise. Well today ‘James’ says yes bro how much bro ‘James’ is around maybe 5 10” where bro is over 6 feet. He now gets him to look after him ha ha.

Even though my relationships did not turn out they had an awesome role model in my Dad. Dad bought him his first car.

He always knew love. I may have been terrible at picking men but I was and still am a very loving Mum. Figured if I could be stable in that area eventually things would work out for us all!

Maybe God took him away knew he was a bad thing for us. I am sorry he did not do the same for you (well he did for a bit) but in some ways regardless he is your dad and we are supposed to have a balance male and female. You had a (can’t say better) but a relationship with him. I know deep down ‘James’ burns because ‘Claud’ did not want to know him.

The next time ‘James’ was to see ‘Claud’ was at ‘Micha’ wedding, he was going out with one if ‘Sarah’s’ friends. Funny enough I made all their dresses (not a cent) met ‘Micha’s’ son. Earlier I also met ‘Micha’. Found it a tad awkward but at the end of the time he told me he had wished he had a mother like ‘James’ had. Eased the situation a tad!

I was invited to the ceremony I did not go I did not wish to run into ‘Claud’ again.  He apparently played the doting dad except he did not acknowledge ‘James’ until he met him in the car park after with the girlfriend! ‘James’ asked him if he knew who he was. ‘Claud’ says he had an idea. As he had not bothered to acknowledge him ‘James’ told him then this was the first and last time. Took him all his strength to not punch his lights out!

As you can see due to ‘Claud’ we have all had a somewhat difficult life one way or another!

But hearing your story I think ‘James’ has been the fortunate one having him taken out of his life. He has done damage but ‘James’ has always known he has been loved unconditionally. Everyone makes mistakes!

But we all have a choice! Our very own responsibility!

God gave us life it is up to us what we do with it!

We can choose to soar or we can choose to sink. But I am saying it is not easy!

I know. This is why we get older to get wisdom from our mistakes and those of others that who has, either tried to destroy us or those who build us up.

My words of advice!

It is up to you, to forgive his sins and take heed do not be like him! You know how it hurts!

Do not do it to your own beautiful family. You have to learn how to come to peace with him and your family for your own sanity.

Accept that they are not perfect and make huge mistakes say to yourself they do not know any better!

You DO NOT have to like him or the rest of them and definitely do not have to accept the behaviour they have shown you but you have to come to peace with the whole deal. Put it away, be born again, believe in God he can give you peace you only have to ask.

It is not easy as we are only human and full of weak ways leading to sin.

Some of those being sins that we don’t even understand being human. Our humanness says oh we are really good people but in God’s eyes we sin.

We will never be perfect until the last days only By God’s Grace he will make us perfect! I so look forward to that. I too work continually to stay above all the hurt and disappointment from those that I have loved. But I am always ready for love again it is such an awesome experience! God gave us love to know how he loves us. To love is such a joyous experience who would not want to feel that. Yep it hurts sometimes but oh it is so worth it!

Those who have not loved have not lived! Give yourself to your family they to will benefit in more ways than you can imagine as the same for you. I am sure they are giving and to have you give back without reservations would be awesome. The rewards you can’t imagine!

Please forget the sins of thy fathers you can break it! Ask God for his help and believe you do not have to do the things your forbearers have done.

I am not catholic and never wish to be am not sure what they have taught you. You referred to many things and I must say I do not agree. Now from me you have a fresh outlook on being a Christian. Mind you the more I become one the more I see those who have practised for years are not anywhere near the mark. Lots of them are still in the same rut. Never learnt anything! Just went because they had to or maybe didn’t have the right teachers! Beware of those who claim to be Christians but are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

I have met many of them another a manipulating tool for Satan!

I agree with your wife. Be careful I have discovered many but let your spirit guide you, you can feel their presence if your spirit is in the right place.

I am most looking forward to our communications. I am sure God knows our needs. Even when we don’t

He has a plan and they are always good ones.

Please tell me if I am giving you the “its” as it were but in my spirit I feel I can help you. You are a soul reaching out for peace in his life. Know that our story has very similar things to yours and we all struggle everyday to be, not only a better person, but deal with the hurt.

I know you want to be the best person you can be for your family.

Not everyone is the same as your parents!

My Dad did not like the way that his parents fought so decided that he would not be the same. He wasn’t!

We have a choice in whatever circumstances. We arrive in this world and it is going to be a long taxing experience. Many ups and downs many heart aches but it is all character building. God refining us! Imagine if you had not had anything terrible happen in your life, could you understand the heartache and needs of those that needed to hear comforting words, I think not. “Comfort those with words that you have been comforted with”. If you have not been comforted I am doing it now. I have been through most things but by the Grace of God I am the person I am today and always improving thanks be to God.

I have been stressing over what to say but I sure hope this helps.
I am looking forward to the second instalment.

No I do not know who ‘Tracy’ or ‘Woog’

Shall let you ponder on this next time shall tell you more of your half bro!

Happy New Year love ‘Karen’ God Bless xx




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