
I attended [DELETED] High School to have another go at Year Twelve. I did much, much better. One of my teachers, Ms ‘Bartlet’, was frustrated at the grade I got for English. She thought I should have received an A but the system used to allocate grades favoured private schools over the public ones, so I got downgraded. I admired her sense of honour and integrity, but it didn’t matter. The grade I got, a B, demonstrated that my previous English teacher was wrong when I was awarded a D and told it was the best I could expect because I just wasn’t capable of doing better. Besides, anybody with even half a brain knows the education system is a microcosm of our society and so utterly flawed and corrupt that nothing anybody does is worth anything. The only reason I’d gone back was to get better grades to have a chance at entering a Public Relations Business Degree at university. I learned later that I needn’t have bothered; I could have applied based on the fact I’d already done a year at university. At the time my life lacked direction. All I’d ever wanted to be was a farmer like my grandparents. I was supposed to take over ‘Edward’ and ‘Sharleen’s’ farm. I didn’t know what I wanted to do then, still don’t, but a business degree had the potential to open doors and provide some kind of direction. I was accepted into QUT in Brisbane, Queensland. I’d applied to a university two-thousand kilometres away because ‘Lilith’ had taken up stalking and harassing me. She’d appear where I was staying or at the school. I had to explain the situation to the teachers so they wouldn’t give her any information about me, and so they knew what to expect from her. It was humiliating.

I contacted ‘Claud’ and asked if ‘Elizabeth’ and I could stay with him for a while until ‘Elizabeth’ and I could find a place of our own. She had applied to QUT to complete her Bachelor of Education there. ‘Claud’ had agreed. I was actually hoping he might have changed his attitude and spending time with him might result in something positive, that he might let me know who his other children were. I had been living on my own for the last three years, with no contact with my grandparents or siblings except for two, brief visits to [DELETED]. At the time, I was desperately lonely and just wanted to know if I had any chance of a normal life with brothers and or sisters who might speak to me and be friends. It was a mistake. At first ‘Claud’ was really friendly. He even took me out for dinner on my 21st birthday. It was the first one he had ever attended, or even remembered. I never had a party. The only party I’d ever had was my 16th, and his mother had organised that. ‘Elizabeth’ and I just went to Pizza Hut with ‘Claud’. He gave me a computer. He used my Student Discount to get a price reduction and then wrote it off on his taxes as a Business Expense. It was to help me get my degree. ‘Claud’ said I had to get one because he didn’t have one and it would help me run his business. His five year plan was for “you put yourself through university so you can run my business while I retire and live of the profits with some unacceptably young wife to satisfy my every demand!” He wasn’t joking. He believes that I should repay him for bringing me into this world. He finished his insane vision of the future with the comment that “This computer makes up for the last twenty-one years of neglect; now never speak of what happened in the past again.”

We’d only been there a few days by then, but that’s where things changed. His usual manipulation and bullying to assert control began. He had rules. Some of them were fair, others not so much. He didn’t require rent. Instead, ‘Elizabeth’ and I were to clean the property he rented: toilets, dishes, windows, carpets, bathrooms, everything. Every day. There were no exceptions. ‘Elizabeth’ and I left [DELETED] to commute to classes every week day, from six in the morning, and returned as late as ten at night. We were unable to meet these demands. But there were others. ‘Claud’ had been dating a woman called ‘Francine’ for years. She had two sons older than me: ‘Bret’ and ‘Frank’. ‘Bret’ kind of looked like ‘Claud’. But ‘Claud’ had been seeing several other women behind her back. None of them knew about each other. When he’d lived in [DELETED], ‘Claud’ claimed a woman he seduced, used for sex and then ditched in a humiliating manner objected to the treatment. She found out where he lived, showed up and kicked him in the nuts. He said he’d punched her in the face, then dumped her unconscious body in her car with the help of his neighbour, drove her car to the highway, and left her there. ‘Claud’ didn’t like complications. That’s why he relocated so often. But he’d dumped ‘Francine’ to convince ‘Katrina’ to date him. She was 26. ‘Claud’ was 40. ‘Katrina’ had been divorced almost a year and had a two-year-old daughter. “Never mention any of the women I’m seeing in front of the woman I’m with at any time,” ‘Claud’ had said. It was another condition of our staying with him.

‘Claud’ was insatiable. He was seeing a woman called ‘Roslyn’ while he was seeing ‘Katrina’. He was also seeing another woman I never met at the same time, and hitting on check-out girls in whatever store he wandered into. He’d ask them out despite the fact many of them looked terrified or repulsed and barely older than fifteen. When ‘Claud’ started making his final demands, I decided it had been a mistake to try to get to know him better. “You have to cheat on ‘Elizabeth’,” ‘Claud’ had told me one day while ‘Elizabeth’ was out, “and then dump her in a humiliating manner.” He even provided some buck-toothed floozy for me to do this. I was mortified. I said no. “You’re not married,” ‘Claud’ had snarled, “and if you can’t do as you’re told then you should find somewhere else to live!” He had always been friendly to ‘Elizabeth’, but it had just been an act. The manipulation and control had been gradual, but I suddenly saw it for what it was. The mid-year Easter Break was approaching. ‘Elizabeth’ asked if we could go back to Victoria and see her mum. She was upset about something. But when we came back, ‘Claud’ had left a note on the kitchen bench telling us to get our things and get out. “You have not kept your side of the bargain,” he had written, “you have not cleaned my house to the standards I expect. You did not call me each day you were away for daily instructions. Collect your things and get out. Don’t be there when I return and never contact me again.”

It was a shock. I’d spent the first eighteen years of my life in domestic-servitude being physically and psychologically abused only to suffer it again after three years of trying to find my independence. It got worse when ‘Elizabeth’ and I tried to collect our few possessions. Most of them were gone. The computer ‘Claud’ had given me for my birthday, the only gift he ever had, was gone. All my university assignments and notes were on it, and ‘Elizabeth’s’ too. My writing portfolio from my second go at Year Twelve was gone. I searched the house for them. I found the Port that had been put away for my 21st. It had been set aside soon after I was born while ‘Claud’ had been a cop and he said it had “fallen off the back of a truck.” I had wondered why it hadn’t broken until I was eighteen before I realised he probably meant it was stolen. I didn’t drink alcohol. ‘Claud’ did. He’d been drinking it. I found the 0.22 bolt action 1907 Lithgow rifle I’d been given by ‘Bull’s’ father and had restored to working order. I had been planning on giving it to ‘Lilith’s’ father for his birthday. It had been in ‘Edward’s’ woolshed. There it was in ‘Claud’s’ cupboard. With it was a letter from ‘Lilith’.

‘Claud’ and ‘Lilith’ hadn’t been civil to one another my entire life, but its content suggested they’d been communicating for the last few years. In it ‘Lilith’ had written about her father’s birthday and how ‘Micha’s’ new girlfriend, ‘Sarah’, was “a lovely girl”. This was a very different response to how she had treated girls that had befriended me. ‘Lilith’ also wrote about the importance of breaking up the relationship between me and ‘Elizabeth’ and “make sure ‘Lee’ never returns”, responding to comments ‘Claud’ had made in his last letter. ‘Lilith’ and ‘Claud’ were working together, for some unknown, insane reason, to destroy my relationship with ‘Elizabeth’ and ensure that I never came back to see any of my relatives. It made no sense. There was no reason for this. They had never worked together to give me a safe and happy childhood. Over the decades I have tried to get help to find answers but nobody cares. Births, Deaths and Marriages responded to my request for answers about ‘Claud’s’ other children by telling me I had to get his permission, or that of his other children (and as I told BD&M, I don’t know how many there might be let alone who they are) before they’d let me know if there were any and their names. You can see the catch-22 there and the utter stupidity of the staff member that responded to my request. And all of this leaves me with a sick feeling that there is something very, very sinister being concealed by ‘Claud’ and ‘Lilith’.

I never took my rifle or the port. What would I do with it? I’m sure the rifle is worth something to a collector, but I didn’t know how to sell it. I never even took the letter or note from ‘Claud’. The letter wasn’t mine and the note from ‘Claud’ was so hateful and of no use at the time. I just left. I was in shock. I suffered depression and dropped out of university. I couldn’t afford it and rent too. I needed work. I wasn’t as lucky as ‘Elizabeth’. She got full time work and I could only get casual hours and then nothing at all. I spent most of my time sleeping. I just couldn’t see any point in life. I had decided to stop writing to ‘Myshell’. We’d written to one another for the last seven years. In her last letter she had spoken of how she was in control of her drug habit, not it of her. I couldn’t help her. We were both lost. There was no choice. ‘Maurisa’, her mother, had sent me a letter. ‘Claud’ had asked ‘Myshell’ for my address but only agreed to let her mother, ‘Claud’s’ sister, send me his message. According to ‘Claud’, ‘Lilith’s’ mother ‘Sharleen’ was on her death bed and I had to return immediately to say goodbye. It was a lie. ‘Sharleen’ was no sicker than she had been since she began to suffer from dementia caused by the brain tumour. She would live another three years before she fell ill and died. I had no way of knowing that though. I had no choice. I ignored the letter and broke contact with ‘Myshell’, the only relative I had that was still speaking to me. I abandoned my friend just to escape the hell ‘Claud’ and ‘Lilith’ had inflicted on me. ‘Elizabeth’ and I moved again to prevent anybody tracking us down.


A couple of years later, ‘Elizabeth’ and I moved to Sydney for work for a few months but my five hour daily commute, sixty-hour work week (twenty of which was unpaid overtime) and workplace bullying took its toll. One of the [DELETED].stores, I think it was the Parramatta one, got raided by the police after it was discovered some of the staff were using it as a cover to sell drugs. Their sales were far better than other stores and that seemed to explain why. ‘Dave Robson’ got threatened with the sack one day when he showed up five minutes late and blood running down his face from a gash to the head. He’d been mugged in the car park and got told he could see a doctor in his lunch break. I got threatened with the sack after arriving with only five minutes to spare before opening after trains were delayed in central due to a murder. And then I had to put up with ‘Dave Hellrun’ (not sure of the spelling), a real fool of a manager who boasted about fornicating with a fourteen year old girl while he worked in England. “That’s illegal,” I said. “Not in my house,” he replied. Then ‘Elizabeth’ and I were approached at a train station by a guy that spoke about his time working as a butcher and then told us we could get a lot of money if ‘Elizabeth’ prostituted herself. That was the last straw.

I’d put on fifteen kilos after leaving ‘Claud’s’ place and lost it all in those four months in Sydney. I was desperately ill. ‘Elizabeth’ and I returned to Brisbane. Then ‘Elizabeth’ announced that she was going overseas for three months, and we’d get married when she came back. There was no discussion. Two weeks later she left. I knew I’d never see her again, at least not who she had been. I spent most of her absence sleeping. I couldn’t get work. I couldn’t afford to run the car to go to interviews. I barely had enough money to pay the rent and lived on the bare minimum of food to survive. I spent a lot of time thinking about how I could just end it all if I killed myself. ‘Elizabeth’ called three months later. She was at the airport and wanted a lift. And, “oh, yeah, I broke up with you three months ago, get over it.” Desperate for any contact, I picked her up. She took off a couple of weeks later, for a job in Mackay. She asked me to call her every second week and she’d call me the odd weeks. She said she wanted to stay in touch. After the fourth week, she never called. Her flat mate explained that she had shacked up with a 48 year old married guy, on his yacht, while his wife was away. She had never worked where she claimed. She had been trading sex for drugs. It was weird because ‘Elizabeth’ had only ever had sex with me once every year in the last four years of our six year relationship. I didn’t want to believe it. The guy also said she owed them money and demanded I pay it.

Two months later, ‘Elizabeth’ showed up. She was engaged to the married guy she had met two months earlier. She stank like she hadn’t bathed in weeks. There were bruises all over her and she was clearly high. She said she was going back to her mother’s place with her fiancé and then she was going back to the UK for a couple of years. If her fiancé was still available, they’d get married. She also claimed ‘Claud’ had tried to force himself on her all those years ago, and that’s why she wanted to leave and eventually left me. She didn’t want any of my relatives in her life. Then she stole most of my stuff and left. I never saw her again. One of her former friends called and wrote to me, telling me how upsetting it was to see what had happened to her, and apologising for not believing me when I asked for their help. Now I was completely alone. There were two options: suicide, or try to find a way to make a life and work to get justice. I got work in the [DELETED] ABC-123 Childcare centre and applied to get into QUT and complete a Bachelor of Education in Primary Teaching.


I worked my way through university. I stacked shelves at Coles until the workplace harassment by floor-management became too much. I had to leave the job. The old frustration and desire to inflict violence to defend myself came back and the situation caused me to suffer an anxiety attack while I was doing teaching rounds. I contacted ‘Elizabeth’s’ mother to ask for half the money ‘Elizabeth’ got for our car, as promised. I had to go through small claims to get it. Her mother called constantly to abuse me and demand I drop the claim. Then some of ‘Elizabeth’s’ new friends called and threatened to send an ex-con brother of theirs around to chop my fingers and toes off with an axe. The police told me there was nothing they could do unless I got a recording of the threats or they were carried out. I never complete the degree. I had two prac units to go and transferred into Humanities to finish my degree. By then I was so disillusioned I just did the bare minimum to pass. I never even attended graduation and the paper to mark the occasion is still in the cardboard roll it came in. I met a girl and got married while I was studying. After university I never got any of the jobs I applied for; the degree was worthless. Instead, I worked as a storeman, then an office clerk in the hope of getting better pay so my wife and I could start a family. My employer was a fraud, though, and stole wages from me and other staff as well as his employers and even the Queensland Government. But the ATO botched the investigation into him for unpaid Superannuation (they never even looked at the case and continued to tell me it was ongoing for two years after it was closed), despite taking him to court several times for failing to pay his taxes, and I ended up without a job or the money owed. I got work at the RBH in Patient Support and worked weekends for three years. The staff turnover rate due to workplace bullying and harassment, and low staff morale, was shocking, but not as bad as the utter disinterest and refusal of the authorities to investigate what was going on.

It was during that time that I witnessed some of the most horrific injustices I have ever seen. The workplace bullying and harassment was bad enough, but the indifference of staff toward patients (the “not my job” attitude) and misuse of Power of Attorney by relatives to steal their parent’s estates and assets was made even worse by the response that “nothing illegal has actually occurred”. I had watched people misuse the law to circumvent justice my entire life, but to have authorities defend the practice and both conceal and enable such anti-social and evil acts made me decide to try to make contact with my grandparents again. My wife and I were having our first child and I wanted to know who I was related to in order to avoid any potential issues of inbreeding. I tracked down several of ‘Claud’s’ relatives, but only ‘Myshell’ and ‘Clara’ responded to my requests for help. ‘George’ and ‘Elisa’, his parents, were dead. ‘Elisa’ had died six months before I made contact, and ‘Claud’s’ father ‘George’ two and a half years earlier. Nobody in the family was really speaking to one another. There’d been disputes over inheritance. ‘Claud’ had shown up around 1999 and convinced his parents he had settled down and reconciled with all his children. In fact, he claimed to be in regular contact with me. He had a new girlfriend with him, a girl called ‘Lilyth’. She was 19. ‘Claud’ was 44 at the time. She was six years younger than me, younger than at least three of ‘Claud’s’ children and seven of his nieces. They spent a lot of time with ’Claud’s’ parents and even used IVF to produce a daughter they named ‘Charlet’, after ‘Claud’s’ father’s only sibling, ‘Charles’, who died in his first year of life. Over the years they convinced ‘Elisa’ to write a new Will, giving them a larger share of inheritance, and cutting out ‘Lorenzo’, the son that had stayed and worked for them for years in exchange for what he would one day inherit. The situation became nasty.

‘Cate’, the eldest of ‘George’ and ‘Elisa’s’ children, moved in with her husband ‘John’ to “care for” them, but ‘George’ soon got packed off to a retirement home. Then ‘Cate’s’ husband died and ‘Elisa’ was moved into a nursing home. ‘Lorenzo’ and his family moved in and changed locks, taking what they wanted and throwing the rest into the ditch by the dairy. The lawyers moved in as ‘Lorenzo’ tried to get what he had been promised, but ‘Claud’ had rallied ‘Jeff’ and ‘Maurisa’ to his cause. ‘Lorenzo’ only got half of what had been promised for the twenty plus years of unpaid work (milking and maintenance) he did for his parents: the land, and not his share of the estates. Two years after it happened, I found out that ‘Lorenzo’ had died a year after his mother, around the time the dispute was settled. He had always been a good man. He served as a Captain in the CFA of years and always looked out for other people. He never wrote back to me when I asked him for help though. ‘Clara’ said her father wanted nothing to do with ‘Claud’ and, as his son, nothing to do with me. That’s what ‘Claud’ does: he takes good people and uses them, destroys their lives to satisfy his own greed. This ‘Lilyth’ now serves in the role he had planned for me, and the one he planned for someone like her. I doubt he actually loves her. I have grave concerns for his latest child, ‘Charlet’.

It’s weird that the authorities don’t care about what I have tried to report. I have been trying to get help in this matter for six years now, and first tried to report the abuse thirty years ago when I was twelve, then when I was sixteen, and again when I was nineteen, all to no avail. Nobody knows what happened to ‘Katrina’ and her child. ‘Claud’ left Queensland around the same time a young woman [Tabbatha Hodge] went missing near where he had offices for his business at the time, [DELETED]. That girl turned up in a car in a sewer previously searched – which found nothing – during a dredge a year later. It was suspicious. I know ‘Claud’ is more than capable of having done that. When I last wrote to him, almost six years ago, ‘Claud’ referred to ‘Elizabeth’ as my “special friend”, using such venom and hatred in his references to her, and claiming she is still manipulating and controlling me (despite her leaving me eleven years earlier) that I have begun to suspect she told the truth about what he did to her. ‘Claud’ also referred to three of his nieces as “special”. One is ‘Clara’, the eldest of ‘Lorenzo’s’ girls, who had broken up with her [DELETED] boyfriend when we started writing again. She swore she was never going to marry or have children. Another is ‘Myshell’, ‘Maurisa’s’ youngest, who has lived with her girlfriend for many years and has also said she will never marry or have children. At the age of 17 she developed problems with drugs and her parents. The third is ‘Jas’, ‘Maurisa’s’ second, who left home at 17 to marry her 26 year-old Baptist Minister boyfriend. The eldest of ‘Maurisa’s’ children is ‘Dara’, who left home at 17 and also has problems with her parents. ‘Claud’ use to visit ‘Maurisa’ and her children a lot. ‘Maurisa’ is submissive and complicit in whatever ‘Claud’ does. Again, without hard evidence of suspicions, the authorities don’t give a shit.

Even if you have evidence, the bar just gets set higher and higher until you fail and the matter can be ignored. I wonder if this is why Luke Batty was allowed to be murdered, or how Robert Hughs and Rolf Harris got away with what they did. Of course it was. On ‘Lilith’s’ side of the family, my efforts to contact her father met with failure. I no longer had his address. I had misplaced all the letters I had saved over the years so I had asked ‘Claud’ if he could give it to me. ‘Claud’ had boasted in his emails that he had been in regular contact with ‘Edward’, but he refused to help me. I made the mistake of sending ‘Claud’ a photo of my first daughter to send ‘Edward’ and asked him not to share it with anybody other than ‘Lilith’s’ father. ‘Claud’ refused and promptly sent it to ‘Lilith’, who told ‘Edward’ I didn’t want him to see it. ‘Claud’s’ emails quickly descended into the same manipulative bullying he uses to control people and I had to break contact again. He blamed me for everything that had ever been done to me and went on to say that he had every right to destroy the relationship between me and ‘Elizabeth’ because he didn’t think she was right for me and that I should never be allowed near children. Given his behaviour toward women and children, this was clearly projection.

I have tried to alert the authorities of several government agencies to my concerns regarding ‘Claud’ but he seems to be well protected. Despite his history and running businesses that are clearly internet scams or have a false address for offices and are registered in Queensland but run from Victoria, and present him as someone that is clearly not what he is, nobody cares. Simply Google his name and he’s like a rash. Money donated to children’s charities. Yet he never paid any child support for me or ‘Micha’. One business was clearly a scam: [DELETED].com. The people recommending it ran similar businesses and they all recommended each other’s version. “I’m not here to take your money,” the site opened with. Yeah, he was. He always was. In it he boasted of a six-figure income for years, and how his scheme allowed him to spend time with his family and kids. All lies. It provide advice on conflict resolution to create a happy work-home-life environment. Like he was an expert. [DELETED] listed a place in [DELETED] where he has offices. There are no offices. It’s a vacant paddock in farmland. Then there’s [DELETED] where he presents himself as a devoted father and husband, offering parental advice like he’s a guru. It provides him access to young women and children. And he does it while raising the finger at the authorities. [DELETED] is rooted in the Latin for [DELETED], [DELETED]. His business is literally ‘[to escape from parental responsibilities]’. Not long after I tracked him down, emailed him, and failed to let him manipulate, bully and control me, he had a huge photo of himself and his latest child posted in the [DELETED] in which he mentioned me. He was promoting himself. If someone wants to work with kids, like a teacher, they have to undergo a background check. ‘Claud’ has managed to find a way around this.

I’ve seen other photos of him and his latest child, ‘Charlet’. In one of them, she was gripping her mother’s clothes, almost hiding from ‘Claud’ who was seated on the other side of ‘Lilyth’. ‘Charlet’ looked terrified of him. I know that look. I’ve seen it too many times before. I got a bad feeling when I saw that photo. Over the years, those bad feelings have proven horribly accurate. That girl is going to have a hard life. She’s in serious danger. She was created using IVF. Apparently human life is now a commodity. How was he able to access this service despite a history of fathering and abandoning children, never paying child support? Why are there no background checks? I guess money can get corrupt people whatever they want. And yeah, I know, “it’s not illegal, just immoral.” That excuse is wearing thin. Our authorities make laws in hindsight, always playing catch-up and using inquests to blame someone else or make more excuses about why they didn’t act on what whistle-blowers and other informants have tried to warn them about. In years to come, when the truth does come out and the victims start to accrue, I look forward to providing my efforts and the responses to the lawyers involved in the class action against those who failed to investigate what I have tried to report for the last thirty years. Everything that has and will happen because of this failure could have been avoided. Somebody should have been asking the same questions I have been asking. Why am I not allowed to know who I am related to? Why have ‘Lilith’ and ‘Claud’ worked so hard to destroy my relationships with relatives and girls who befriended me? Why did ‘Claud’ relocate to Victoria after so many years in Queensland? Why has nobody investigated what I tried to report for the last thirty years? Why did so many people involved in ‘Lilith’s’ father’s Will make sure I couldn’t correspond with him or even know he was ill, had died, what happened, where he was buried or that they had submitted a Probate that conflicted with what he had intended?


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