There is no coming back from the kind of vindictive defamation ‘Lilith’
inflicts on people; relationships can only take so much. ‘Micha’ only got to
see his son every second weekend, which was probably a blessing given the kind
of person ‘Micha’ was. ‘Lilith’ had always accused me of being just like
‘Claud’ from as early as I can remember. The truth was that ‘Micha’ was just
like ‘Claud’, not me. He was also like ‘Lilith’. What ‘Lilith’ and ‘Micha’ had
done to me, all the bullying, nastiness, spite and projection, they did to
‘Lara A’, ‘Sue B’ and ‘Adam C’. All the physical and psychological abuse that
‘Lilith’ did to me she also did to those three children. All the difficulty I
had at school, trying to fit into a social situation of which I could not
understand, ‘Lara A’ also suffered because of the abuse. ‘Lara A’ revealed, in
other emails, difficulty maintaining a job. She spoke of her most recent
boyfriend moving interstate without warning and providing no forwarding
address. I can understand why he did now. The only difference between me and
‘Lara A’ is that while I got out, she kept going back. She couldn’t let go.
She, like ‘Micha’ and the others, wanted the money they’d get from inheriting
from ‘Edward’. And, clearly, they would do anything to make sure they didn’t
have to share. Because of that, ‘Lara A’ and ‘Sue B’ (and probably ‘Adam C’
too), had become just like ‘Lilith’ and ‘Micha’.
The day after ‘Edward’ died, I read his Obituary in an article online. I
hadn’t been sleeping well for months. I was plagued with extreme headaches and
stomach pain. I decided to go on the Internet and Google ‘Edward’s’ name in the
hope of finding some link, someone who could help me send and receive
correspondence with him. It had not gone well in the past. ‘Faith Annful’
(ironic) had been a ‘friend’ of ‘Edward’ for decades but responded to my
requests for help with “I did not need to know your tale of woe” and other
nastiness. But I wanted to let ‘Edward’ know that, despite everything, it
didn’t matter. I might not have much and life may have been hard, but all that
mattered is what he wanted to do for me. The fact that the others planned to
disinherit me for their own greed didn’t matter. Like I told him on the phone,
“evil begets evil”. The Will they had made him write would have them at one
another’s throats and do to each other what they had done to him and me. He had
laughed, a sad one, but the irony of the situation wasn’t enough to cheer him
up. “I’ll send ‘Eran’ something for you then,” ‘Edward’ had said, “to make sure
you get at least an equal share.” If he did, I never got it.
I learned of the Probate after months of trying to find someone to help
me discover where ‘Edward’ had been buried. I learned of the Victorian
State Trustee. She said she didn’t know but that there was a Probate in action.
The lady at the Victorian State Trustee had to explain what a Probate was.
There was one week left to contest it.
Nobody had told me they had submitted it. ‘Lilith’ and her children had
tried to sneak it through. I contacted ‘Edward’s’ lawyer in the hope he had
left me a letter and some photos like he had promised to send. The lawyer wrote
back that I wasn’t listed in the Will but sent me a copy of the Probate and
told me to contact a lawyer. I wrote back that I already knew that and didn’t
need a lawyer to know if there was a letter for me, and that my wife and I had
no intention of contesting the Will even if we could afford to do so, which we
couldn’t. The lawyer never replied. ‘Lilith’ was given all of ‘Edward’s’
remaining land to run as her own providing she paid the bills, but she couldn’t
sell it. The land would go to ‘Lara A’, ‘Adam C’ and ‘Sue B’ when she died.
Those three also got an equal share of whatever money ‘Edward’ had after his
funeral costs. He had at least remembered my warning about that. I had asked
‘Micha’, decades ago, how he would face everyone at ‘Edward’s’ funeral once he
had done what he planned. “There won’t be a funeral once I get what I want,” he
had replied, “unless you have the money to pay for one.” ‘Edward’ had at least
made arrangements to make sure there was money for that. The biggest shock was
the Executor. It was ‘Eran’, the man who was supposed to help me and ‘Edward’
At this point, I’d like to make another prediction. I am very good at
predicting things. I’ve made many over the years. I’m not sure how I know, I
just do. When the first news of that nursing home fire ran, Roger Dean was
speaking with the reporter, claiming he’d been helping evacuate patients. As we
watched it, I said to my wife, “That guy started the fire.” It wasn’t even
considered suspicious at that time. And it’s not the first time I’ve done that.
I’ve predicted many, many things. Ms ‘Barlet’, my English teacher second time
around in Year Twelve, wrote in a reference for me that I was “very
perceptive.” I cheat, most of the time. I go on past behaviour and probability,
but other times I just get a feeling about things. I predicted what ‘Lilith’
and ‘Micha’ would do. I suspected what would happen to ‘Lara A’, ‘Sue B’ and
‘Adam C’. I suspected what ‘Claud’ would do. My feelings on what has been going
on for the last thirty years is that ‘Claud’ and ‘Lilith’ are somehow
protected. I have a very good feeling they are trying to hide something sinister
in their past. I have often wondered if they are my biological parents at all,
if the Birth Certificate has been falsified. But it my feelings on their fate I
will share here. ‘Lara A’, ‘Sue B’ and ‘Adam C’ will do to ‘Lilith’ what she
did to her parents and them. ‘Lilith’, I have strong suspicions helped her
father on his way to get what she wanted. She was a nurse. He died two years
after I contacted him, a year after I started corresponding with ‘Lara A’ and
‘Sue B’. They were all worried I was trying to claim the inheritance ‘Edward’
had promised me. Their emails suggest as much. They already have the way to
discredit ‘Lilith’ when she tries to get help to stop what they do to her,
claiming they suspect she is bipolar. They only get what they want when
‘Lilith’ is dead. But even then they will turn on one another and do to each
other what they did to me. Evil begets evil. They don’t know any better. Nobody
helped them escape the hell that was ‘Lilith’. Nobody cared.
‘Claud’ will do to his latest floozy, ‘Lilyth’, and their daughter,
‘Charlet’, what he has done to all of the women and children he has used and
discarded. He will use them to satisfy his every vile desire and leave them
psychologically damage in his wake. He hasn’t changed his behaviour in forty
years so he won’t change now. I strongly suspect he has interfered with at
least three of his nieces, possibly four: ‘Jas’, ‘Myshell’, ‘Clara’ and ‘Dara’.
Lord only knows what will be uncovered if somebody actually starts speaking to
the other women he has been with, and the other children he has fathered and
abandoned. I strongly suspect that ‘Jeff’ and ‘Maurisa’, two of his siblings,
have been complicit in what he has been doing, concealing and enabling him:
they certainly made every effort to intimidate and deceive me in my efforts to
get answers about my half-brothers and half-sisters fathered by ‘Claud’. Why
would people go to such lengths to ensure I never learn about these siblings,
let alone speak with them, unless they were attempting to conceal something?
Why have ‘Claud’ and ‘Lilith’ gone to such lengths to isolate and silence me?
It cannot be for the sole purpose of financial gain by deceiving their parents.
What they have done is overkill. DNA testing may reveal other motives, but it
seems apparent that the law or something more sinister protects whatever
secrets ‘Lilith’ and ‘Claud’ wish to conceal.
All I know is that my situation, and that of my siblings (and possibly
even that of the ones I do not know of) and grandparents, could have been
avoided if it were not for a systemic culture of corruption within the agencies
established to protect the rights of victims like us, and prosecute those who
violate these, to deliver justice. But instead, those public servants seem more
interested in avoiding their duty, blaming victims, and concealing and enabling
But that’s not where this sorry state of affairs ends. I have spent
thirty years trying to report the abuses and my concerns. I have suffered all
manner of indifference, idleness, incompetence, apathy, negligence, mockery,
insults, unfounded and defamatory accusations, and intimidation in response.
The excuses are shocking. Those whose duty is to investigate (regardless of
preconceptions) did nothing to stop this, only fell back on policies and laws
to avoid doing anything. “Sure, the behaviour is immoral,” many have said, “but
it isn’t illegal.” Injustice, it seems, is all well and good if the law can be
used to circumvent justice. “It’s not a matter for the police,” I’ve been told.
One would think child and elder abuse were criminal acts; they are assault at
the very least. The acts of fraud to benefit financially through taking money
from someone’s bank account or manipulation to change Wills is abhorrent and
should be addressed, but since there are no laws preventing what was done to me
and my grandparents, it’s all good. A woman and her unborn child died because
‘Bull’ was under the influence of alcohol but “there’s no evidence”, only my
“allegations”, so it’s all good. ‘Claud’ is a vicious, sadistic bastard who
runs a business that provides him access to young, vulnerable women and their
children, despite his horrendous past of abuses against his own and their
mothers, but it’s all good because there’s no law that says he can’t. Nobody is
even concerned by his behaviours.
I have spent forty years living in terror and isolation because nothing
those people did was considered worthy of investigation. I have a life sentence
with no parole or recompense for my suffering, and no chance of ever obtaining
justice because nobody has the guts to do their damn jobs and have a bloody
look at what I have been trying to report. I live with the guilt of abandoning
my half-siblings and grandparents to a fate that has utterly corrupted them.
They have suffered decades of abuse, misery and maladjusted personalities
because I saved myself. I have often wondered if I could have prevented that by
giving in to my darkest and most desperate thoughts. If I had just taken action
myself to make sure ‘Lilith’, ‘Bull’ and ‘Micha’ could never harm anyone ever
again, then I may have spent a couple of decades in prison, and my relatives
would never have spoken to me again, but they may have become better people.
Instead, I took the cowards way out and saved myself, and they are all as bad
as one another because the authorities I relied upon to do their jobs when I
reported what was going on did nothing. For thirty years, they have done
“There’s not enough evidence to warrant an investigation,” I’ve been
told. And how, exactly, am I going to obtain evidence when I have not the means
to do so, and even if I did it would be considered tainted because I am the one
making the “allegations”. Why are the accused given the presumption of
innocence while the victims are considered to be guilty of lying until they can
present evidence to the contrary? If only the victims were given the same
presumption and rights as those that violate them. Why is the word of the
victims of paedophile priests enough to trigger a Royal Inquest decades later,
but my testimony (supported by correspondence from several others involved in
what occurred) not even enough to get someone paid to ask questions to actually
have a look at what I have tried to report? This is my timeline of Abuse. It
provides details about what happened to me as a child, and also what happened
to my mother’s other children, and then what happened to them as adults as a
consequence of the authorities doing nothing. The response from that twat ‘A
Hole’ at Civil Liberties Australia only goes to demonstrate how widespread this
culture is (see the entry below). I had contacted him in the hope of exposing
these systemic failures only to be insulted by someone who clearly did not read
what I sent (as he himself stated in his idiotic response, eg, I told him I had
contacted Bravehearts) and yet he felt compelled to pass judgement and make
inaccurate assumptions instead of doing his job.
have read your email. I choose not to read the attachments.
do not have – I do not have – the resources or the time to read about your life
story of the past 20-30 years, when you have sought help from just about every
possible agency, as you describe in your email: I have sufficient
faith in "the system" to believe that one of those agencies or people
would have helped you if at all possible.
example, I note that you say Bravehearts asked you to do something for them,
and you chose not to. Given that your complaint(s) could have been put before a
current Royal Commission which is massively resourced, better than anything you
could hope for from any other agency, I fail to understand why you did not
provide the information requested to Bravehearts, who said they would include
your issue in their RC submission.
I explained in my earlier email, we do not take on individual cases. I cannot
see that your email points to any generic issue. So far as I can see from your
email, the only common denominator in all your problems is you.
I say again, unless this culture of corruption is exposed for the public
to see, then the true scale of the horror inflicted upon victims not just by
the initial predators, but by the authorities who are supposed to help victims,
will never be known, and nothing will ever change. Constable [DELETED] has
been the first person who has actually allowed me to submit something in
regards to what I have been trying to report. He has explained that the only
thing that the police can really address are the “allegations” of child abuse,
although it makes no sense to me that matters of fraud, assault, stalking,
harassment, slander, manslaughter and potential murder are things they cannot
deal with or are of no interest. Still, Constable [DELETED] has offered me
an opportunity to present this Timeline of Abuse. I intend to make the most of
this. I intend to use it as a first step to obtain justice regarding the things
I have detailed here. I hope that it will expose and address the greater
culture of corruption that only conceals and enables criminal activity, and
isolates and silences victims, causing them to suffer depression and suicidal
(or homicidal) thoughts as they become disenfranchised from society. This is
why so many young people can be easily led into radicalisation or criminal
acts. Consider me and my siblings and you will see what damage is done due to
inaction, indifference, insulting responses, and worse.
And in regards to laws and policies that circumvent justice, I can only
ask the obvious. Who makes the laws? Why do the laws not protect the
victims? Are victims consulted in the process or only those insulated from
reality? Why must victims provide the evidence that an investigation would
Why, when a victim has evidence, is the bar set higher and higher until
they eventually fail?
Why are those in positions of authority so unwilling to help? Why are
there no means to expose and deter flaws and flawed people within the system
that is supposed to help victims? Why is there no clear way for victims, many
of them children or poorly educated, to find the right agencies to get help?
Why are victims sent from one agency to the next until they return to where
they started but still they get no help? How many people have been violated and
murdered because nobody did anything when an “allegation” was made? Why is
there a presumption that all “allegations” are lies?
Why do some people get denied any form of legal assistance? Legal Aid
refused to help me because my wife’s income exceeds a threshold that has been
established by policy but they failed to take into account that that income was
divided between several family members, effectively placing each of us below
the poverty line. We could not afford private legal advice and, as a result,
are denied justice. Why are people in positions of authority able to silence,
bully and insult victims, and get away with it, when laws and policies have
been put in place to supposedly prevent this?
Why are victims encouraged to come forward and speak out at all when the
response they receive only forces them to remain silent? Why is so much time
and effort spent on legal loopholes to allow those whose guilt is proven to get
off when there is nothing provided for victims who suffer a life sentence? Why
are insensitive terms (like “closure” and “moving forward”), and insincere,
politically motivated apologies used to placate victims when nothing actually
changes? Why are people who are paid to ask questions to find the facts so
unwilling to do so?
I can only point out that maybe, just maybe, its time people actually
read the Holy Bible they swear to speak truthfully upon when they give
testimony. Mark 4: 21-5 and Luke 11: 46 are particularly relevant. Two thousand
years since those words were recorded, and very little has changed. I ask
whoever reads this one very simple question?
If those who make and enforce the law lack moral integrity, have no
sense of outrage at morally bankrupt and unethical behaviour, no desire to
ensure justice for victims, and only a lust to benefit from a culture of
corruption, then what hope is there for not just the victims, but that society?
People who find the courage to come forward should not be treated as
liars and discouraged just because some people make false allegations. If a
victim is legitimate, treating them badly only inflicts more harm and protects
those at fault. Children, in particular, are not equipped to deal with hysical
and psychological abuse, and even soldiers trained to deal with the horrors of
combat suffer PTSD. Without positive intervention and justice, damaged children
become damaged adults. A failure to act, or the wrong action, teaches victims
to adopt anti-social behaviour to survive, either repeating what was done to
them on others, or to get those at fault to stop. If those who remain silent are
said to condone, then those who force others to remain silent are complicit?
The attitude that victims are a problem and to blame them for what has
happened to them needs to stop. Victims are “an opportunity,” as Chief
Commissioner Lay of the Victorian Police once said, “to do things better.”
I would also like to repeat my objection to the notion that I have not
provided enough evidence to warrant an investigation by, once again, quoting
comments made Attorney General George Brandis. “How can we know what all the
evidence is unless we have an investigation?” he said, and then added, “we are
suspicious of a cover-up.”
My situation demonstrates too many missed opportunities, and something
that clearly demonstrates many, many things that should have been investigated
and stink of cover-up. Sadly, I am just one of too many people our government
and public service has failed. I can only hope there are others like Constable
[DELETED] who are willing to listen, consider what they learn, and ask
questions, because it is just the first step in not only doing things better,
but doing things right.
If our police and other agencies were more interested in protecting and
serving those in our society who have suffered injustice instead of enforcing
policies and laws that circumvent justice, our country would be a better place.
Instead, people like Daniel Morcombe’s parents and Rosie Batty are given empty
platitudes and awards to placate them for the failures that led to the deaths
of their children, and the public is shocked, horrified and outraged by the few
stories of abuse that the media considers sensational enough to improve their
ratings, but nothing really changes.
As I have said, my goal is not just to be allowed to finally make an
official statement, but to expose these failures so that good people may do
their jobs and be promoted based on meritocracy so that victims are not
subjected to the culture of corruption. The task is all the harder because
those who are supposed to help will not even accept that my thirty year battle
to simply make an official statement, (and the injustice and criminal acts I
have tried to report) is even worthy of notice or importance.
One day, I hope, people will remember me for our courage and dedication
to doing what is right and for those who do their duty and help us. I hope, one
day, every victim has the opportunity to take this first step to not only make
an official statement, but to gain justice and change attitudes to help all
those who have been denied justice.
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